UPDATE 17/6/2024!

Good evening, everyone! 
How did your week go? Mine was very good! I have no big problems last week, I'm getting a new glasses soon, and Bermuda's progress is going as steady as ever! So I'm very happy and content right now ^.^)/

I've finished checking Script 9! There are only 5k lines in Script 10 so if things go smoothly, I should be able to finish it this week! From there, I think I'll just need another week or two at most to check all the routes + making the official walkthrough!

Here's hoping I'll be able to deliver this baby in July! QuQ *happy tears

On the other hand, I'd also like to share some small joys with you:
Casper can play fetch now and while he still likes to steal one or two kibbles from Juno, he's learning to stop/get away from Juno's bowl whenever I say 'Heh' or 'No' 😂 (Heh is kinda like a slang for No, it's what I say/exclaim whenever I was caught unprepared).

With that said, cheers for another productive week!
Here's hoping all of you are also happy--don't forget to eat your meals, drink lots, and smile!



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Thank you for the update. Lovely to hear about Casper and awesome job on the progress. July is very soon! Sending my best wishes to you as well.


You're welcome, ~Y U U~!
Yes, it's coming soon~ I'm crossing my fingers. I hope there's no bugs and the routes checking will go smoothly without a hitch!

All the best! I hope its a smooth journey


July? Fingers crossed. Good Job. Thank you for all your hard work; Im looking forward to the finish work.

Me too, Delia Stariat! Me too.
Here's hoping there won't be any big bugs or errors!
Thank you for supporting me all these years QuQ we can see the finish line now!

(2 edits) (+5)

omg TT july ?! aaaaaaa congratulations !!! >//< i admit i've grown attached to reading ur game logs ;'c i will miss them sjksjksjks, i hope the development of the game stays smooth so u can finally launch ur baby. stay hydrated ! <3


Awww, thank you, yanderevitamin!
If after playing Bermuda you're still up for more VN, don't worry, I'll come up with more! x'D
I have 2 ideas in my head already & I'm planning to have a poll to choose which one to do next lol

And thank you for the good wishes <3 I also hope the routes programming check will go without a hitch!