UPDATE 9/9/2024!

Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was as busy as always~ my office is preparing for a new project since the artists team is ahead of the programmers. I'm going to be busy making backgrounds later, while it's going to be a good portfolio for me, I pray I don't get a burnout ^^; making backgrounds can be very tiring, especially when I need to somehow insert 30 items in it--wish me luck!

Speaking of background, I'm quite satisfied with the progress of Bermuda's Exclusive Wallpaper! I'm around 90% finished with the background, but it might change later. I'm a little worried with how the characters will turn out but I'll do my best as usual! >_<;

I can't share the finished wallpaper with you since it's exclusive for my Patrons on Patreon & Indiegogo's backers, but I CAN share the background with you! -^.^)/

A full preview of the wallpaper progress will be published on my Patreon! It's been a very long time since I shared a full image like this, I hope this can bring you some joy or make you smile ^///^

Personally, I think it's still a long way until I finish the wallpaper and move on to my next to-do-list, but we'll see! In the meantime, I'll brainstorm to complete the plots for my next projects. I don't have much inspiration these days, but I'll keep looking!

That's it for now and cheers for another productive week! Let's continue to do our best everyday! ^.^)/
Eat well, sleep well, and see you again next week!



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Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/SweetChiel
or buy me a Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sweetchiel

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How's married life? 

Hi, yohanlove!
The short summary is: I've separated from my husband for around a year now. Problems with ex-mother-in-law and my ex-husband couldn't become the midman, he takes his mother's side & chaos ensued. 

But the good news is I'm actually thriving now after we separated x'D I also still believe in love so yup, all is good!

Hi, hope you are okay. That background is stunning btw. wish you all the best. 


Yup, everything is doing okay--I just hope I can get a break from office work before we start on a new project x'D

And thank you, ~Y U U~! I'm very happy to hear you like the background ^////^

I'm glad to hear it! And i hope things work out with a break too.

No problem, it's very nice