UPDATE 29/7/2024!

Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I can finally take a breather and Bermuda's walkthrough is entering its final phase!
- I've finished 11 pages, all routes are now good to go! The total is 62 pages, including the cover.
- I've also finished making Arya's chibi head to be used as one of the bonus stickers--Arya doesn't show up much as an in-game chibi, even if he did, it's in wolf form lol, so I make a new one for him x'D

The current cover design is quite simple though:

Now the question is:
- Would it be better if I provide you the .PSD/photoshop file for the cover & .PNG for the rest of the pages, so you can customize it as much as you want? You can change the background color, the font, or basically anything you want! 

I just thought about this since I'm not sure you can customize it easily if I give you .PDF file like I did with the artbook. The file will be 36mb, and less if I compress it, so it's definitely possible for me to do. Of course, if you have a better idea, I'm all ears!

I'll wait for your answer~ in the meantime, I'll make a lot of stickers for you -^.^)/ the good news is that Bermuda & the walkthrough should be ready next week! I'm quite nervous... I hope everything will go smoothly and I don't forget anything >_<;

Cheers for another productive week and I'll see you again next week!



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Get Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle

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OMG congrats! So close to the end !

This looks cute! I don't have photoshop so I personally would be a pdf type; so I am unsure personally. Wish you a lovely week!


What a coincidence, ~Y U U~!
I'm currently contemplating whether I should separate the download links. I mean, I know some of you prefer a PDF file while some prefer the .PNG files so they can customize it further, so maybe I should just separate them so people can pick whichever they prefer? x'D 

I'm a bit indecisive but I think this is the best outcome? I'm getting excited & nervous now that Bermuda is going to be released next Monday!

Yeah that is a good point, maybe that would work?

All the best for the upcoming release! Hope it all goes well


Hello! A quiet supporter here, just wanted to come here and say thank you for all your hard work! And I can't wait to play this!! 🤍

Also I was wondering what the price is, so I can keep some money aside for it when I'm paid😊

Make sure to hydrate and rest when needed 🤍

Oh my, thanks for showing up, OtOmE_&_AnImE_LoVeR!
Thank you for silently supporting me through all those years... it really has been a long time, isn't it? I'm always grateful to all of you who are still here  -^.^)/

I've been thinking about the price for a long time and the number that I came up with is 19.99 USD$, while the official Walkthrough & Artbook set is 14.99 USD$! I hope it's a fair price for all ages <3

You too, please stay safe and healthy! Take your time playing, have fun, & I hope to hear your thoughts later~



I think in the PSD file it sounds easier to make the customizations than the PDF, but if its to much of a botter to make than a simple PDF file would also be great. Thank you for another update! Glad to see things are almost done, I can't wait to play, have a nice week!

You're welcome! As always, thank you for sparing some time to visit & reading my updates, Mari867 <3

Yes, I also think .PSD file is easier for everyone to edit, only for the cover though. If I give you the .PSD for the pages, the size will be quite big--I think around 200mb? Not to mention the hazardous layers I have in there 😂

I also look forward to your thoughts about the game later!


Great! I can't wait to play. 

How will those of us who purchased it through PayPal a few years ago receive access?


Hi, KSR1! Oh don't worry, if I remember correctly, itch.io has a key function like steam and you'll be able to download with it--I'll keep you updated! If not, another solution is I will give you a download link via MediaFire or Gdrive ^.^

Okay, thanks!