UPDATE 12/27/2021!

Hi, guys! 
Sorry for the late update, I wasn't feeling well--still is actually ><;
I have this nasty cough; it's so itchy, my throat feels bloated, and it hurts so much, sometimes I want to throw up... but well, at least it's not covid :'D

Now then, before we get to see what progress I made last week, let me say this first:
Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrates it! I wish you a Happy holiday, filled with warmth and love! I hope all of my family, friends, and clients are healthy and having a blast <3

Here's a little something from me~

It's been a long time since I draw chibis! Aren't they adorable? >///<
 If you can adopt one of them, which one will you choose?

On a more serious note, here's my report on last week's programming!

- 26 pages programmed in! I ended up re-writing one of the antagonist's scenes, but other than that? As smooth as usual~
- Fixed 2 BGMs that sounds a little too small & polished Chapter 1 (Both for the antagonist's route and the main routes)

Finally, I'm planning to take a break next week :'3
Other than being sick, 2022 is coming and my big family are planning to host a party to celebrate it. I usually stay for around 2 days and with everything going on, I'm not sure I'll have the time/energy to do any programming ><

There's also my Pre-Wedding Photoshoot at 18th-19th January to think about OuO;
But don't worry! I'll definitely come here to ask for your permission again~

Well, that's it for now and see you guys again next week!
Have fun but don't forget to take good care of yourself!



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Long time no talk, but Merry belated Christmas, and happy new year, Chiel!

It's been a while, PangHerHeart but yup, Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year! >///<
I hope you're doing well and hopefully, this year is better than the last <3

Have wonderful holidays ahead! ^_^ And take good care of yourself.

Thanks, mif4n!
I've been busy these days but yeah, feeling the holiday season! x'D


Thank you for such a fulfilling year !! Reading your updates every week was always a happy part of my day, please take the break and be with your family for the beginning of the New Year :) 

I hope you feel better, and that you have a safe and fun party ^u^ 

(How can you adopt only one chibi, the sign should say “do not separate” instead LOL >///<)


Thank YOU for being here and for always supporting me, ro-ses!
Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too! I hope you're healthy and having a blast with holiday season -^.^)/

And lol, great idea! They shouldn't be separated x'D