UPDATE 22/3/2021!

Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you guys had an awesome week 'cause mine was hectic x'D

I didn't get to enjoy spa/bonding time with my mother-in-law-to-be (it got postponed) because we've been busy collecting the required documents for the church ceremonials! Honestly, I never thought it'd be this complicated ^^; I'm sweating just trying to remember what documents are needed and whether I forgot something--we also need to attend catholic wedding prep online class and get a certificate, which is a requirement for another thing and so on. It feels like a chain quest x'D

Still, I managed to secure some time to program Bermuda!

19 pages are programmed in!
Most of them are fighting animations with branchings. There are still more to come QuQ

I also added some special effects! 
Remember the timed menu options? In this event, a blood splatter will appear on each corner of the screen every time you make a mistake. Four strikes and game over ;)

Hmm... I think that's it for this week's update.
It's been a while since I show you a screenshot~ I don't want to spoil you but this much should be okay, right?

Welp, in any case, I gotta go now and work on the wedding invitation designs! Gotta make a few so we can compare and choose. I want to take it slow but they've been asking for it so... yeah x_x 

Ciao, my lovelies! See you again next week!


No Q&A session today because the author is busy! 
However, if you have any questions for the bachelors, don't hesitate and type away! ^.^)/


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see... this is why I skipped out on all the fancy to-do junk with getting married. I went to the courthouse (intentionally leaving mother-in-law out of the loop, because she's a psychotic control freak) and had local judge marry us.... he was super happy too, cause I was the only one of my sibblings he's had in his courtroom for something good XD. anyways GL with wedding stuffies! take good care and thankies for the updates!!!

Hi, Tathalia!
I knoooow, I wish I can just skip them and go straight to the church but nope, there are procedures.
Chinese ceremonies are also required--apparently, I come from a big family, so... yeah, the tradition is still there QuQ

I'm glad to hear your marriage goes without a hitch tho! I wish you a long, happy life with your partner <3 

*cough* Also, wish me luck with my mother-in-law x'D
I'm already having some concerns but if possible, I hope to get along with her ><

You too! Take care and thank you for dropping by ^////^
Your support makes my day brighter~



I wish you a long and fruitful marriage as well!!  Hope everything goes/went off without a hitch, and that the weather cooperates/ed!!

As always, though this is a day late, lol, I hope you've been taking care of yourself. Like the comments from before, I hope you're taking care of yourself since it seems like a lot to juggle wedding preparations and game dev stuff. As always, I enjoy reading up your progress!

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Hi, wagamama keimochi! It's okay, take your time! I'm also almost always late replying to the comments x"D

The preps are getting there and fortunately, my mom helped out and we got the documents faster than I thought it'd be! She's like a jet plane lol, bless her <3

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the update! -^.^- stay tuned and let's continue to work hard together!



Wow you're doing so much at once! Don't forget to pace yourself! You've already got a wedding to plan so don't wear yourself out before the big day!

Thanks for dropping by and showing me your support, Artemis_Ameretsu! >\\\<

I will! I think I'm getting healthier from all the exercise lol--still have lots to plan and schedule but it's getting smoother by the day >:'D

Let's continue to be productive and work hard together!



OOF! I know how painful it is to plan a wedding! T-T I had to help my best friend with hers and was chosen as maid of honor....so yeah.....OwO

Plus, it's so easy to lose documents, so I recommend you put them in a colored folder! :D There might be some things i don't understand because I'm Muslim, so the church isn't a thing for me O-O 

I can't believe you still programmed 19 pages! You should be planning your wedding or enjoying your time! :0

Welp! Take care of yourself and make sure to sanitize your surroundings thoroughly! :D


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Hi-ya, Sesame seed! That's so sweet of you to help a friend in need! We don't have maid/man of honor now because due to covid, there's a new rule where they limit the number of person than can attend the wedding >< both of us have big families so we prioritize them--and yes! I'm best friends with folders now! X"D my fiance and I each have 2 and we're almost done with the church preparations! We still gotta find photographers and a wedding organizer for the reception but we can breathe easier now lol

It's also thanks to my mom who helped out! I'm a snail in comparison lol, bless her!

You too! In this difficult times, take care of yourself and don't skip your meals :'3 don't be like me who's lazy to exercise and easy to get tired x"D

Catch you later!



P.S. I also appreciate that you're trying to understand my hardship when we have different religions! *Hugggs

Just commented on your last post, oops hello again. I'm cracking up that you compare the wedding stuff to a chain quest xD I have no clue how you're able to plan your wedding and script a game all at once! You're a powerhouse. Well, as the wedding date gets closer, try not to stress too much! I see brides go crazy by stressing haha, try to remember in the coming months that the big day is all about the love, the ceremony is just the celebration of that love! Try to go with the flow as much as possible. 

Hope you can get your spa day soon; self care is always >>>> !

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Hi, midichats! And rofl, you better believe it x"D I was really confused when my mom explained the church ceremonials to me and she gave me a list of what documents are necessary to register--there are at least 5 or 6 different documents and I gotta go back to the church where I first baptized to get one of them 😂 fortunately, my mom can help and go in my place. Thanks to her, I can still do some programming! She's very fast! In comparison I'm like a snail lol, bless her!

And yes! We need to remember it's all about love in the end <3 

Thanks for dropping by! Hope to see you again!



Omg finally the wedding date is approaching closer and closer aaaaa I'm so happy for you! Wedding must be a real hassle but it's going to be worth it for you and your partner! Semangat!! ><


Thanks, El.Seth! Yep, getting busier every day now with so many things to do--when I finished one, two more came up 😂 I'll probably be busy until mid-April but I'll make sure to spare some time for Bermuda! Let's work hard together! Semangat!!