UPDATE 24/6/2024!

Good evening, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I'm doing great!
Bermuda's progress is going exactly as planned and I feel a bit emotional now, because all that's left for me to do is to check the programming of each route & making the official walkthrough Q_Q

I'll start checking the routes this week. I'm also going to look for 'official walkthrough' references. 
I mean, some developers make their walkthrough into a small book. I like the idea of using the same theme as the Artbook so they'll become like a set--does that make sense? :'D 

The ones I remember are from Legend of Mana, Harvest Moon, Suikoden... If you have a good game walkthrough reference, please do tell me! I want to do my best! >:) If things go well, I think I should be able to finish checking & making the walkthrough in 2 weeks!

On the other hand, Casper is going to have his final vaccine shot soon at 8th July! It's called Bordetella or something--if I remember correctly, it's to prevent respiratory diseases, so cheers! I hope he'll be a good boy and won't struggle much... I'm happy that he's energetic but it frightens/worries me when he struggles during the vaccination process.

Well, that's it for now.
As always, thank you for reading my updates! I hope all of you are well and happy!
Eat your meals, drink lots, have plenty of rest, and don't forget to smile!
Oh, and wish me luck--I hope I don't find a tricky bug or an error >_<;




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Hi SweetChiel, it's been a super long time! It's awesome to see that Nusantara Bermuda Triangle just needs a bit more testing and refining before it's out for real! I loved playing through all of The Winged Ones and learning about Indonesian culture, so I'm definitely getting Bermuda Triangle as soon as it comes out.

Hi, wagamama keimochi! 
Yes, it's been a long time indeed! I can't thank all of you enough for supporting me throughout the years Q_Q 

I'm crossing my fingers now--I hope I can reach your expectations! I look forward to hear your thoughts later! >_<



Best of luck with testing~


Thank you, Shiawase~
Cheers for a productive week! >u<


I hope you don’t over work yourself and take it easy! I’m so excited for this game and can’t wait to play it! Thank you for all your hard work and it’s been great following all the updates all this time. It kinda feel surreal that it’s this close to done😂😂😂

Thank you, ImaPandaFox! 
I'm excited but also scared that I might miss something 😂 I swear--I've checked the script multiple times but I STILL found a few typos when I checked the routes last week! I'm crossing my fingers Q_Q

You're welcome and thank YOU for always supporting me! I couldn't have gone this far without you guys >///<


Awesome news on the update. Wish Casper all the best with his upcoming shot. Thanks for the well wishes, all the best to you too


Hi, ~Y U U~! 
Thanks! I also hope there won't be any complications for Casper later :'3

Cheers for another productive week! Let's continue to do our best! >_<)/

Thank you ^^ Hopefully yes


Thank you for the update, I'm very excited to play the game! Hope you have a good week!

You're welcome, HoseokDestro!
Thank you for sparing some time to read my updates and for supporting me ^////^
I also hope you have a wonderful week! Let's do our best & work hard together!