UPDATE 3/6/2024!

Morning, guys! What's up?
Are you still fighting the hot weather? Because I still am๐Ÿ˜‚ the heat is getting ridiculous and I heard it'll get worse in August? God, I hope not x_x any hotter and I think my house will become a steam house.

It's been rough but the good news Bermuda's progress is still going as steady as ever!

I've finished checking Script 8 last week, just as planned!
If things keep going like this, I think I'll be finished with all 10 scripts this month! ๐Ÿฅณ yay! Let's keep working hard together, everyone!

Meanwhile, Casper and Juno is doing very well! Casper is now at least twice his size compared to when I first I adopted him, and Juno is very gentle--even when he's chasing after the little kiddo x'D I think it's safe to say he has accepted Casper into our family/pack <3

With that said, cheers for another productive week!
Let's keep this up and we'll be done in no time--just don't forget to drink your water, guys! Eat your meals, stay healthy, and most importantly, don't forget to smile! ^.^)/

See you again next week!



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I haven't played this game in years! I'm so excited for it to come out fully, I'm cheering for you! Good work!

Me too, Justkitty! It's long overdue and I'm amazed at how patient you guys are!
I'm doing my best--hopefully it'll reach your expectations (I'm getting a little scared now >_<;


That's amazing progress. Glad things are going well. Awe nice that Casper is growing too and that Juno is ok ^^ All the best


Yes! It won't be long now, ~Y U U~!
Juno is probably the best uncle Casper could ever wish for. He's very gentle & stays calm when Casper robs some of his food, but the warning air nips are still there whenever the little thief tries his luck too much ๐Ÿ˜‚ 



Awe that sounds really sweet

Good Job, Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to the finish of all that hard work.  

You're welcome, Delia Stariat! And thank YOU for being such an understanding & patient supporter <3 I'm a very lucky person to have all of you waiting for me ^///^

