UPDATE 4/29/2019!

Morning, guys!

How did your week go? ^.^

Mine is a bit bumpy with the usual polishing and plot bunnies jumping here and there ><;

I even re-wrote a scene in Chapter 3 part 3 (common route). I'll re-read it again later and see if there's anything else I can improve >:) 

Overall, I wrote 3.9k+ words last week. We're halfway down Chapter 4 part 2 and I'll think of one or two small scenes before we go to a huge scene where we'll get another discussion + antagonist POV ^.^)/

I've written a large part of the antagonist POV, the only problem is how I'll insert it/integrate it with the other events...hopefully I won't overthink about it and make it difficult ^^;;

My part-time job as my friend's coloring assistant is going well but my body don't feel so well since yesterday though x_x

I have this very painful period cramp, which is funny since my periods usually doesn't hurt as if someone was twisting a knife in my belly.

So... I'll take a few days off and use this chance to mull over what other interesting ideas I could insert in the Winter Arc :'D

That's it for now, thanks for reading, and see you guys next week!



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Oof, I know how that period thing goes, and the fact that you can work so well with them is amazing/nice. You are awesome, and I hope you feel better soon. o3o


Thanks! Us women are amazing creatures, you know?
We give birth, squeeze out milk, leak blood/have a bloody war each month, and we survive! x'D

(1 edit)

It's that time of the year again when I finally can go home after months of lecture and sleep deprivation. And I'm typing this after my professor scolded my class lmao

I'm burnt out tbh lol

But I hope you don't have to go through that. But when you do, remember to drink milk. (Get it? Lol)

And... sorry that you have cramps... It sucks...

Nevertheless, have a nice day!


Aww, I do hope you can catch up with your sleep & don't forget to eat/drink! Replenish yourself with a cold drink/ice cream too! ><
The hard time will pass *pats, and yes lol, drink milk x'DD

Here's hoping for things getting better! *high-five!

:(( Oof, period cramps sure are the worst. However, I hope my love and support for your games and you makes the pain lessen! :) Please don't push yourself. I'll be waiting patiently for the next update!


Thanks, Sugar~

I spent most of my time on bed this week + doing part-time jobs, but the Winter Arc is slowly coming to the way I want it to be!
As always, thank you for your support *hugs~

Aw, period cramps are awful - I always feel as if I was dying, so I can understand your pain - hope you'll feel better soon!

It does! I still feel it now :'))
thanks for worrying, Konoi *hugs <3