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I love this game! I actually first played it a while ago but swapped computers and though I could remember the game I could never remember the name of it until a couple of days ago. I'm so glad I found it again! :D

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Ahhhh start with the hardest question ;_; It's a toss up between Mitra and Reksa - it depends which route I'm doing at the time :p Mitra would prooobably steal my heart like 0.01% more than Reksa. Rama's...his mood shifts are little too uncomfortably familiar for me to really like him that much.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

Pretty boys with wings! It's rare to find a VN with winged people and even rarer to find one where they're not angels (i was raised kind of small-town catholic so flirting with angels is suuuuper uncomfy for me so im extra glad to find a game where they're not angels). Also, the art samples are gorgeous and I really wanted to see how the whole game looked.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what elements stand out the most? (art? story? character?)

The art is absolutely beautiful, I mean genuinely breathtaking. The characters were very well-written; Not only the bachelors but Granny Sukma, Asih, and Yuda also all felt like family members by the end.
4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Tamara's comments about Ayu being weak for committing suicide were a, they touched a raw spot? I don't really know to phrase it? It seemed very harsh given the nature of it?
5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
Absolutely! I'm really looking forward to Bermuda Triangle!

Hi, keystring! Thanks for visiting and reviewing! Glad to hear you found this page after swapping computers x'D

1. Ah yes, I can understand that. His mood swings also a challenge and made me uncomfortable at times :"D -and finally! Another Mitra lover <3 he needs more love since the majority of girls chose Reksa x'D

I'll deliver your love to them ~

2. Yup, I agree that we need more fantasy VNs :"3 I'm also a catholic and flirting with an angel will be... *coigh* awkward *cough*

3. Awww thanks! I'm glad you like my art >\\\< I still have rooms for improvement though! I'll do my best to keep taking your breath away x'D

4. Yes, I agree about that. *SPOILER ALERT*

However, Rama has to face the harsh reality -even by force since the easy/soft way has failed. Granny Sukma, Mitra, and the others spent years to try convincing him but to no avail :'( if this continues, Rama will keep walking on a wrong path. I also think it's better to be blunt about it than having to say it in a roundabout/white lie since Rama will think you're lying/unsure about it and he will keep making excuses later.

*ahem, but I'll admit that I have no experience in this field (psychology). So this is all based on my logic and from reading various fictions ><*

5. Yay! Me too! I feel both excited and scared for Bermuda's campaign later lol x'D

I hope to see you around ~

Okay so I finally finished playing all the routes, I had a glitch that meant I didn't have a visible option to give Rama the crystal and therefore couldn't find his good ending for ages, but I got there eventually :)

This was so great, I am actually a little sad that it's finished now, kind of like the first time you read Tolkein's The Hobbit, and you want to stop reading it because you don't want it to be over.

The artwork was absolutely beautiful, the characters are very well written, plausible and engaging. The attention to detail in even the small aspects of their daily lives, their costumes was wonderful.

1.Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

First off they were all wonderful, Ah Mitra, so adorable, so warm. I'd have to say Reksa was probably my favourite though, there is just something about his possessiveness while still accepting Tamara will do whatever she wants anyway is very cute and also he is probably the most passionate character which I liked about him......though like I said they are all great in their own way, I can kind of tell how much you care about each of them.

2.What makes you consider to play this game?

Chance really that I stumbled across it, I am pretty new to this genre, but the image of the beautiful boys with wings......sold.

3.Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

It is absolutely beautiful! honestly I am in awe of your talent for both the character design, art and story writing.

4.Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

I actually liked that the characters don't speak at all like some otome games, frankly when they do if you don't like the voice they use for a character it can put you off a bit, whereas when they don't have a predetermined voice each player can imagine them to sound how ever they would like, it's more relate able that way.

As for questions I have 3, How old is Reksa? I couldn't work it out though you hint he may be a bit younger.

Who was the person Tamara kept dreaming about being tortured?

And lastly were you a part of the Ball Jointed Doll community? your name SweetChiel seems familiar somewhere in the back of my mind.

5.Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?

Absolutely I would. Where can I stalk you? ;)

Hi raewhitewolf04!

Welcome back and I'm so glad to hear you managed to finish all routes :'D


Rama's route is the most tricky of all three >< if you pick false things in the begining, his good route will be locked (yup, it's not a glitch but intentional, sorry :"D)

The things are:

- if you pick to save Reksa, you have to be honest. Never lie since Rama hates liars.

- you have to meet Rama a lot (pick the choices that ends up with Tamara meeting him and ignore other bachelors) since you needs a lot of affection points to fulfill another of his good end requirement.

I have to say that I'm surprised you managed to find his good end without a walkthrough x'D

1. Aww thank you! :"D they are like my babies and hearing how you like all of them makes me all warm and soft inside x'D

And yup, Reksa is the most passionate than the others :")) it's a bit surprising for me too... I sometimes still blush whenever I reread his route hahah

2. Yay! I notice that not a lot of VNs have boys with wings in them x'D glad to see you like them -and welcome to the visual novel world!

3. Now you're making me blush O///O

I still have lots of room to improve compared to all the big guns up there, but I'll do my best to be better in my next project ><

4. I agree! Even if I want to add voice acting, it's very hard to find a voice that truly clicks with the characters!

As to how old Reksa is, he is 20 years old. 7 months younger than Rama while Mitra is the oldest, 22 years old. Tamara is 19 :"3

As to who the one in Tamara's dream is; Rama. It's visualizing the moment of Rama's mental torture. In his mind, everyone is laughing and mocking him. It also pictures the moment of his last attempt of suicide (the loud CRACK is the sound of bones breaking)

Aand nope, I'm not in a joint-doll community :"3 maybe similar nicknames?

5. Yay! Thanks for your support! x'D you can stalk me on my facebook fanpage or patreon!

Thanks again for visiting & reviewing! I hope I answered your questions ^,^



It keeps jamming and closing on the part where tamara is talking to mitra about the picture of his parents. Is there something I can do to fix this? or will I have to download it again?

Hi raewhitewolf04!

Hmm... this is new o.o the renpy version shouldn't have this bug... I suggest to re-download and try playing it in window mode not full-screen mode. It should make it lighter for our computer's RAM ><

I'm sorry for the discomfort!



Thank you, I was playing it in the smaller window, but I will give your suggestion a go. Thank you by the way, it is beautiful :)

(1 edit)
Please provide language Indonesia (original language)
So we know this game is locally made
And adds to the notion that the local game is interesting

My formal bahasa indonesia sucks to be honest :"D I intentionally chose foreigners as my market so I can share Indonesian unique traditions with them.

Also, I work alone; I don't know how to localize it except from programming it again from scratch after translating. It will consume too much time and I prefer to use that time to make a new story.

(1 edit)

Omg, this visual novel is just amazing, especially how you mixed the Indonesian culture with ancient and modern. It's just SO beautiful. No words can describe how much I've loved it.

Oh, can I know what piece you used for the title screen? I really love the music, it's very soothing~

*I haven't read Reksa's route yet so I'll be editing this as soon as I'm done, I promise. xD*

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Hm.. I can't say for sure seeing as I've only read two routes. There's some other decision I want to try on Rama's as well to see what will happen. If I had to just pick from those two, I'd probably say Rama's? I'm not quite sure why. Mitra is very much someone I've always looked up to as a man seeing that he's the ideal life partner and all but there's something about Rama that makes him really special.

What makes you consider to play this game?

The first thing that drew me in was the aesthetics, so basically the beautiful drawings. That's the big picture. Then there were these small intricate details that were linked to the culture that drew me in even more. I'm really clueless about it but I think I've learned quite a lot about the culture through this VN and I'm glad I know now. It's really amazing. Then the plot. When I read it on the website, I was interested almost immediately.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Overall, I think it's definitely something you could even sell with a pricetag on it. The whole experience was very immersive with the background music and noises, making it seem like you were really experiencing it in the moment. I think what stands out the most is the story. Each character has their own story to tell and I feel that Rama's is the one that's most interesting to me so far. (I have yet to read Reksa's. :P)

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

Hm.. I can't say I do. This novel was a package. Sure, it lacked voice acting since most novels introduce in their pieces to make them stand out more but to be completely honest, I doubt this VN even needed it. It's perfect. It didn't need anything extra to make it anymore perfect than it already is.

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)


Very big yes!

Hi Arisa ~!

I'm happy to know you enjoyed the Winged Ones very much! ^///^ The title screen's music is from titled "RPG Theme". The title is very creative isn't it :"))

1. Aah I see o.o Mitra does based on an image of ideal partner we've always wanted though so you're right :'3 I'll look forward to hear which one is your favourite after you've read them all! >\\\<

2. Aww thanks! I'm glad to hear you like my art :"3 but I do have a lot more to learn and improve -the Fantasy genre is flexible and there are lots to explore! However, I'm planning to have the mini encyclopedia permanently and will always apply some indonesian element if possible x')

3. Thank you :"D you noticed the small details! I'll do my best to make more interesting VNs in the future to meet your expectations! My 2nd project is a lot longer and complicated than the Winged Ones, so I hope you'll give it a chance later ><

And yup, I believe that every character will have their own stories to tell and roles to fill. That's why NPCs deserves at least a silhouette :"D Rama has the heaviest story from the other two and some people don't have the patience with him so I'm glad you like him! X'D

4. ... I'm touched you call my baby perfect QuQ I did my best, but to be objective, there are still some loopholes and things I can to improve! Do wait for my 2nd project and see if I've lvl-ed up or not!

5. YAY! *hugs* I'll be counting on you to share the love when my 2nd project's IndieGoGo campaign come to life! :"D

Thanks for visiting and see you in the near future!



So I finally managed to finish all the routes, I can't seem to get 3 CG's from Tamara, Rama and Reksa. No idea what I'm doing wrong, lul. Anyway! I read Reksa's route and I think I've finally decided who I love the most. Reksa~ xD He's just extremely adorable. Rama has this tendency to push you away before finally giving in whereas Reksa draws you in from the getgo and doesn't let you go after that. (/ *0*)/ That's really sweet. He's my fave, woo. >///< 'MINE!' xD (I still love Rama too but Reksa more, haha)

Thanks for letting me know about the music too~

Welcome back Arisa! Wow you're quite fast x'D and you're welcome. The musics in are free so feel free to download them but credit the creator ~

The 3 CGs are probably the sad endings. I know that all of you want only the happy ends but if you want to complete the CGs, try and read the sad ends x'D

Aaand Reksa got himself another fan! Hahahah, I'll deliver your love to him :'3

Thanks for playing and hope to see you again in the future!

I love it so much, so far i've only been able to play Mitra but the feels in his route got to me. The art is gorgeuos too, I love all the characters ,and am living for Tamara's hair. Spoiler alert but does Rama die no matter what in Mitras route? Because when I played I was like damn I killed him , what did I do wrong.

There's a couple of Grammatical errors, and I'm usually very picky about them ,but I loved the story so much It was easy to ignore. Also there's some issues for I assume the Mac version. I am unable to click options without it bugging out ,and bringing to an programming looking window . I also cannot fast foward.

I may be jumping the gun a little to soon, for i've only played one route so far. But when you finish your other Visual Novel if the price is reasonable! Heck yes I will buy it.

Thanks TheRosetteWolf! I'm flattered you love the story enough to ignore the flaws :"D really, that's so sweet of you. Even to the point you support me by wanting to buy my 2nd VN >< I'll do my best to improve my programming skill!

I'll also look forward to hear your thoughts after finishing all 3 routes! ^,^

As for Rama's route...


Yes, he will die except if you managed to get into his route >< his route is the trickiest of all 3 so I suggest you save often or see a walkthrough.

As for the option error... nope, that error also appeared in PC & Linux version just because I forgot to download a font and put it into the 'game' file ^^;

If you want to fix it, read the error message and look at what file is missing (I'm sorry, I'm ashamed to say I forgot which font it is since it's a long time ago OTL...), download the font, rename it like the error's file name wanted, put it in 'game' file, and it should run.

Again, I'm sorry for such amateur-ish mistakes ^^;

As for the cannot fast forward... it should be automatically fast forward when you press CTRL in PC version so it should be either pressing CTRL or CMD. I can fast forward using CTRL in my mac though O.O; pls inform me again if you still can't fast forward when you pressed those buttons.

Oh okay the ctrl will solve the problem :) Also no problem I give credit when its due.

Ah, glad that one is solved! I know how annoying it is if we can't skip some of the scenes we already know ><

(1 edit)

Okay i've played all the routes ,and gosh i'm at a lost for words. I enjoyed and loved playing it so much! I wanna start by saying I loved all the guys ,but I do have favorites.

While I did love Rama (his little 'stalking' escapades warmed my heart.) I'd have to say my favorites are Mitra ,and Reksa.

Mitra: This guy right here! Just like described is like a big ole teddy bear, he is such a precious cinnamon roll, and despite his giant stature is the most gentle of characters. He's also very easy on the eyes XD I was shocked at how sweet ,amiable, and understanding he was , especially in Reska's route.

Reska: I legitimately squealed near the end of his route , it was slightly more mature of an ending than the others (which if you want to make it even more mature you know ;) i'm not complaining). I loved how possessive he was of mc , and it never came off as being creepy or rude which is good considering Tamara's traumatic past. It just made my heart flutter even more when he would huskily growl "mine" at Tamara ahhh boy did I enjoy his route.

Rama: Omg poor baby, seriously there's only one thing that made me like the other guys route a little more than his ,and it wasn't too big of a deal. Because I mean at least he told her he loved her in the end ,and they shared a few super sweet kisses. Also he got closure which his also a nice touch ,and i'm a huge fan of unrequited love being reciprocated. So his route would of been right up my ally ,however this is just me being picky; Near the end of his route, I was craving a strong establishment of a relationship between him and Tamara. Because, In Mitra's route he "courts" her , and in Reska's route he makes her his "mate" perhaps I just expected it. With Rama we surmise-no wrong word- we know that they will end up together. However, ugh i'm just so persnickety about certain things, and I wanted him to court her just like Mitra. Or exchange something that would promise themselves to each other, like he gives her one of his feathers and she gives him a lock of her pretty blue hair. For Rama because his route is sad ,and extra sad in the others route, omg i'm so bad with tragedy, but because of this I wanted and extra happy ending. I know he has circumstances that probably make him reluctant to court Tamara, he mentions all the time being unworthy of her. But, its the fact that his route is so sad, that I wanted to see him super happy, with some cute blue haired kiddos , with brown wings, and icy-blue eyes. Okay sorry I went a little overboard, but honestly I still really enjoyed his route. It was still a very happy ending which always makes a game worth it. Also I loved how tsunderish he was at times, refusing to admit he has feelings for Tamara, but when someone tries to flirt or court her he's ready to rip their wings out XD

Also the side characters, we also so lovable, Granny Sukma, Asih , and Yuda. I loved them so much too!

Ahh I would love sequels , or epilogues for this game. Ugh just blue haired babies with cute little wings, or mask on their heads. I know it's not possible , but just so you know the fact that I'm asking just shows how much I loved your game.

Thank you so much for giving us the wonderful game to play for free. I can't wait for your next game.

Oh also you already know how much I like your art, but I'll mention it again here. The whole game was beautiful, also when I have time I don't mind helping you with any grammatical errors, only if you want. I'm not 100% confident that i'll be able to make every thing correct, but i'm not too terrible at finding grammatical mistakes.

YAY! You came back so fast! X'D I thought it will need another day or two for you to finish lol.

Your review made me smile first thing in the morning! Thanks! :'D

Aww, I'm so happy you gave the three of them a chance and loved every one of them :'D and yes, Mitra is the most fluffy-sweet route compared to the others! I enjoyed writing them too, but somewhat sad when he got overshadowed by the other bachelors. I'm happy that you noticed his worth :'D

While Reksa... *cough* I often asked myself how did his scenes became so... more mature than the others x'D I sometimes became embarassed when I read his scenes hahahah. I'm glad that a lot of people like this tho :'3

And Rama... I think I know exactly how you feel!

Even I sometimes wanted to pull my hair off whenever Rama became so nitpicky/standoff-ish with Tamara. Heck, she was probably a saint at how patient she was in Rama's route :")) if she didn't relate so much with Rama, I think she will pull off HIS hair hahah x'D his stalkering scene was also one of my favorites <3

Anyways... I'm also a fan of making fluffy/romantic scenes, especially strong ones, but sadly, Rama's psychology won't allow him to be able to accept another person in his heart so fast and he will need a lot of time to get out of his self-depreciating mentality :'( but thanks for the input in this one! You didn't go overboard at all, I'll take note and consider a longer epilogue/extra scene if I create another bachelor with similar circumtances.

Lastly, thanks for liking my art and even offered to be a proofreader >\\\< Currently, I have 2 active proofreaders in my 2nd project. I'll let you know if I decide to get another one/for my next project in the future ^///^

I hope to see you again in the future!



Haha omg i'm laughing because you are so right! I loved the game so much I played through it all night ,and when I got back home from class played it again. I was a zombie in class today XD but it was worth it. Also i'm glad I made you smile, can't wait for your next game.

(2 edits)
  1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why? (spoilers)

After playing through all 3, Mitra is still my favourite (I chose him first). Reksa and Rama each have their own appeals, but I feel the deciding point was when Mitra was the only one who helped Tamara to let go of her past. In this way, the relationship had felt more equal in a sense. (Not to mention, Mitra is a huge cuddly cinnamon roll that makes me laugh at his courting attempts) In addition, from the stand point of Tamara being almost raped, Reksa and the Komodo's culture might not be so suitable for her. I'm pretty sure Reksa would never intentionally hurt her or force her into anything, just that I feel Tamara and him have a few hurdles to go through before 'that' happens.

The crazy amount of patience Tamara shows with Rama doesn't seem very realistic. Though I feel sympathetic towards Rama, ultimately that's all I feel there is. Pity. Which Rama also pointed it out in the game and I thought it was pretty ironic. There wasn't enough moments between Rama and Tamara that make me feel their connection is real.

I also notice Rama has the most amount of CGs in the game and Mitra has the least! Being a Mitra (and Reksa) fan, maybe in the next game, you may want to consider balancing it?

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

Art. And I'm aiming to play every VN offered in The beautiful cover art of Reksa definitely helped too.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

The real life tradition references. This is one part that I feel no other VNs have managed to convey very well. The story telling is pretty amazing either, I honest to good burst out laughing when the aunties and even the guards were speculating on the relationship between Mitra and Tamara. This buildup make the final part of Omed-omedan very believable that the 2 villages are all in it to matchmake them to be together. I thought it was also important that Asih, Yuda and Granny are extremely likable and realistic. As I have a few Indonesian friends, and based on their stories, this is exactly how their family works, very loving and cohesive. Their local community is also very close-knitted and warm, and my friends had also draw parallels how Jarkarta with its lack of trees, frequent heavy traffic congestion and how modern it is, had lack the 'soul' or the 'kampong' spirit. Your VN is a very beautiful callback to Indonesia's old ways (though of course it still exist in modern times), and it's an absolute delight for an non-Indonesian to see it. Good work!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

Answer as per point 1. But I need to mention this is an amazing game (this is the only game in that I review and that says a lot), one that I truly appreciate as a fellow South East Asian, especially because the traditions are real that makes it even more relatable and give an extra depth to the story. I hope in the next VN you are making, has real world references too! It really make your game 'pop out' in the sea of VNs out there.

Finally, it may be a bit misleading but based on the prologue, I had thought there is more to it between the distance conveyed between Tamara's parents. How her mother grew cold, but it only ended with a footnote that her father died and her mother died later (out of depression?). This isn't very well-explained.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Of course! Just not exorbitant crazy prices. :p Your players also need to eat, for electricity to play your VN, etc)

Hi sakuracream!

Your review really made my day! You pointed out the flaws I've been itching to know and this is definitely constructive for my future projects :"D

1. Congrats! You're the first person to notice and tell what's differences in Mitra's route compared to others! It was a hard topic for Tamara, but she did mention it in Rama's route, remember? X') Hmm... I'll discuss Rama's route more in answer number 4.

Yes, thanks for reminding me! I did want to balance it, but unexpected things happened in editing Rama's route and before I knew it, the numbers grew O.O; I'll do my best to balance the numbers in the future but no promises >< I edit the script very often and the characers sometimes act on their own *is this makes sense to you? :'D if not, don't worry, I'm surprised too about how this happen*. But usually, I'll always make CGs for important scenes/moments.

2. Yay! Thanks for liking my art ^///^

3. Yes, I agree! I believe that every character in a VN have their own purpose, and their relationships with each other are one of the elements which will make our VN 'alive', yes?

I also thought that traditional Indonesia has the most 'charm' compared to modern indonesia now >< the beautiful nature, simple life style, close knitted community, how they 'work together' with nature, etc etc... when I went to a mountain/beach/Tidung island for vacation, I always thought; how wonderful it would be if I live there. That's what I want to convey in Nusantara and I'm very glad you caught it!

4. Yes, thank you! I also want to keep having the mini encyclopedia feature in every of my VNs :") my 2nd project will try a mixture of modern-traditional-cross-country next, so i hope you can try it and see if I pulled it off or not ><

As for Rama's route... yep, I agree that Rama is so frustrating and sometimes, I just want to wring his neck or pull his hair until he is bald :")) Tamara is probably a saint to be able to bear it. But the major factor is that she has 'related' herself and Rama. Their past are like heaven and earth and she was dumbfounded at how Rama could just throw it all away when there was a chance/hope that it was all a misunderstanding. I hope this helps? X'D as for Reksa's route, she didn't reveal it because there was no need for it and she left it in the past along with her world when she decided to stay there.

Wow this is very enlightening O.O I think my story-telling skill needs to be polished until I can convey all that in paragraphs x.x

Thanks again for pointing this out! <3

5. Good point x'D thanks for the support and the price I'm thinking of is kinda in the middle area and there will be early birds in he IndieGoGo so... I hope you can get it! X')

I hope to see you around!

Have some cyber cookies and free hugs!



Thanks for replying! :) If you see this, as a small bonus to a Mitra fan, I hope you can answer this.

When Tamara and Mitra get married, what will Mitra wear on his ear since Tamara has no feathers?

No problem! x)

There are two ideas regarding this; Tamara could use her hair by braiding a small amount of it and made it into an earring OR she could make the earring herself by choosing the materials herself. The important thing is that the earring should symbolize 'TAKEN' and the people who see it should roughly be able to guess who is his/her spouse.

In my mind, the bachelors would first suggest the braided hair since it's simple and the most obvious choice since she is the only bluenette there (Rama would be the most enthusiastic about this lol x'D).

1. I thought Rama would be my favorite, but then I played Reska's route, and now I am so torn.. I guess Rama has me on a most emotional level, but Reska was my overall favorite in terms of route. I like jerks who become soft around the right people.. (though Mitra is ultimate husband material....... / aka all of them were great)

2. I saw if was a free-to-play, visual novel, where you could date cute boys. That's all it takes. I also liked what I saw in terms of screenshots, so I decided to play it.

3. I like the art, and overall look of it the most. The characters are really amazing, though I wish the MC was a bit more.. well... toned down in term of colors (aesthetic reasons) - also the concept/story is pretty great.

// Skipped question four because I don't have any questions. My only "critique" is kinda mentioned in number four, but that is just my own visual preferences setting in.

5. I would definitely consider buying a visual novel done by you.

This game is just AWESOME!!>< As an Indonesian I'm very proud of it and you are basically introduce Indonesian culture in a good way to everyone who played this game :) You deserve my deepest gratitude lol ^.^

Hi zlfxx09!

Thanks for visiting and tried my VN :"D

I'm also glad that I successfully combined the indonesian elements here <3 there will be more in my 2nd project so stay tuned! ><

Oh god, this was good. I It felt like a journey. I laughed at parts, I cried at parts, and I even fangirled at others. This game was just amazing.

NOW ONTO THE QUESTIONS (warning- possible spoilers):

  • Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

This was a bit hard to choose, but my favorite would definitely be Reksa. I think it was mostly because of his character development. Witnessing him turn from an unapproachable jerk to reluctant friend and then to possessive boyfriend was really nice. It felt realistic and was paced perfectly.

  • What makes you consider to play this game?

I saw this on my recommended list on this site, and after reading some of the reviews, I decided to try it out.

  • Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Um, I LOVED it??? :DDD It was just amazing. I felt a lot of things. Honestly, I haven't played through the bad endings yet because I just got attached to all of the bachelors.

Specifically though, I loved the characters and character development of all of the characters, not just the bachelors. It makes it feel like I could meet people like them in real life. I also liked how Tamara had her own story too, unlike the other heroines from other otome games. The overall plot I thought was very creative. This game also teaches valuable life lessons, like to strive for peace instead of war (some people really need to know this if you know what I mean).

  • Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

How long did it take you to make this?

  • Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Probably? It really depends on the cost. Also, I haven't played your other games, so I don't have a really good idea of your style yet.



Overall: 5 stars

(1 edit)

Hi mshen19!

Thanks for visiting and your kind review :"D I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my VN and got immersed until you laugh and cry along with it ><

1. Aww thank you :"D a lot of people love Reksa hahahah, but I'm so relieved when you say the pace is perfect! I'm quite worried about it ><

2. Oh gosh, my baby is on someone's recommendation list! *bounceonthewallinhappiness*

Ah I'm so glad to know there are people still giving this a try, enjoyed it, and share it to others ^///^ it's all I ask and more!

3. I don't think I can smile any wider now lol x'D

Characters development is very fun and if I can help it, I want to make colored NPCs and not just their silhouettes but unfortunately, I only have a pair of hands :'(

I'm also happy to know you like the story! I like stories with some meaningful values in it, like Hayao Miyazaki's movies >< of course, mine is still not perfect and I still have a lot to learn but wait and see! I will try my best to make more interesting stories in the future ^///^

4. I made the demo during college for my final exam and then continue making it alongside college... I think around 2 years? Take and give some months since I re-make it using ren'py too hahah. The novelty version has too many bugs ><

5. So far, Winged Ones is my only completed VN x'D my second one is called Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle and currently in progress! Take a look if you can, but fair warning, if you've saw Winged Ones bad endings and thought it's scary, Bermuda Triangle will be... much darker so... :"D

Last but not least, thanks for visiting and your warm support!

Here, take some cyber cookies! <3




  1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why? okay, so I've only played once so Mitra is currently my fav, but Rama and Reksa both seem pretty interesting so it's subject to change lol but Mitra will always be first bae
  2. What makes you consider to play this game? What got me interested at first was the artwork. It looked really cool.
  3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?) After one play through, definitely characters. They're the strongest element, but story is a very close second. I fell in love with this and got attached soooo quick. (Slight spoilers! And I was attached enough that I cried when Rama died. I was like, Mitra's lying, he's going to pop up later, maybe he was just captured but darn it he's not dead! I was sad to find out he really was. And I felt mildly guilty for it.)
  4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft. I can't really think of any critiques, no xD It was really good, and not chock full of cliches like a lot of VNs. I will admit that I'm curious about your inspiration for it. I assume some of it comes from Southeast Asian folklore since you mentioned Malin Kundang in the beginning?
  5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD) Probably lol this one was great. Color me impressed! And good job!

Hi olivegarden87!

Thanks for visiting and wow, I can feel your love and enthusiasm all the way from there x'D

1. Ah, I'm so proud that Mitra finally got another fan! Hahah, he needs more love x'D things will get milder when you go to Rama's and Reksa's route though so prepare yourself! :')

2. Aww you flatter me! Thank you >\\\<

3. I'm a but touched when I hear this ^///^ at first you got attracted by my art but then the story hooked you -there's nothing I can ask for more <3

*and yes, Rama's route made me so sad when I first write it :'( I thought I can find another way, but Rama's psychology simply won't allow it T_T

4. Yuuup, I'm a chinese-Indonesian and I love the various cultures here even though I havent experience the majority of them ><

I got inspired whenever my brain decided to go to lala land and popped an idea or two lol. It's usually late at night or at inappropriate places such as the toilet x'D

5. Aww thank you! Look forward to my next project called Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle! ^///^

Here's some cyber cookies and hope to see you around :"D



(1 edit)


First off...
I literally almost started crying like .5 minutes ago because I realized that I just finished nearly all of the routes and I really don't know what I'm going to do with my life now because NUSANTARA! >.<

-Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
So, first off...your characters. Absolutely beautiful, I loved them all, from the MC and her spunky quirkiness - I personally connected with the MC on a spiritual level lol xD - to the side characters to the bachelors. Frick, I wanted more, so much more, because they were all so frickin amazing! If I had to choose one bachelor, however...I would have to settle with Mitra.
*Mitra :: 12.521343/10 Overall my absolute favorite, and that's saying something. I'm usually all over the tsundere or cold, aloof types, definitely not one for the sweet, loving gentleman. And to be honest, I was really surprised that not many liked him as much - Reksa and Rama ranking the highest, although Reksa looked like he took gold with Rama a close second xD He had both weaknesses and strengths that came across to me as I was playing, whether you intended them to or not, and a lot of those strengths were also some of his weaknesses. I'd keep going, but being a writer, I could write my fingers raw discussing these points and all the character development. Also, his story was light, sweet, and engaging, I literally played it for like...2+ hours straight?
*Reksa :: 8/10 Really enjoyed Reksa's story, probably my favorite route due to the story itself and the insight we got on the Komodo tribe and culture. I really loved your Avians and fell more in love with learning about the Komodos too. I wasn't the biggest fan of Reksa himself - although the level of sexuality in this route was considerably higher than the other ones, I didn't mind that c: -, as I thought he was a little too forceful and pushy, too bossy. He also felt a little sexist, constantly calling you woman when he was irritated you or stressed or whatever, and I wasn't all over that. Although I did think I got a sort of feel that the Komodo tribe seems to value men over women, so that sort of sexist behavior could be explained through that sort of cultural outlook? Maybe?? Lol maybe I just imagined it????? xD (Again, it's that author thing, I read too in between the lines sometimes) Again, I loved Reksa's route a ton, and his possessiveness of the MC might/kind of/sorta/maybe have been hot. Maybe. :> Plus, I keep forgetting to mention, your CG's and GUI's and every other piece of artwork is simply beautiful~
*Rama :: 5/10 *shiver* Oh my Rama. Rama, Rama, Rama...I love dark and heavy material, it makes one think and it takes one to the edge of feeling but...holy crap Rama was messed. I found his character to be incredibly intriguing, although mentally unstable and unpredictable. His route terrified me, mostly because I accidentally got the bad ending at 11 at night and just stared, mouth agape with a high-pitched whine, as he...did...what that bad ending. *double shiver* He was incredibly interesting though, and I'd love to know more about him. I'm sure he has an incredibly intriguing backstory; lol like I keep saying, I'd love to know more about him - and now I can't stop wondering what Ayu and his twin look like, or at least, how you'd design them.

OVERALL, YOUR BACHELORS WERE 15/5, THEY WERE SO FRICKIN AMAZING, I APPLAUD YOU!! *cue raucous applauding and fangirl screaming*

-What makes you consider to play this game?
The art interested me. The art and the 10,000 downloads I saw when I clicked on this game's synopsis. I was like, 'Well, it can't be all that bad then'.
And then.
The wings.
I've got a thing for shirtless men with wings and skirts. xD
And then at some point, it became the bachelors and story that hooked me, and I've been addicted ever since.

-Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most?
I still can't believe it's over. Sigh.
This VN was phenomenal, and believe me, I've played quite a few. Absolutely wonderful, a 5/5, 10/10, 5 stars, two thumbs up, a Nobel Peace prize winner and a candidate for the Grammys.
The elements that stand out the most...frick, all of them. The artwork was fantastic and simply marvelous, what more can I say there? The characters were so real for me, that I actually felt for a brief second that, yeah, they're like a 2d virtual family, what the heck? And the story? Wonderfully unique and intriguing. The Indonesian culture was a very nice way to spice it up, really added some wonderful cultural aspects that I just ate up. Also, your design of their distinct societies - the Komodos and Avians - was incredibly innovative, I just loved it! I was disappointed that there weren't anymore bachelors because honestly, you wrote everything so well, I wanted more to play through~ xD Plus, the music. THE MUSIC.

-Do you have any question or constructive critiques?
What are your plans for coming back to this world? Will you be making a sequel, or are you considering it? Because I'd be all over that. Also...epilogues or spin-off stories or...or something for our feathery bachelor friends, you've gotta have more in the works. Right??? :)
Regarding constructive critiques...I'd simply have someone go over the text one more time. :) You did a fantastic job, though, there were only a few grammatical and verb conjugation errors.

-Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?

P.S I may or may not want to create a tumblr for headcanons now?? You've literally ruined my life, but thank you, thank you for doing so c:

Hi, <error-404>found!

Lol your nickname made me thought there's something wrong with for a sec x'D

First of all, Thank you for your warm support and appreciation! <3 >\\\< your post today made my day and I think will help me with today's progress ^///^

1. Wow you evem made a rating for each of them! I'm even more humbled when I knew that both of us are writers ><

- Mitra: Yup, the girls here likes bad boys the most but we have to admit that Mitra would be the one we'd likely to choose irl, right? X'D *cough*

And yes! His route is exactly as you described *light, sweet, and engaging*. I kind of stacking the fluff there >< both intended and not. Whenever I write a bachelor's route, the dialogues often changes and adapts by itself.

- Reksa: yes! I'm a bit sad myself that I can't write more about the Komodo's daily life like in Avians >< they're interesting by itself.

And yes lol. Indonesian tend to be traditionalists especially the older generations x'D even now, there might still a belief where women just need to work at home and care for children or 'the more children we have, the more wealth' lol. Ah it depends on each individual and certain places but the culture is very thick over here!

Rama: oh lol I get this a lot x'DD

Rama is definitely scary and the most roller-coaster route from all 3! A pat to your shoulder who played his route late in the night :")

I, myself, often question his character and laughed in embarrassment when the music changes a lot like a PMS-ing girl in some scenes (why and how did I write it :"D).

His route is the most challenging too but the result is better than I thougt though o.o

oh, but fair warning; if you got scared by his route, be warned that my next project; especially the Antagonist's route, will be darker than Rama's route >< there will be some... gorey details and actions *cough*

And aww, you flatter me too much with that 15/10 rate >\\\\< I still have much to learn and it was certainly not easy to polish their character and scenes x_x you can definitely do it too with enough time!

2. Lol we're on the same boat! I like anything that involves fantasy... especially wings and topless... and I remember in the past where men still wear *Sarung* or skirt tied to their waist at night and went out with other men to play cards. The skirt apparently longer than it seems, could be untied, and wrapped around their bodies instead when they're cold O.o

3. Aww you flatter me so much to the point I'm grinning myself like a fool x'DD I need my needle to deflate my big head later *cough*

4. Hmm I'm not sure about spin-offs but I'm considering more epilogues in the future since a lot of people asked for that :"D as for new project... check my account! My 2nd project is called Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle <3 I update every Monday in lemmasoft and facebook fanpage~

5. Last but not least, thanks for your warm support! >\\\\< this definitely made my day early in the morning ~

And feel free with the headcannons! Maybe more people will get to enjoy Nusantara if you do that ^////^

Xoxo and cyber cookies,


(1 edit)

lolol I get that a lot about my username xD

lol I was so worried for a second that you'd be rolling your eyes at my humongous post and be all like, 'Man, another critic,' because unfortunately I tend to get a little wordy lol :>

I'm actually so pumped for your next game (gore and all lol c:); also about those epilogues you mentioned *cue fangirl squealing*. I'm going to try to go for Rama's good route later this week, because intense and as 'feels'y as he is, I have to see some sort of happiness for the little rascal. ^^" (He is kinda PMSy, but like in the good way. xD ...Maybe all he needs is a good chocolate bar and everything will be better).

I know I hashed this enough, but thank you again for this game, your characters are already finding their way in my sketchbooks lol :) I'm glad I was able to make your day all those days ago with my review lol, we writers need that sort of boost!! (*level up*) :D If you need anyone for editing or testing or any sort of writing brainstorm ideas or anything, please feel free to shoot me a message or anything. :) I'd love to help your beautiful masterpieces come to life somehow - since I'm clueless myself to programming and can't bring my own ideas into VN form, might as well help others, right? :D :D


Thank you again for bringing this into the world. :D

Now go have a fantastic day~ xD


Naww, I like critiques~ Gimme moreeee *u* lol. I'm pretty masochistic about this *cough*

Ohhh! I look forward to hear what you think about Rama's good end >< 50:50 percentage of people saying it's satisying and not so far :"D

If you get stuck, check out the walkthrough in lemmasoft forum! His route is the most tricky of them all.

Also, thanks for your offer <3 I'll message you if I need someone to proofread my script :"3 it will need a certain lv of commitment though.

And you're very welcome! <3



  • Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
    • Oh god, Reksa. Definitely Reksa. From the work it took to gain his affection, to the intensity of his romantic scenes. His playthrough was a goldmine for giggles and awkward blushing. (hard to play nonchalantly in public)
  • What makes you consider to play this game?
    • Honestly, the art is what interested me to begin with. As I read about it though, the story really intrigued me and I just HAD to know more. Wasn't disappointed either.
  • Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
    • With gorgeous art and a fantastically written story, this game was a winner. The characters have wonderfully complex backstories that only add to the charm of the game. 12/10. I played every route to experience all the game had to offer and am far from dissapointed!! The character depth definitely stood out the most to me. I need more Reksa to go on living, though.
  • Do you have any question or constructive critiques?
    • I have nothing to complain about. Nothing at all. Questions? hmm... could you supply more Reksa at some point? maybe standalone epilogues of the good routes?
  • Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?
    • Yes. I am an independent white woman who don't need no man (besides Reksa). I am totally willing to pay for these wonderful works of art. $10? $20? bring it on. Your'e worth it! I'll donate to and buy whatever you throw my way. For real though. Standalone epilogues. Hell, make em 99 cents a piece and bring in some money on the deal. It'll add up before you know it.

Hi Autumn Fawn! I love your nickname and profile pic! >\\\\< so adorable... *I'm so weak to cute things lol*

1. Thanks! I'm starting to think I might be a bit bias with Reksa's story looking at how steep the popularity difference now x'D

2. Aww glad to hear you like both my art and story! :"D I'm still have a lot to learn and improve though!

3. You give me too much credit, my head is going to bloat lol x'D *prepares a sharp stick to deflate it later*

Thanks! I'll do my best in my 2nd project too for you :"D

4 & 5. Lol a lot of people asked me this, I'm starting to think that maybe it's a good idea to make anothes set of epilogues for them x'D at least I have all the assets ready so I just need to do the writing.... hmm... I'll think about it :"D

Thanks for visiting! Also for the love and chance you gave to my boys!

I hope to see you again in the future!



I'm copying this from the other review I left on the older post, mostly because I think everyone should play this game and really give it a try.

(Some mild spoilers below)

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Which one I liked best.. Its such a match between Reska and Rama..

Mitra was kind and caring though I felt like the game wanted me to choose his route so much it made going after him feel expected. Those little old aunties are persistent!! I also wish Mitra had been a little more flawed. Loosing ones temper really isn't a flaw when you're running a whole tribe! Rama had issues, real issues, and Reska made us work for his friendship and trust, my only complaint with Mitra is that I feel like, not that he threw himself at Tamara, but just that she didn't have to do anything, or really try, to win over his affections. I guess it just felt like he liked us for being different, you know.. falling out of the sky and all, and less so for us earning his affection. But the whole reliable husband/future father attitude he has was really nice and refreshing <3

I liked Rama's because it was emotional and very heartfelt, the loss of a loved one and learning to let go of your anger. I felt a little frustrated with how often he got stupid ideas in his head though (I won't say so I don't spoil anything though). He made me love him in an exasperated kind of way that was both endearing but also very frustrating when he wouldn't believe the things I'd say. He was the easiest for me to sympathize with but it took me longer to really fall for him, he was just a little too good at holding Tamara at arms length.

I think thats why it makes me like Reska the best, he was a good combination of a hard won friendship, commitment and approval. He didn't trust us, and we had to earn his friendship, it was also nice that he actively pursued Tamara when he liked her in a straight forward way. He didn't dance around the subject or push us away without reason. He also seemed the most human, isn't that odd? I guess Mitra felt a little too... adultish, he is very responsible which I love but he didn't go out of his way to be affectionate in the way Reska did (If you can't read between the lines of what I'm saying, I just mean that Reska seemed a lot more sexually interested in Tamara than Mitra did). He also wasn't perfect in the sense that he wasn't really powerful, he worked and trained hard, he didn't seem as strong as Mitra or Rama, but he still risked life and limb to achieve his goals.

What makes you consider to play this game?

Honestly, the artwork caught my eye first, I was looking for visual novels to play, and the story seemed alright, not exciting, but alright (Boy was I wrong!) I actually played it last out of a series of three others and I don't regret waiting, but it was the best of the three hands down! Honestly it was the story and the culture and the myth and legend that you wove into it. Having not experienced these cultures first hand, hearing about them in a novel was fantastical and engaging. I absolutely loved that about this game, it wasn't just surface level ethnicity, you took elements from history and culture and blended them nicely into an entirely new world!

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I loved it, the art was nice (There is one CG where Tamara's eye is too close to the edge of her face and it kind of weirds me out) but overall I think the storytelling was strong and engaging, the characters and their development won me over and made me love each and every single one of them. (And I played Rama's route first and it made the other two so much harder to watch!) If you're reading this and haven't played yet, play in the order you like but don't be surprised when it tears your heart out!

The next best thing aside from the characters was the music score, honestly I don't know if it was free, done by friends, or what, but it was put together in such an amazing way! It really ramped up the tension or brought down the mood into something far more somber.

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

Woo, questions... you're going to make more games right?? Honestly, that was one of the best VN games I've played in a really really long time and I've been playing VNs for about 10 years now. The replayability was fantastic, though I think having the fast forward and rewind as actual buttons on the screen would be better because not many folks new to VNs will know which buttons usually do what or know to look in the ReadMe file for instructions.

Constructive critisms... hm.. there honestly wasn't much I didn't like about the game, you gave each suitor great character and depth, my only advice would be with the art (I'm sorry the eye thing really creeped me out!) Although I realize not everyone is a world famous painter, I think just a tiny but more work there would have made this game the best (not that it isn't incredible already)!

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

You're making one right??? :D And Yes! I would totally support a kickstarter or patreon account if you made another!!! I plan on buying the free game since I played it and loved it as soon as I get paid, it was worth it, and honestly if I saw that you sold games I would totally pay for those. O////O oh gosh... if you made extended cuts for the suitors on this game, like a little add on chapter or as its own little chapter or even a spin off chapter where when you go back to your world and have your suitor turn up there, I would really buy that!!! >/////< Hehe, I loved this game a lot!


Oh gosh, I feel so guilty now that it's been forever since I last visited my page and found so many kind reviews in here >///<

Sorry guys! I've been away since I'm focused on doing my job as CG artist at a VN kickstarter called Queen's Crown and my new VN in progress; Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle. I updated every Monday in Lemmasoft and my Facebook Fanpage if you're curious ><

Ahem, so here I go with replying the comment section; again, I'm really sorry for these super late reply Q_Q

Hi Artemis!

Wow, I'm blown away by your enthusiasm and love :'D
This made my day a lot brighter and motivated me to do better + faster progress in my next VN! I can't wait to show it to you guys, really x'D

1. Ah, someone that understands Rama's complex and bitter-sweet story!
A lot of people chose Reksa for the reasons you listed but the majority of them didn't like the 'darkness' of Rama's story, so this is great! -and yes, Mitra is a lot 'mellow'er than Rama or Reksa :'3
You see, I was kinda experimenting with 'light-hearted/easy' story + 'medium' story + 'hard' story and see if my audience will like them or not. So far, 'medium' (Reksa) wins!
I have to admit that his story developed better than I thought it would be; especially the sexual theme. I didn't expect it to be that... intense? x'DD Gosh, I'm still blushing whenever I read his romantic scenes... What was I thinking when I write those? Hahahah, anyway! Sometimes, things that I didn't plan to happen, happened by itself when I write/program his story. The same also happened with the other's routes!

All in all, thank you for giving all three of them a chance!

2. Yes! I love indonesian culture and hope to insert them into my VNs as much as I could. I'm flattered to hear you like the story though :'D there are still so much to learn and I hope to write more interesting stories in the future. I just hope you're patient with me since I write slow ><

3. Hahahah, yes I noticed that the art is problematic -Oh, don't get me started with the quality control :'D I've always have been unstable with it and it have just improved a bit last year when I started working as CG artist in Queen's Crown. Gods, I owe a big one for my boss since she helped me breakthrough the quality control thing x'D

But hey! Thanks for reminding me and I'll do my best to keep up the good story-telling :'3 credits are to the awesome BGMs and the bloody SFXs though x'D I'm a bit of a perfectionist and irritated myself with them lol. That's why it took a long time for me to program them to be honest :'D

4. Yep, my next project is Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle. I always update on Mondays in Lemmasoft or my facebook fanpage if you're curious about it! xD Stalk me if you want. I love my stalkers! *cough*

5. Aww you made me blush, saying my game is good enough to be sold >///< I'm really hoping Bermuda can make it in IndieGoGo but it's still a bit far in the future. I'll be depending on you to share it later :'3

It's been really fun reading your comment, Artemis. But the most important thing that moves me is... as I read your review, I can't help but to grin like an idiot over here :'D

There's nothing I can add since you know my babies so well like they're yours and there's nothing I can ask for more. This is the best thing a developer could ask for; players understanding my 'baby', had fun with it, immersed in it, and loving it; if not more than I do.

I hope to see you again in the future!



I played this game a few months back and I daresay this is one of the best otome games I have ever played, If not the best. I absolutely loved the characters and their personalities, the plot is so good and the story folds out perfectly. Right now I'm downloading this version even if it's almost the same as the first one, but I have to play one more time. Great job on this one! I hope you keep up with your work and that I'll be seeing some new stuff from you soon. Best wishes and merry Christmas! :)

Okay, I just saw the new game you are working on and I'm SO PUMPED! It looks absolutely incredible. I'm not really up to date what with the school and stuft but I'm so excited to see you're working on something new :D I'm looking forward to it!

Hi Alice! Thanks for your continuing warm support! :'D
I'm really glad you think my game is one of the best >////< I still have a lot to learn but I promise to keep up the story's quality! I want to get better and write more interesting stories for you guys :'3

Come visit my lemmasoft page or Facebook fanpage for weekly updates every Monday!



I fell for Mitra INSTANTLY!! >//m//< Love him so much! It won't let me skip (I don't know how to skip.) I died when I followed Granny into the woods, when I think I was going to marry Mitra? Maybe. He proposed (I think). I CRIED when Rama died OmG. Love this game. I'm replaying it now hoping, not to get a 'Bad End' hopefully .

Hi xAkiChanx!

Thanks for playing and glad to hear you likr the boys x'D to skip just press 'ctrl'! And it will stop automatically when the texts are new ones you haven't read. I hope this helps :"3

I dont know if this has happened to anyone else but when I exit and enter the game all my save files are GONE! I can't play it! It says in the begging "invalid zip file" or something like that. And I was almost done with Mitra's route too, and I dont know if ill ever be able to play this game if this keeps happening!! \(>o<)ノ

And I really wanna play it, cuz its wonderful so far!


Hi Moomoo!

Now this is the first time someone reported such bug O.o if in the beginning it said 'invalid zip file', how did you manage to play it? @@

I suggest to re-download the file, but if the problem still exist then I really don't know what is wrong with it ^^;

Ah thank god it worked! I think its because now I somehow dowloaded the one with renpy, even though I clicked the same link that I dowloaded the first time... i think?

And that bug message I just closed it and it let me play the game O.o

But now that all is well, its time to play the game and enjoy that beautiful story!^^

Yay! Glad to hear it worked! OuO

Take your time and I hope you don't meet the same problem again >.<

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

THIS... is hard lmfao, I really like all of them to be honest? cause they are all well written characters, I ended up falling for all of them, Rama worried me at first but nope, loved him to. First was Mitra so FIRST LOVE <3 but then Rama needed a hug and someone then dear god, Reska. I seriously can't pick, good job!

What makes you consider to play this game?

I passed it by at first cause I wasn't into otome games but boy am I glad I came back to actually click on it, looking at the pictures of the wonderful backgrounds and characters made me hope it was really good writing too, I was not disappointed.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Again, this is hard. I like all of it, I admit at some point i was kinda wondering what was gonna happen so I'll say the plot/story kept me hooked (other than the hotties with the bodies)

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

I actually don't? I mean some parts felt like it dragged on but not really anything that was like OH GOD FIX IT so, thumbs up!

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

I WILL PAY FOR THIS WHEN I CAN cause I want to support your games and this one <3 I really loved it and it left a mark on me, so thank you and everyone who worked on this, may you have a good day!

Hi Statdrops! thanks for visiting and reviewing! ^.^

1. Aww, thank you for giving them all a chanve and loving them in return QuQ this is the best answer you could give me!

2. YAY! happy to hear you enjoy the story that much >\\\< I still have lots to learn, but I'll do my best to lvl up in my next project and hope to see what you think of it >:'D

3. Amen! You have no idea how much you've made my day by saying that QuQ I tried my best to keep a story interesting -I don't want you guys to fall asleep mid-way x'D

4. lololol, I know how you feel! Sometimes, I really want to skip it and went straight for the beef, but character development is like building a house so we need to build a strong base first :"3 but hey, thanks for pointing it out!

5. Aww, thank you very much for your support! Here, have a cyber cookie :'D and thank YOU for playing and reviewing!

I hope to see you again in the future ~



Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

I don't know if I can even put into words how much I love Rama. I did not expect to get so attached to him as the sample images didn't paint him as a character that I would normally like. But the first meeting changed that. "Maybe trying to figure him out will be quite interesting in the future." My thoughts were practically the exact same as Tamura's. God, I love characters like that, who hide their true selves under a mask of endless cheer. And his backstory - 👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th👌ere. Ever since I learned about the Sati ceremony, never knew it was also used in Indonesia though, I've always wanted to meet a character with that incorporated in his/her backstory. Thank you so much for creating Rama.

What makes you consider to play this game?

I clicked on this game because of the art was up to my standards. I downloaded it because the summary and characters seemed interesting.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I'd say it's one of the better otome games I've played. The plot is well written, with both serious and comedic moments. The combat scenes are not boring to read, and most of all, while there is a healthy sprinkling romance - it is an otome game after all - it never drowns out the other aspects of the story. While they can be sorted into standard groups, the characters all have distinctive characteristics and are developed to the point that you can tell who is speaking just by the dialogue.

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

For someone who has only just recently learned a language, Tamura uses quite a lot of slang and complex words when speaking. And there are also a few modern terms that I didn't expect to find in an ancient setting that are used pretty often. Those two were the main things that bothered me, preventing me from being able to completely settle in the story. And as for questions, is that recurring dream about Rama when he when he went over to the Komodo's territory? It's the most resonable explaination I can think of, but it still doesn't seem right. Please enlighten me.

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Oh, definitely. As long as it's $20 or less and I'm not strapped for money at the time, you can count me in.

tldr; you've got the basics of otome games/visual novels down, but be careful with the small things: they can make or break a creation.

also just know that i've only cried twice over a character's death and this is one of them. i hope you're happy

Welcome back and thanks for reviewing ktensei <3

1. You're welcome and thank YOU for loving Rama :'D Many people said he is a character you either love or hate :')
He was a challenge to write and I sometimes wanted to pull my hair in frustration when writing his scenes but even so, I love him very much. His backstory is the most complicated than my other babies and tbh, I'm still learning how to potray them better >.<;

I'm relieved to hear you like his story and I will do my best to make more interesting stories in the future! >:'D

2. Amen for first impressions!

While we're on it, what do you think about my new project; "Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle"? O.O Is the art and synopsis interesting?

3. Thanks :'D I want to do my best to not let the readers get bored. You flatter my writer's ego so much here >///< I think I'll need a needle to deflate it hahah~ *cough* but I still have rooms for improvements so I'll do my best to lvl up!

4. Ah yes, language barrier is one of the awkward/loopholes I still try to fix so thank you for pointing it out! As for the recurring dreams; *SPOILER*

Sari is the one who showed it to Tamara. It was an immersive image of Rama's mental condition; he felt betrayed and felt like many people were laughing, mocking at him, and the pain for losing Ayu was killing him slowly in the inside. It also potrayed one of his suicide attempts; falling and breaking his wings. Remember the crunchy sound effect? I was trying to find a broken bone SFX with a little 'splat' and that is the closest I can find :'D did it make you cringe? I hope so x'D *cough*

I hope this answer your questions? o.o I'll try to do better in potraying things in my next project! >:'D

5. YAY!! Thank you for your support and your suggestion! :'D Yes I agree that small details needs more attention than most -elements can break or make a story depending how you execute it so I'll try to be more patient with it and take my time constructing the story ~

and wow -you just gave me the most flattering praise :'D I made you cry *sobs* thank you for liking my story so much! I will definitely deliver your love to Rama <3

If I may ask, what is the other character death that made you cry? o.o

(1 edit)

While we're on it, what do you think about my new project; "Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle"? O.O Is the art and synopsis interesting?

Part of the reason I'm so hyped about it is because the art is gorgeous. You seemed to have improved in that field, and I'm really looking forward to the CGs. I think the summary is fine? It's not convoluted but it doesn't give away too many plot points either. But if I can assume that the italic text is the prologue, I think that that portion needs more work. I understand that there will be art to go along with it, but the words along can apply to half a million works and to me, isn't half as interesting as LotWO's prologue. But as you haven't finished developing BT's plot, it's safe to assume that it'll just develop on it's own in time. What I really like about it, though, is the protagonist. She's so different from most otome games' protagonists in how she clearly doesn't excel at everything, has a completely different appearance (short hair!? what a travesty!). That, and her quote speaks to what's left of my soul.

About the dream.

oh god that hurts my heart more;; While the sound effect didn't make me cringe, I did start because I wasn't expecting something like that to happen at all. And I think you did really well portraying things in the dream! This is the sort of thing that fandoms spend too much time agonizing over and creating theories before the creator takes pity on them and gives an explanation. The mysteriousness of the dream adds to the build of tension.

If I may ask, what is the other character death that made you cry? o.o

It's not animated yet, so if you watched Rokka no Yuusha and don't want to be spoiled, please ignore this. Pardon my language, but I fucking lost it when Hans Humpty died in the LN. But unlike when Rama died, those were mostly angry tears, not sad tears. Anyways, he got better. He died a little, but he got better.

also can you plsplspls tell me who the fourth love interest is-

  1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why? Reksa. He made a lot more sacrifices than the other characters in the plot; I liked how much he had to struggle, especially with Purba which you don't get to see as much with the other two. You can't stop worrying about him, and you can't not trust him after your trust in him has been tested (and rewarded) so many times. Well, he did break a promise at the end, but I guess it...was un-broken?? When he screamed out in pain, I felt pure horror and was completely immersed. Maybe it's because I played him first, but I didn't feel that with Mitra (although I may have admittedly swooned some more with him haha). I'm honestly not all that sure why Reksa was so memorable for me, but he is definitely the character that has really stuck to me more than any character from any other game, including popular commercial ones. He seems like a real person, so I end up thinking of him as one.
  2. What makes you consider to play this game? The art made me curious, me being an art hobbyist, but what really made me want to play was the cultural aspect. I wasn't disappointed, plus some of the terms have actually stuck with me. I liked the mini encyclopedia. As a person who's naturally inclined to academics, it was interesting to see the real life roots of things that happened in the visual novel, in addition to your inspirations.
  3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?) The art, story, and character was all amazing. xD I wasn't sure about the writing style when I first began playing the game, but the way you build up relationships between characters is magical. The characters actually have a deep, non-shallow relationship (cough Amnesia cough) where they "KNOW" know each other. The conversation with Mitra about his life's ambitions, the conversation where Reksa reveals a very personal weakness (self-consciousness about his figure lol), and the conversation with Rama where both his own well-hid and personal background and Tamara's are revealed were some of my favorite moments. I loved that the side characters also played a major role in the story and had a fleshed out personality. I loved that it felt like there was a reason you wrote this story other than purely for romance (cough Amnesia cough), as it largely irks me when writers do that. I was very pleasantly surprised during Rama's route when I discovered the heroine had a backstory of her own. It really made me think they were a good match for each other, as they could relate.
  4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft. For Rama's route, there's no option to give him the crystal. I tried clicking above and below the button furiously, but nothing happened. Also, the random events in Mitra and Reksa's routes with Rama in it were kinda spoiler-ey. I didn't do Rama's route first, so it was a little confusing when the main character suddenly knew Rama really well when I didn't.
  5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD) Yes. I'm shocked this game was free, I actually feel guilty because it feels like I cheated you out of at least ten bucks that you should have gotten. xD I've played commercial VNs before, but none of them had stuck in my head for long (with an exception for Anon from X-Note).

Hi melocule!

Thanks for visiting and wow I'm so happy to read your review! :'D

1. Yes I agree that Reksa's route has more content; that's why I suggested to play his route last x'D but hey! I'm really flattered that you thought Reksa feels like a real person and immersed yourself in his story enough to share his pain/happiness :'D

2. Ah, sweet 1st impression <3

Glad you like the mini encyclopedia! Indonesia has so many cultures that I sometimes have a hard time to choose :")) I want to introduce them little by little so you can expect another mini-encyclopedia in my next game as well x'D

3.Aw you're going to spoil me rotten with all those praises :"D I still have rooms for improvements (like, I need to be more patient and I should hint at Tamara's past better in the other routes) so I will try my hardest to do better next time!

And yes, I also think relationships and roles between minor characters are important -communication is the key!

4. As for Rama's route; he is a little tricky to please x'D

- You can't lie. Ever. So when you meet Reksa for the first time, you have to be honest; not pretend to be some spy. If this condition is not fullfilled, the option to give him the crystal is locked.

- you have to focus on him, don't increase other bachelors affection x'D

And yes, I think I need to make more small events to cover it so it wont be spoiler-ey x'D

5. YAY! Thanks for your support! :'3 you seriously make me blush >\\\< to think it's better than commercial ones are just... QuQ no words can tell you how grateful and flattered I am to hear that.

I hope with this you can unlock Rama's good end and see you around ~



Thank you for the advice on Rama's route, I know the ending to his route is going to be good as well! :3
I'm looking forward to Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle-- Arya's character design looks like something that could be from Zeiva Games, if you've ever heard of them.

Thank you for your support! x'D Ah, I can't wait to make the demo to see if you'll still love Arya after meeting him :'))
and yes, I know about zeiva games ~ I played X-Note, Area-X, and still waiting with bated breath the moment Dragon Essence is going to be released! >.<;


I just finished the game at this very moment and I must admit I'm crying while writing this. Thank you so much for creating such a masterpiece - my emotions are simply overflowing right now. I'll leave the spoilers about that for the end, and I'll answer your questions, for now

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

It's a very difficult question, actually... I felt attracted to both Reksa and Rama since t he very moment I saw them. Usually I can define my number one favorite easily in otome games, and logically it should be Reksa here - he's exactly my type of character, both personnality and physically. And I really loved him and his route beyond words, even more than expected! But, I also have a soft spot for disabled or mentally ill characters, and Rama is both, because of his wings and his mental state - I didn't know about that before meeting him in-game. As I said before, I loved Reksa and his route beyond words, but Rama's route just blew my mind. So... if I really have to choose between the two of them, I guess it would be Rama. (sorry Mitra, you're not my type haha!)

What makes you consider to play this game?

I was looking for otome games, and I directly noticed Reksa and Rama when stumbling upon this game. After seeing them, I wanted to know what is the game about, and the story seemed nice too, so I've just decided to play.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I loved it. I loved every tiny bit of it. I did the three routes, with both bad and good endings when I managed to find both (I didn't get any bad for Mitra). Each route I did, I liked it even more than the previous one (Mitra - Reksa - Rama). What stands out the most... well, obviously, the characters, the pretty art, the engaging story... all of that is very good. But to be honest, if I had to pick ONE thing... I'd be back at Rama, again. Why? Because including a character like him is something... I don't think I've ever seen a character like him being included in the romance options of any dating sim ever. In some games you have characters with issues... but issues so heavy... this is my first time seeing that. So... for the originality, the boldness, and the amount of emotions it brings, including him is the best thing about the game in my opinion.

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

Well, the game has some typos and weird phrasing sometimes so it would be good to check things like that even more often (well, I shouldn't say that since English isn't my language and my phrasing is often wrong too). But I think the one thing you should be really careful about are the sound effects. The falling sounds made me cringe every single times, because it was a very comical sound, in sometimes very serious scenes. Also, I've noticed that Tamara's sprite looks different (the art style) compared to the other characters, and it looks a bit weird because of that. It isn't too bothersome, but still weird. On the bright side, it was very nice to see a game use inspiration sources most people don't know about - it was very original thanks to that! You should kee making these kind of stories, and also using really nice characters like the ones from this game.

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?

I tend to forget about kickstarters, unfortunately, but if I'm reminded of it, I'd be glad to help. The same way, I could totally buy a visual novel like this one! The only reason I didn't pay for this one is that I don't have the money right now, but I strongly consider paying at least 15$ once I'll get some money to spare, even if I finished the game.

Now, I want to tell a couple of things about the routes, that are a bit spoilery... so yeah... -----SPOILERS AHEAD-----

Both Reksa's and Rama's routes made me cry. In Reksa's, I had a bad feeling about giving him the bombs, so I did it first. I wanted to see the bad ending too, and since it was more plausible in my mind of this leading to a disaster, I tried that. His bad ending was heartbreaking. But then, I did the good one, and wow, somehow it was worse. The bad ending, well, at some point it gets obvious you got the bad one, so you KNOW the characters will die. But when Reksa died in the good one, it really made me panic - I didn't know if the game had more than one bad ending per character, so I really freaked out about getting another one. But at the same time, that battle was great, and what happened at the end only added to the awesome and powerful moment.

As for Rama's route... well, obviously the route is SAD AS HELL. One thing I did notice is that in both Reksa's and Mitra's routes, Tamara managed to get closer to them and to awaken their feelings long before the festival. It was fast and obvious with Mitra, slow and with a lot of denial with Reksa, but still there. In Rama's route, they weren't really that closer than in the other routes, until the moment Rama ran away and ended up talking about his past. I really like that touch - it's interesting to see how hard it is to break his shell. When he died in Mitra's route, I directly understood he was one of those characters who only can be saved in their own route, so I did Reksa second on purpose. I didn't want to deal with Rama dying after doing his own route once. As for his endings, the choice was obvious for wich one is good and wich one is bad, so I did the bad first too and wow, it was hellish, but at the same time VERY well done, in my opinion. Maybe one of the better scenes of the game - doing it from Rama's perspective, and showing him fall into the depts of madness was so horrible. But his good ending was as beautiful as his bad ending was horrible. It was a perfect conclusion, so warm and powerful - and the last CG was magnificent. It was long, painful, full of tears, but the fact they managed to reach happiness was heartwarming. The funny thing is I didn't learn from my mistakes - after what happens at the end of the battle in Reksa's route, I should have known it would be okay somehow... but no, I freaked out again, because with how tragic is the character, I was almost sure it couldn't end well!

I'm very sorry for the lenghty comment, I hope you had the patience to read it! What I want to say with that whole spoilery addendum is that you really played with my emotions all along. Usually I can predict quite well how things turn out in otome games, but not this one, except for Mitra's route. Mitra is a cute and great character, and his route is very good. I would have loved it in another game, I think, But the two other routes (and characters) were so awesome and perfect that they outshined poor Mitra.

Well, again, thank you for this game, and if you ever do another visual novel, I'd be delighted to play it!

Hi Konoi!

You're welcome and thank YOU for visiting and reviewing! :'D Here's some tissue.

Your heartfelt review blew me away with how long it is -but I definitely enjoy every second of it! x'D

1. I agree; both of them are intense in their own ways. Rama's route was very challenging for me to write >.< it was like riding a roller coaster; with me trying to control where and when will the roller coaster go 'up' or 'down' without crashing it.

I have to say that his bad ending is probably one of the most emotional scenes I've ever wrote :")

However, the story has a dark-element and people tend to avoid such topic so I worry about Rama a lot -but now that I read your review; I gained more confidence to write more stories like Rama's :'D Thank you!

2. Glad you tumbled upon my VN and gave it a try! x'D

3. YAY! Thanks for giving all 3 bachelors a chance! xD

I was making a small experiment with this VN: Mitra is 'Easy', Reksa is 'Medium', and Rama is 'Hard' to see people's reaction. I'm happy to hear you think the complication & boldness is the best thing in Winged Ones x') My next project is... a bit heavier than this one ><

4. Yes, I know that my grammar is very delightful x'D Multiple people keeps reminding me of this -but fear not! I have 3 proofreaders for my next project!

Oh and about Tamara looks different with other characters: Is it because of her blue hair? O.O; I was trying to make her easy to notice so I went and gambled with blue hair :'))

I will take note of it and try to make my next MC character have more similar physical qualities with other characters ~

5. Aww, thank you for the warm support! *hugs*

Now onto the Spoiler Stage:


*evil chuckles* so my plot to make you anxious in his good end is a success! x'D

At first, I was not planning to make it like that. But as I write, characters tend to change his/her mind; one thing led to another and then VOILA!

Hahahah, that battle scene took a lot of me though. I grinded my brain to make each battle as interesting as they can since I don't want it to be repetitive. Very happy to see such appreciation from you QuQ

For Rama... his route is very slow-paced and he is hard to open up due to his psychology -I often find myself in a headache since he pushed the MC again and again x_x; I'm happy to hear it's well-done from you since other people tend to get impatient with him x'D As I said, his bad route is probably one of the saddest and angsty chapter that I've ever wrote :'( I don't like angst but I can't deny that they're good and sometimes needed at some right moments!

I also agree that Mitra's route is not as intense as the other two x') it was supposed to be a very light story; but now I noticed that I can't make it too light or it will get overshadowed with other routes. Thank you for reminding me of this!

-And don't worry about lengthy review! I enjoy reading them and they always made my day brighter! x'D

See you again in my next project!



Hey! Sorry for not answering before - didn't notify me of you answer...

Yeah, you shouldn't be worried about using characters like Rama - dating sims of all sorts are full of characters with lighter stories and less tortured minds. While a character like him is uncommon and I understand the doubts you may have felt before the release, I think it's nice to have such a change of pace from the usual formula, and all of my friends I talked to about the game liked the concept of that character.

Angst isn't a bad thing in a VN game about romance - it's nice to see it taken really seriously. The only thing that should, in my opinion, be avoided is not allowing a character to have a good ending. I mean, in a game where the whole point is to reach a happy ending, it's always very sad if one or more character doesn't get that. A good example is the BL game Kuro no Tsuki - it isn't a very good game to be honest, even if I like it because of fond memories related to it. But one character in the game dies if you do his ending, while he lives in every other route. That's the kind of things that shouldn't be done haha!

I kinda understand why some people would think Rama's route is too "slow", but I think it's necessary for a character like him, and his route doesn't lack events - the only thing that is slow paced is the romance progression itself, not the amount of encounters with the character. So yeah, in that case I'd rather say it was not a route suited for the people who said that rather than a weakness in the route itself - I'm fairly sure lots of people like it as much as I do! It would have been very "random" if suddenly the romance appeared at the moment when he may die in the forest after not progressing much before. But even at that moment, while he opened up a bit, it wasn't quite there - it was subtle enough to make it a logical progression. At the same time, I actually did see Tamara's feeling growing stronger and stronger before that point, wich is some kind of progression, even if Rama wasn't showing the same things. I think some people discard the MC a bit too much and focus only on the love interst they're pursuing. I think the MC's feelings are important too for the progression of a story.

Hi Konoi, and no problem! I'm often late at replying too ><

As for Rama, I'm glad to hear you like his concept! In the future, there will be more uncommon characters -I read and watch a lot of genres, but somehow, the ones that stuck in my head are always either angst/fluff :") you can expect a strangely angst but also fluffy stories from me lol

Oh, and don't worry, I won't make tragedy stories like in your example, Kuro no Tsuki. That is just a big NO o.o; If there is, I will definitely make an U-Turn and make it a happy end ASAP X'D

But to be honest, Rama's route made me impatient as well hahah >< the process is slow and we want to hurry in order to get to the good stuff, yeah? :")) however, his psychology didn't allow it ~

This is one of the reasons why my second VN will be a lot more longer x'D

This is suchhh a great game! I love it to bits! Like, the story was great, the art was amazing and I had such a blast playing it.

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

I like all of them for different reasons, but my favorite has to be Reksa, His grumpiness is too cute and his protective streak is something that I really like. His possessiveness at the end of the epilogue was something I found attractive. I was amazed at how much more there was to him, too. He had insecurities, which was a very nice surprise and his obivous love and care for his people gave him even more depth. His animal like qualities where also something I really liked about him.

What makes you consider to play this game?

Well, the fact that this game features a winged race and a reptile like race had my interested. It also helped that the three love interests had my attention with there designs.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Overall, this visual novel was great! I had such a fun time playing it and learning more about the characters. The art was amazing and looked so well done, a lot of love and care was put into it.

The story was something else, each route had emotions in it, though I must say my favorite story had to be Rama's, with how much raw emotion there was and the fact that you touched on such heavy topics without weighting down the story was just amazing. Though, I still feel sad that Rama could only be saved in his route.

Tamara was so great. She's strong and independent, her kindness was something I immediately latched on to. The fact that she had flaws also made me like her even more.

Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

Nothing, really. The only thing I can think of was how after each route (expect Mitra's, his route ending where I think it should have) I felt like there should be more but I guess that goes to show how much I enjoyed the game. I did miss a few CGs in the gallery and I really want to go back and find them but I don't even know where to begin.

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?

Oh, yes definitely. Judging from what I just played through, I'm sure any of your other works would be just as amazing!

Such an amazing game! I hope this helps you with future games!

Hi AbigailsDomain!

Thanks for visiting and reviewing! :'D I'm sorry for the late reply tho; I was busy preparing my next project >.<;

1. Thank you! I'm glad so many people loves and understands his character so well x'D he is a very lucky man indeed ~

2. Ah, sweet first impression *u*

3. You're making me blush >///<; I do my best to apply emotions into each chapter; it's my way to keep people from getting bored quickly. I still have rooms to improve in grammar and details tho! I'll do my best too next time >:'D

4. Oh, did you skip the epilogue or bad ending? o.o The epilogue should play automatically once you passed the credits. For bad endings, you just have to give each bachelors the bombs :'3

5. Thank you for your warm support! x'D the next project is near but I still have some preparations to make.

See you again!




**Warning** This contains minor spoilers! *Warning**

I am absolutely in LOVE with this game~! It took my breath away and made me really FEEL the stories!

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

You know after reading a lot of the comments below, I was surprised to see that not many people were fond of Rama. But actually he is my favorite! He intrigued me with his personality and background story more than the other guys, and even in Mitra and Reksa's routes I was devastated at his suicide. So i saved him for last and damn, he is so amazing. I love the complexity of his past and character, and even his drawn out epilogue (poor Tamara, three years?!). But it was so worth it! His route made me feel the strongest and the epilogue literally had me crying along with Tamara out of happiness. Happy endings always get me~! <3

I especially enjoyed how raw and emotional his route was, while still remaining realistic (well as much as it can for a fantasy visual novel). I thought how he grieved, his pain, his reactions to Tamara, and how long it took him to get over Ayu (but he finally did hehe, i ship RamaXTamara SO HARD) were all very REAL and I appreciated that so much. I connected with him in a lot of ways!

I could go on all day about that fine piece of man meat but I won't. X'D

What makes you consider to play this game?

Well I mean, it's a very interesting premise! You sold it on this page really well too, the description got me hooked and then reading people's comments and seeing how much they loved it? I knew I had to try and DAMN am I glad I did! So many sexy men. X'D

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most?

Overall, I am simply amazed at the detail and love that went into this visual novel. I'm still stunned that this is free! Holy cow, I am so lucky lol. The characters were all very different and complex, each with their own unique backstory. But they all managed to be woven together perfectly. The amount of creativity and dedication that obviously went into this is why I wanted to comment so badly, something I rarely do. You deserve to know that you are amazing.

The art was beautiful, once again details are KEY here. And you sure know how to make attractive characters, hot damn. X'D

I think my favorite part is definitely the stories. I admire you for being able to touch on such heavy topics such as suicide and rape without it weighing down the stories, in fact, in my opinion it added to them! Because once again that brings in the emotions, this visual novel made me feel for the characters (including even minor characters and the MC!) like no other visual novel has done before, and I don't say that lightly. Especially Rama, and yes I loved Tamara. Sometimes it can be hard to like the character you're playing, in fact a lot of visual novels suffer from poor MC depth and characterization. I don't know how many times I've come across an MC who is weak and wimpy and pathetic or on the other spectrum, so amazing in every way. =.=

Tamara was very refreshing. She was weak in body yes, but she had her moments where she kicked ass. Her spirit was strong, she was kind and everyone loved her and YET she definitely had flaws. I think her kindness is what i loved the most about her (aside from her sense of humor and not taking anybody's shit lololol), especially in Rama's route. *Squeal* I absolutely adore them, I know I'm gonna replay this game~!

Reksa was the first one I played and I liked him a lot, gotta say there's just something about a manly man that gets me all hot and bothered. X'DD But normally I actually don't go for the brooding bad boy type so I was pleasantly surprised when his character turned out to be MUCH more. His past, the fact that not all Komodo's were bad, the truth behind the war that really shocked me (that's another thing i must applaud you on, i love me some drama!). And during his epilogue when he was all possessive ('you're mine!') I nearly died, god so sexy~! <3

Mitra was my least favorite, though that in no way means I disliked him! He is an amazing character like the rest, I suppose he was just a little too predictable for me. I still thoroughly enjoyed playing his route, so sweet and charming (and hot!). <3

And you already know I'm head over heels for Rama LOL. XD <3

I love how much detail went into the minor characters too though! Asih and her husband Yuda, both of whom I adore, and Yuda is just downright hilarious. Granny, and the triplets and I think my favorite, Reksa's fellow Komodo, Purba. Purba has to be all time favorite villain (and oh my god he's sexy~!) in a visual novel lol, yeah he's horrible and I love him. XD I love how his defeat in each route kind of implied that there was more to him then meets the eye and I feel like there could have been a great opportunity to explore his depth. I totally would have played his route if that were, you know, a thing. XD But that would probably be really hard to do, so he'll just stay mysterious~

Looks wise, i at first thought Reksa was the best looking but Rama's CG's were SPOT ON and ugh, I have never been so attracted to blonde hair before LOL. Especially the epilogue CG where he's sleeping? Oh, so cute~! <3 Overall though, all very attractive characters and that is in part due to the amazing art. :)

Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

Honestly, not much! When I say this game is one of my favorite ever and I'm in love with it, that's the truth! I read over the comments before I started the game and so I was expecting the shaking. At first it was a little hard to get used to I admit, especially because it was just a constant thing even in instances where I thought it wasn't really necessary. However, as I played the visual novel more I became used to it and in fact, in certain ways I think it really enhances the story and I can definitely see what you were going for. I just think that maybe there should be an option in the menu to turn off the shaking? That way for people who don't care or enjoy it like me, they can just play through but those who don't like it, they can turn it off without it affecting their game play, and hence, their opinion on the game. But other than that, nope I loved this visual novel, 10/10!

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it?

Oh HELL yes! Like i mentioned earlier, I'm still shocked at the fact that this was free! Simply because of the amount of work and dedication I can clearly see went into this. You could have easily charged money for it and it would have been so, so worth it! But then again, when I first found this I was strapped for cash (LOL couple days ago, haven't stopped playing since I installed it) so super glad it was free lol. But yes, because I have seen what you are capable of, if you come out with another visual novel that obviously interests me (demo included), then I would definitely buy it because I know you won't let me down. :D

This game is so original and beautiful and sexy and amazing. XD Thank you so much, and I hope this helps~! <3

(1 edit)

Hi Jeelyn!

Thanks for visiting and reviewing! I enjoyed reading this very much :'3 I apologize for the late reply; I was busy preparing my next project you see >.<;;

1. Aww, I agree that Rama needs more love :'3 but it's okay since everyone has their own tastes ~

But I'm very happy to hear how you immersed yourself in Rama's route! It was a challenge writing his story -but I'm glad I did! Even though it involves me playing lots of angst songs/instrumentals to get my muse :'))

But seriously, his bad end is probably one of the most emotional scenes I've ever written Q_Q

Thank you for loving this little child of mine <3 I'll make sure to deliver your love ~

2. Thanks! I tried my best x'D

3. You're spoiling me rotten *cough* but I'm not complaining! I'm very happy to see all my boys are being loved >////<

I think I have more room for improvements; the details are a bit unclear at some events (like, Tamara's past). I think I got a bit impatient in the middle of the story and skipped some important things; much to my dismay; but I'll definitely do better next time to make you and other readers happy :'3

Though... it will involve a lot of waiting in your part >.<; I hope you'll be patient with me :'3

As for Purba... lol, I know that feeling! I love antagonist characters too and wish to date them in some games; like Kuja and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy Series? x'D They sometimes attracts me more than the MC/protagonist *swoons

4. Thank you~ I'll do my best to meet your expectation in my next game :'3

5. YAY! thank you so much for the support! x'D

see you around!



First off I loved playing Nusantra! The story, world, and characters are all interesting and I love the art. This is going on my favorites list.

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

I really like Reksa. I'm a sucker for dark hair+green eyes and the hostile type. But I love Mitra! He's pretty much the kind of man I want to marry (why are they always fictional?).

What makes you consider to play this game?

I love fantasy and otome games so when I saw this I had to play.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

Overall I love it! I'm not sure which element stands out the most. I think each play-through is different.Like when you start out the artwork and story stands out but as you get to know each character the characterization stands out (especially after doing Rama's path).

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

I read through some of the comments and someone mentioned the shaking. Although it does add to some scenes (for instance when Tamara falls or during the cave-in) those who are more sensitive may stop playing because of it.

Also, I enjoyed reading through the encyclopedia and learning where your inspiration for certain scenes and character designs came from. ^^

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

I would totally buy it if/when I have the money. That seems to be life's theme: If I had/have the money... (too bad we can't pay bills with our imagination)

Hi FlamingDiva!

First, I want to apologize for this late reply due to me being busy preparing my next project >.<;; but boy, I feel touched to hear my VN is going into your favourite list! :'D

1. lololol, so many people like hostile bachelors x'D I can't say anything since we're on the same boat tho, lol.

2. High five! I also love fantasy related stories/otome :'3

3. You noticed! x'D Yes, I made each route unique since I don't want to be repetitive and bore you guys to lala land ~ You spoil me too much tho >.< I still have rooms for improvement and I'll do my best to meet your expectation in the future! :'3

4. Oooh, so maybe the 'shake' effect is a bit intense in some parts O.O; I'll take note and tone it down a bit next time; thanks for pointing it out! and glad you like the mini-encyclopedia! I'm going to keep that feature for sure~

5. Nah, I understand. We have bills to pay and life changing from adolescent to adulthood can be a bit overwhelming x.x thanks for the support tho!



hello! just wanted to say thank you for sharing this game! the graphics are beautiful, the story is well-written, i enjoyed the characters although rama was a bit... different sometimes (his bad end made me feel REALLY sorry for him though Q O Q!!). and i just. man this is one of my favorite if not the most favorite free otome game i've stumbled upon. i look forward to any future releases!

as for the questionnaire. .. .

  1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
    my favorite is reksa!!! i'm a sucker for the hostile-then-friends-then-lovers type, and he didn't fail to deliver. also he's so cute and rather feisty at the same time? does that even make sense? hahaha. i also did enough mitra, though. he was the first route i went for - i enjoyed how down-to-earth he was.
  2. What makes you consider to play this game?
    honestly, i was looking for a otome game to play and saw this one listed and decided to give it a shot since the premise seemed interesting enough. i'm glad i decided to try it out, lol.
  3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
    overall, i do like the visual novel! the element that stood out to me in the beginning was the story, and the artwork sealed the deal since it's really beautiful.

    aside from that, while he's not my favorite bachelor, rama's story was... really different and had a lot of sensitive topics. i don't mean that in a bad light, rather - it was really nice to read as it's so distinctively different from mitra and reska. i felt really bad for rama if you don't take his route that he never fully heals/recovers from his past experiences and well... hits the bucket, so to speak. qq i was glad that in his route at least mc shares her own burdens with him and they both move on with their past together.
  4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
    the [SPOILER] rape mention in mitra's route [/SPOILER] i found so out-of-the-blue, or rather i wasn't expecting it since that was the first relatively-dark mention in that route iirc. regardless, mitra's response to her confession was 100% A+++++. i wanted to applaud you on how you wrote his response to that scenario.
  5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
    yes yes and yes!!!! i'd be glad to show any support! throws my wallet your way tbh ♥

Hi arusenu!

Thanks for coming and reviewing :'D I'm really sorry for this late reply; I was busy preparing my next project (and still is) I'm very happy to see more people is still coming and reading Nusantara tho QuQ

1. lol, I understand what you mean x'D Reksa turned out better than I expected! I'm also a fan of cold or a bit antagonistic characters... so that might be why :'))

2. YAY! and thank YOU for giving this little one a chance x'D

3. Thanks! I tried my best to make things interesting :'3 and I was quite worried too at the beginning since some events are a bit dark while my art has bright color palette -but thank God they worked well x'D

-and Yes, I created 3 different bachelors to see how you guys will react :') (easy, medium, hard?) I'm also glad that even though Rama is not your favourite, you also gave him a chance and understood his story well! *hugs*

4. lol, yeah, that part of the story is cringe-worthy >.<;; I didn't put enough events to hint on Tamara's past -I'll definitely try not to repeat the same mistake! >:'D thanks for pointing it out!

5. D'aww thank you for your support! :'D

Thanks again and I'll see you around! my next project is going nicely~



Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Oh, this is hard. It's honestly a toss-up between Mitra and Reksa. I'm tempted to just go with Mitra, but that's a bit biased since I played his route last. I actually cried towards the end of Reksa's route when a certain spoiler-y thing happened, and he was so sweet, and I was just overcome by all the feels....

What makes you consider to play this game?
Well, lets be honest: the art was the first thing to catch my eye. What made me continue to play this game was the story and characterization. The story is unique and engaging, and the characters feel like people rather than archetypes or cardboard cut-outs.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
This is a beautifully done VN. 9/10, would play again (and again and again and...).

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
I did find some of what I assume were errors in word choice, which I assume are there because English isn't your first language. They weren't so bad that I didn't know what you meant, but they created some unintentionally funny moments. I commented on your DevArt regarding this, so I won't go into that further here.

Another thing that would be nice is some closure at the end. I was hoping for a Big Damn Kiss or some sort of lovey scene after choosing to stay, but I never got one; I chose to stay, and the game ended. I kind of felt like that dumped me out of the story rather than letting me down gently (for lack of a better metaphor). It's not a huge issue or anything, but there you are.

I think it would be nice if there were more variation in the story itself when you play different routes. I realize that this would be a LOT of extra work for you, and it's not really a big deal, but, hey, you asked.

I don't know if this is a flaw or not, but it kind of seems like Tamara is supposed to end up with Mitra (considering a few scenes that were constant throughout all three routes and some Tamara-backstory-revelation that only occurs in Mitra's route). I'm not sure if you intended for that or not (or if I'm just reading too much into it, which is entirely possible).

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
I will definitely buy it! You've shown in this VN that you are a pretty masterful storyteller (and heartstring-puller...), and you said that it would probably be around $10-15. That's definitely worth it! I can't wait! <3

Hi Briling thanks for reviewing!

I'm very happy that you like my art-style and even say the story is good >\\\< I'm also happy that Mitra is getting quite popular <3 but I guess Rama is not your type? XD

Grammar is still my biggest enemy and I still have rooms for improvement in my writing skills so I hope you'll be patient for my next project since I'm going to take my time learning >:')

Oh and after the credits, there should be epilogues for each bachelors o.o; I have no idea how you missed it since everyone else seems to get it x.x

Oooh, I hope it's not a bug since Ren'py is not supposed to have many bugs ><;

Also, thank you for your support! I'll do my best to reach your expectation and more in my next project! :")



(1 edit)

Yeah, I'm not terribly fond of Rama. Sorry. I just don't have the patience for his shenanigans, and there was one point where he did something that REALLY pissed me off that I won't mention because of spoilers. After that point, though, I was just like, "NOPE. DONE." I just felt so outraged by it, and it was never really addressed afterwards (which I understand, since it was done at a point of super high tension towards the end of the plot, but it doesn't stop me from getting worked up about it).

Your grammar didn't actually bother me or keep me from enjoying the story, so please don't be too self-conscious about it. There were just a few instances that I noticed where the words you used were a little strange for the context of what was happening (and those times were mostly because of alternate meanings of those words and slang terminology). If you like, I would be happy to help you with things like that. Then again, no one else seems to have noticed, so maybe I only noticed because I'm kind of a word nerd. Honestly, I have so much respect for everything you've done already; this is a very minor thing.

Ahh, I see about the epilogues now. The credits rolling is usually a signal to me that the game/movie is over. My mistake. Thanks for letting me know, though! Now I have an excuse to play it again right away! Heehee! <3

OMGG!!! i LOVE LOVEEE YOUR GAME!! (pardon my caps lel) Reksa is BAE I KENNOT honestly when i first started playing your game i was like mehh..its probably gonna be those boring visual novel games but im SOO GLAD your game prove me wrong!! and my gawdd when the game included melay words i was like HEYY MY NATIVE LANGUAGE YUSSS!! i seriously cant wait for your upcoming games im so excited!! i hope more people will check out your creations >.< (p.s Rama is cute but EURRGGGGHH I WANT TO SLAP HIS FACE SOMETIMES)

lololol, thanks RhinoDino!

I can feel your enthusiasm all the way here x'D I'm still preparing my next project but glad to see someone is waiting for it! :'3

Also the walkthrough isn't showing up. I'm taken to the site but the words don't show up.....I'm not looking for a how-to-win thing I just want the CG i'm missing for Mitra.

The walkthrough needs you to click and drag your mouse over it xD

It's invisible to avoid spoilers.

ah that's cool, thanks

(1 edit)

It's a really good game and I know how much projects like this mean to the creators, however I do have some small critiques for future reference....

1. Don't do so much with visual shaking and flashing of the screen, it can become annoying and distracting to some readers if overdone. When shaking or vibrating the screen it should be done in moderation and typically when certain actions are done. Flashing the screen is the same, if you use it try not to overdo it. Flash the screen 4 or 5 times and then either keep screen black or clear the image but if it's constantly flashing it will become very distracting to readers and it can take away the sense of "Immersion" within the story.

2. adding more music, even if it's just soft background noise is usually helpful. It's better it have more music in a VN than very little. (not that there was that much of a lack, but the beginning could've used a bit more music.)

3. Try not to do scrolling or auto continue words and dialogue unless you have a voice actor to go with it. people read at there own pace and when the words change on their own it can become frustrating to the reader if it goes too fast.

4. Make the credits skip-able, this is because if the reader has accidentally scrolled back (Like my smart self did) they will have to re-watch it, that can be a bit annoying.

Now before you get all critical and whatnot (not saying you'll get upset but just in case you do I want to clear thing's up) I just wanted to tell you that this is an amazing game and I adore it. The music that is present in the game is perfect, (I only wish there was more of it) and the CG is beautifully drawn. It's hard to find a VN with a good story line and gorgeous CG. I love the language barrier at the beginning, it's different and very creative. Not many people would think about adding that to their stories. I adore the game and the story, I love the fact that every choice you make has a direct impact on all three of the Boys and that you can get a wonderful ending but experience a heartbreaking scene.

I look forward to more of your creations and I hope you put the same amount of creativity, hope, and love into all that you do.

Hi Ashylan!

Thanks for your critiques and suggestions! X'D

I think you're talking about the beginning of the story when the legend story is being told? (auto-text) and there ARE lots of shaking and flashing when Tamara 'fell' ...even more so in the endings :"))

Oh and I take it for granted that people know how to skip text/credits with ctrl button O.O; really sorry about that.

In my next VN, I'll try to tone down the shaking/flashing ><; I tend to get carried away :"))

About more songs; this is a good idea and I was considering to hire a composer for more original musics (I'm quite a picky author and it took forever to get musics which are compatible with some scene's situation >.<). But I do thought about using Indiegogo for getting funds o.o I'm focusing on preparations atm tho -pray so my campaign in indiegogo will go well! XD

Again, thanks for your concern and support! See you around in the future!



No problem, I always enjoy a good VN and I love helping others make them even better. This one was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed every bit of the story including the bad endings. I can't wait to see what else you come up with, and yes I was talking about the auto-text at the beginning.

I just made an account so I could comment. This game really awed me. I'm speechless after playing it... IT WAS SO GOOD. I cried, laughed, was angered... I felt so many things that I can't even fully explain myself. So I will answer your questions!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Tough question. I love Mitra and Reksa equally. If I could, I wanted both of them LMAO. Mitra because he is so trustworthy... He is like that big protector that would give everything to his girl. He was the first route I played... yeah, loved him right away.

Now, Reksa is a interesting character. After I played Mitra I was thinking "Reksa seems very similar to Pubra... is he Pubra? :o" When I played Rama route, I already knew he wasn't, but it was a nice suspense haha. So, back to Reksa, that beautiful specimen: I liked how he would growl, purr, be angry but in the end he was really a big wolfy puppy. LOVED THE GOOD END - the best, in my opinion. I just wanted a sequel to that ending haha #hornybastard. OH and he is not just a pretty face, he is a character with a personality and troubles - he is not perfect.

2.What makes you consider to play this game?

When I want to play a VN I look at the art first then the characters. I loved how you portrait things, and the characters were yummy, so I gave it a go.
3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I love all the elements in this VN. Love the art, the story, the characters.I just found some kissing CG weird, but overall it was great.
4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
I wanted routes with stories a little different. I felt that they followed the same boat, just a few differences. I wanted bigger endings... to know more about what happened after her decision. More endings
5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
If it's not too expensive, I'd buy :) And of course, if it could be delivered to Brazil~

Hi sayuk! And thank you so much for being so supportive QuQ I'm touched to hear you make an account just to comment here ~

1. Lol so gentleman vs hornybastard for you x'DD hahahah I laughed in the morning when I read this -I'm glad you like their routes! It was definitely fun to write them (tho some people get turned off by Reksa's possessiveness and horniness 8'D /hammer)

But really, I'm very happy to hear you like their personalities and stories :"3

2. Lol, yup, first impression is important! I'm glad you like my art style >\\\<

3. Lol you must be talking about Mitra and Tamara's Omed-omedan kiss? X'D well to be honest, I was confused about How to portrait Mitra kissing Tamara's chin in that angle -but thanks for the concern, I'll make sure to look for more kissing pose reference :"3

4. Hmm so probably longer and more epilogues? O.o okay ~ I'll consider and learn how to make satisfying epilogues for you xD

5. I'm not sure about hardcopies -maybe a digital copy for you to download O.O I've never sent items overseas so I'm afraid it will get lost somewhere x'D

Again, thanks for your support and concern sayuk!

See you around :"3

(1 edit) (+1)

I must agree, I recently play it about 3 days ago and made an account today to share my thoughts. I'll be honest the most awesome plot and heart felt moments, I played it blind and got rama route without even knowing and started to develop feeling for him. I really wanted to help him but end it with a bad ending, I did saw it coming when I felt like something is wrong but I accept since I did a bad job. Sorry rambling on owo;;.

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

At First it was rama when I first play blind The feels for his backstory wants me to help heal him to see better days but reksa growling and purring takes the cake because I find that when a male got into their instinct is pretty hot and makes my core pools hahaha xD.

What makes you consider to play this game?

At first I wanted a good time, I played many otome that was on here and this was the next on my list, compare it to the others this by far have the best story line for teens if added a little more like intention hentai then adult as well :3.

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

The art work, seriously caught my eyes, next would be the sound effective for the dialog, and after looking back again, I now value a good story line as long it still keep my attention and allow me to make hard choices without looking at walk through. I'm more then happy.

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

If their anyway to get a bouns ending? For intercourse and foreshadowing kids? Also can we input in our own name for the character? Also for the next game can it be another human but still part of the same game world? (I'm not good at explain owo;;) Any chance for some of them to have a voice actor?

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

I would be sad but if its like this then yes. I just pray that its not overly prices.

Mitra, is an awesome and hot person, he is the dream guy every GOOD girl should have but let's just say I'm NOT a good girl sooo, he could add a little more *wink wink* kinks~. Here how I images if a guy alike from mitra/rama (yeah a knew a werid combo) In the public he is both serious/cheery playboy that look like he couldn't keep it in his pants. While at nice, he one of those that werids a mask and have nightmare that would go out find a cliff or a tree near the cliff watching the ocean till he fall asleep. but hey that just me xD

Hi Yuuki!

Thanks for stopping by :'3 I'm touched when you said my story is good enough to push you to comment QuQ

1. lol I know that feeling too well dear x') I'm glad we have the same taste /facepalm in embarassment*

2. Aww thank you O///O but I think I will keep my works PG15 since I never wrote PG17+ stories :")) close... but hentai? Uhh nope. (Except if people pushes me and fund me enough to cover my embarassment -but I seriously doubt it! X'D)

3. Hmm, hmm Ia agree that first impression is very important! Glad that you like my art style dear :"3 I'll also do my best to make more interesting stories for you.

4. Oh lol, if you follow my facebook page (Nusantara Visual Novel Series) you'll get a small info about my next project (same universe but entirely new story; and probably some cameo) ;)

Intercourse? Uhh.. like I said before, nope x'D hints about their activities maybe but a detailed chapter for it? Nope. Future children? O///O I'll consider it ~

I've thought about bonus ending/mystery character for my next project tho ;)

5. Don't worry, it will probably range arpund $10 for early birds and $15 at most :"3

Thanks for visiting and see you around!

Is their a skip button somewhere?

press ctrl to skip over the parts you've read :'3


You know, I really love this game. Played the older version n this version. You don't know how many times I played the game on and on and on. I kept rambling and praising your fantastic works to my siblings but, they just ignored me, saying I kept on repeating the same thing over and over...Hahahaha... >///>

can't blame them tho, I sounded like a broken record... @////@ and I created this account just to comment...I think a lot of people did this too! ^.^)/

will you be making another game? or the continuation of this game? 0.0)/ I'm so looking forward to it! ...hopefully free? 'coz I'm always broke these days...sorry! I'm only rich with ideas. If you're planning on making another game, n in need of ideas, I'd be happy to help! Hahaha... ^w^)/ Anyway, to answer the questions~

Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

REKSA! then Mitra and finally Rama~ :3 why? well, let's just say he's attitude tied us together... >///>

What makes you consider to play this game?

Actually, I love playing visual novels. Especially one with otome as a genre~ Tho, I'm not really picky since I also played vns that targeted males. :p

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

The story and characters! I really like this game because I can somehow relate? The fantasy theme is not too far-stretched and I always love bad ends. The arts too~ Nice arts but, if you do a lil more touch up, it'll be much better. :3 But, I'm never picky with arts in the first place. Tehee~ Seriously, a lot of commercial vns have beautiful arts but with stories that's a little...yeaaa~. But yours, wow...awesomez! And the protagonist is not dumb and hopeless like in most vns! That's a major relief! My goodness! My mind is saved! ^.^)/ Like I said, the story's good. Arghhh...why is it when I wrote comments, I never managed to tell what I feel clearly?! T^T Am I shy? O.o w-well..., let's forget about me n on with my comment! :3

umm, I'll try to buy your games, when I have money~ :3 Hopefully... ;.; I'll manage! :3 I think this is all... well, umm, do your best and keep up the good work! ^.^)/


umm...also, I hope there'll be a route for Purba? :3 I wanted to seduce him and see his reactions! O.o)/

>///> I'd been told by a lot of people that I'm naughty and sadistic~ Hahaha...

Hi Ayuni thanks for stopping by! :'3

lol I'm touched to hear you try to tell your siblings about this game x'D there's nothing can make me more happy than to see someone loves this VN as much as I do :'D

I think your wish have just came true a few weeks ago x'D I'm preparing a new VN called; Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle.

It's an entirely new story but set in the same universe (only bigger). This time you'll have a chance to travel and visit other places :'3 and maybe some cameos lol. Follow my facebook page for early news xD but sadly, it's gonna be commercial u.u

But It will be awhile until I post a WIP thread on lemmasoft/FB/dA since I'm flooded with work atm :S

and lol, Reksa is still the most popular I see x'D glad to meet fellow VN lover! (tho, I'm picky about VNs targeted at males :'D maybe you can recommend me something? last thing I played is ever-17).

Aww and thanks for saying my story is amazing! (-OuO-) I think I still have rooms for improvements -but I'll do my best to create more interesting stories in the future! but again, thanks for the healthy dose of stroking my artist's ego x'D

- and Hahahahh, lol! so you'd like to romance Purba :')) now, that's a first! but I can't blame you since I often find myself attracted to antagonist character hahahahahah, welcome to my boat! x'D But sadly, I'm not planning to make a sekuel u.u (pardon the grammar mistake, I can't press the 'kiu' button)

Overall, thanks for your support! Hope to see you around! :'3



Yeay! A new vn~! :3

awww, commercial...Owh well, I'm gonna start working next year so it's fine~ X3

owhh, in this vn, will the new protagonist meet with Tamara and the bachelors in the last game? or in an entire different place?

0.o owhh, I'm asking for spoilers already! XDDD please don't mind me!

Yes, yes~ Reksa is still dayum~ X333 there's no end to my flirting, it seems! XD

too bad there's no route for Purba~ :3 but, will there be route for antagonist in the next vn? o.o)/

hmmm, a recommendation...hmm, I like them with rpg, strategy and stats raising so, Kamidori Alchemy Meister for now. Owh, there's this vn that was said to challenge the manliness of ze guys called Lucy: The Eternity She Wished For~ I haven't checked it out yet tho! Too many assignments to send this year~ XDDD I feel like I'm gonna die of insomnia~

umm, well, I guess this is all? I can't really think right at the moment. hahaha...three more assignments to go until I'm set for this semester~ XDDD so,...sorry for rambling~! ;.;)/

well, I'll be seeing you again! Always support you, sweetheart~ <3

You've got me cry in the Reksa end.. good job.

Dan ceritanya bagus, love the Indonesian-reference and cultures. Nanti mau planning bikin sequel nggak? atau spin-off? #akhirnya-ketemu-programer-indonesia

Iyaa? wah, makasiih >///<

tp sygny sy gk rencana mau bkin sekuelny u.u mnurut sy crita yg ini ud resmi tutup buku tp mngkin akan ada cameony d projek brikutny :'3

projek brikutny lg in progress preparationny, dan jdulny Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle. Set in the same universe but an entirely new story + a chance to travel and explore more of Nusantara's archipelagos xD

Follow page FBku mungkin u/ news2 awal :'3 tp WIP update spertiny bkal bru muncul Desember, soalny kerjaan lg numpuk @@

(1 edit) (+1)
  1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Have only played Mitra's route, will answer this after I finish all, but he was so lovable. Ramma seems a bit too dangerous and dark for my liking... I will still play his route though. Reksa seem really really cute too but I will leave him for the end.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

Story, also I like the idea of the avian race. I like Otome in general, but Im used to the more shoujo bishonnen type so this was a nice surprise

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

The story then the art

4.Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

Kissing GC need a bit of practicing, thats all. Also, a random question that I do not know if it is already asked, would Tamara be able to have children with the boys? kinda asking since Mitra is so family oriented I feel sad that she might not be able to have children with him and make his dream come true... if so I would rather prefer the ending where she returns home and leaves him behind, at least he could find a woman that could make his dream come true. I mean I know children aren't needed to make a couple loving each other happy... just felt bad giving Mitra no children lol

5.Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs

If the story and art catch my attention :) , I actually didn't think I would enjoy it this much, it didn't call my attention until I played it

Hi mooninlove! Thanks for stopping by and reviewed!

1. lol, okay I'll look forward to your reactions after playing them all xD

2. Yup, a refreshing theme I guess? :'3 we've had so much in high-school/modern themes these days so I'm glad to provide something different xD

3. Aww thank you! >///<

4. *cough* thanks for the suggestion >< I guess that means I need to find more kissing references ^///^

well, this is an interesting uestion, but yes, Tamara will be able to cross-breed have children with the Avians/Komodos! >:D it's actually a minor part of the Goddess's idea to fast forward the progress of her creation's evolution; but not by much. The general idea in this story is that the 'myth' in our world about anubis, angels, centaurs, kinara kinari (humans part animals) is true and does exist but long forgotten. If there's a smoke, there's a fire.

I hope this clears some things? :'3

Thanks for your support and see you around!



Thank you for your reply :,) I have finished all routes and Reksa ended as my favorite, though sometimes he is too rude he ends being sweet; but I would actually marry a guy like Mitra in rl sounds like a more safe marriage -giggles-

Hello, I hope you are well.

I have just finished playing Nusantara and I really liked this game.

It is very captivating and I felt absorbed in that place with the main character which to me made me enjoy this game that I wanted to help answer some of your questions.

I enjoyed them all as each had a great backing story and they were all very unique characters.

I would have to say Rama's story sticks in my mind more than the rest I guess it struck a chord with me as It is emotionally good.

I was interested with the setting of the game and the cultural setting that made me curious. I love ancient settings/fantasy and rich culture.

The way the story is written keeps you engaged with all the characters I didn't find any dull moments. I guess that would be the great story telling and I also think the art is so good, seeing each viewpoint of the characters made the story more well rounded. The added Encyclopaedia and the history and reading about what inspired you on the Extra section was nice touches to read.

If anything it would be a few minor grammar confusion while playing considering though I can't fault the rest of the game.

Yes! I would support you. Definitely.

I'm looking forward to your future creations.


HI sum11!

thanks for visiting and reviewing! :'3

There's nothing makes me more happy than to hear you enjoying my game so much -so thank you! :'D

I have to agree with you there about Rama. His route is the most challenging for me to write; probably because of its dark theme. But I'm glad to hear it makes a lasting impression on you!

You definitely stroke my artist's ego here with saying everything is good >///< but I think I still have rooms for improvement and I'll do my best to create more interesting characters and stories for you! >:D Oh and if you like the encyclopedia and the indonesian cultures, expect more in the future ;)

and lol, yes, I think grammar mistakes will be forever be my nemesis ><;

once again, thank you for your warm support! :'3 those supports always keeps me going!



(1 edit)

Hi again ^^,

I play your fantastic game again in your new version and this version is a bit better as the other, because it don't crash anymore. The second thing I can run other programmes without crash.

But your game was also good before.

And I love all your guys again, it's difficult to decide who I like the most but

1. Reksa, he's the best, sexy and possessive, and so NAUGHTY, i love this

2. Rama, I like him too, his emotional and sad together, and he is in his kind of...sweet? Yes I think so

3. Mitra, gentle and kind.^^

I love this 3 guys but the best are Reksa and Rama because the storys are deeper, also the good as well as the bad endigs are very beautiful and sad too (the bad endings).

I like your art very well also this beautiful storys. ^^ But also your characters are very good implemented. I must laugh and cry buy sthis story an characters.

Critic?...ehm longer storys? until the crash problems in your other version I don't have any critic. ^^

Yeah I would buy other games from you via kickstarter.

Keep up the good work!!!!


Ps. Your new picture from Reksa is amazing. ^^ 'fangirling'

I feel you girl! Reksa is the best!, don't get me wrong, the other two are amazing too. But Reksa is just.. 'fangirling' :P

Hi Rinaria! Very sorry for this late reply ><; work has been hectic +I'm preparing for my new project :"D

I'm happy to know you enjoy the re-make with lesser crash :"D

1.IKR! He's much more naughtier than I thought x'D people said his route has more sexual tension than the other lol.

2. Yes, Rama is complicated and a challenge to write :D

3. Chivalry is not dead x'D (at least in this world lol)

I love the fact that you give all the bachelors a chance and how they managed to catch your attention :"3

I'm thinking about patreon/indieGogo in the future since kickstarter doesnt accept paypal unless I have a bank account in USA x'D

Thank you for the support! I'll do my best to make more stories in the future! :")

Also, lol thanks, I have to admit that Reksa's bonus pic is maybe a lil bias since I love autumn season x'D

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