UPDATE 21/5/2024!

Morning, guys! What's up?
I'm really sorry for the late update x_x I was really busy yesterday, but there's some good news!
I went for another check up and my doc said my liver is 95% recovered! He gave me more meds, sent me away, and I'm finally free! QuQ
No more bland food! *happy dance*

It was already night when I got everything settled though, and... I forgot to write an update until it's time for me to sleep--so here I am, first thing in the morning, writing a love letter & apology  an update to you <3

Another good news is I'm done checking Script 7!

The main routes are all done now & the antagonist route is next! 
Script 8-10 are relatively shorter, around 10k-13k lines each, so I should be able to work through one in 2 weeks the latest. It's a bonus route that you can get access to once you finished all 3 main routes. It might be not everyone's cup of tea though >_<; so here's some early warnings for you: some Gore description, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy, and there might be some suicidal thoughts if I remember correctly? I'll check & come back to you again after I finish checking it!

Now then, another thing I've forgotten is our Q&A session.
Can you remind me where we stopped at? 😂 because it completely escaped my mind.

Other than that, I hope all of you are healthy and happy! Casper and Juno is getting along really well. Casper is really greedy with toys (he wants all of them) and often barks & runs circles around Juno when he took possession of one, but thankfully Juno ignored him and didn't pounce/bark/fights with Casper Junior :'D It's like watching an old man ignoring a kid lol. Of course, I supervise all of their interactions & often praise Juno for being so gentle/ignoring Casper's mischiefs.

Ok, I'll stop rambling about my doggos x'D
Take care, drink lots, eat your meals, don't forget to smile, and see you again next week!



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Great news all around! Thank you for your hard work~

Thank you as always, Shiawase >///<
Let's continue to work hard together!

Awesome news on the script progress, that's amazing. Glad to know the doggos are doing well.


Thanks, ~Y U U~!
I'm also really happy with the progress and yup, they're thriving! Casper is especially well, I think he grew up twice his size compared to when he's 2 months old 😂

No problem and aww that's cute