UPDATE 27/5/2024!

Morning, guys! What's up?
It's still very hot over here :'D

The temperature is no joke, it feels like I'm in an oven and it's still morning! 
But other than the weather, everything is fine~ Casper just got his 3rd vaccine and he's recovering really fast. He still need to get the rabies shot later in 2 weeks & the cough one in a month afterwards (The doc recommended we separate the rabies shot because she's afraid Casper can't handle it since he's so small). But the good news is he's gaining weight! 1.3kg+, 500 grams more than before -^.^)/

What about you? Is it also hot over there? 
I hope something happened that makes you happy or smile X)

On the other hand, Bermuda's proofreading check is doing well!

I'm halfway done with Script 8 and it's scheduled to be finished this week! >:D

I'm also touching up some scenes, here and there. There were things I didn't notice before, loopholes, or even typos, like the player name is still Maya or incomplete sentences.

Cheers for another productive week! Here's hoping all of you are well and having fun with work/school--Let's continue to work hard together! ^///^ Don't forget to drink lots of water though, eat your meals, and rest plenty! 
See you again next week!



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Just out of curiosity, what's the word count for this game? I know it's significantly longer than Winged Ones.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for asking, KSR1! 
I went back and checked the scripts, Bermuda's 10 scripts have 766,946 in total. Please take this with a grain of salt because there are some coding mixed in, so maybe around 400k words?

Bermuda is at least twice as long or thrice longer than Winged Ones :'D
I didn't expect it to be this long... I'm really a bad planner x_x


That's amazing! You basically wrote a novel for each love interest.

Hello ^^ Glad to hear the news about Caspar's recovery and growth, he's doing well. Awesome news on the proofreading updates.

It's a bit cold where I am lately, our heatwave ended. All the best in the heat. Thank you, I will remind myself to drink more.


Yes, he's doing so well! Thanks for visiting as always ~Y U U~! >u<
I hope my heatwave end soon! I'm sweating like a sinner in a church everyday and a bath doesn't help much. 

Yes, let's drink more water everyday!

That's great and no problem. whoa thats very intense heat. thanks u too