UPDATE 26/8/2024!

Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine went by so fast--I have so many webtoons to read and movies to rewatch, time just disappeared like smoke ๐Ÿ˜‚

However, I did fix another problem found on Bermuda:
- Elseth reported to me that Bermuda doesn't seem to work on old macs? I'm not sure how to explain this, but here's his/her exact words:
"But just letting you know that I'm having trouble playing the Mac build. My Mac is M1, and I think the market build dont work in M1 (Right now, I'm playing with a very old windows laptop). I think it has to do with the market build and my mac architecture. M1 and M2 macbooks dont use the Intel Architecture, they use ARM if I'm not wrong. I notice that market builds dont work in M1 whenever i publish a game as well, so i always choose to build windows, linux and mac separately in renpy."

Shoutout to Elseth and Bouki for bringing this to my attention!

I've uploaded a separate Mac build for Bermuda! (NusantaraBermuda FULL GAME 1.4.4 Ver. MAC)
Mac users, please try it and tell me whether it works or not, because my Macbook 2012 have died and I can't test it myself :')

I also fixed the sketch for the Exclusive Wallpaper with my friend's help, erdaenos:

I still have a lot of work/training to do with my perspective ^^;

With that said, I did have a quite restful vacation last week~ I will slowly work on the Exclusive Wallpaper now! Please look forward to it, my Indiegogo's pledger & patrons on Patreon~

That's it for now and see you again next week!



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I am glad to hear your vacation was restful. Thank you as well for uploading another build for older mac models.