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I've been trying to stay away for these past few years to not let my eagerness get the best of me, but I want to say I still come back here from time to time to check on the progress, and I'm so SO excited for this to be out. It's so nice to see the progress!
Wishing all the best for the last stretch!


It's out now! Eeeeee~


Seen it! So hyped!


AHHHH! I'm such a big fan of your nusantara games, I'm always head over heels for the angry, shorter one 💕 thank you so much for making these, they're absolute gems <3


game visual novel indo...wah keren bgt sihhh


Makasih, yasszva!
I try my best -^_^)/


I'm so excited for your game. I've been here since your first game and your doing a fantastic job. I can't wait to buy it when you release it. please take your time and don't overwork yourself <3


Thank you so much for your support & understanding, lizzasaurous! Q_Q
It's been years since my first game was released so I'm really flattered and touched that you're still here... I will definitely do my best to meet your expectations! \(>_<)/

How much do you need to finish the game?


Hi, Kiggy!
If you're asking how much time I need to finish Bermuda, it should be next year! January/February, after I finish re-checking the proofreading result.

I don't have a set team so I almost do it all solo (programming, finding sfx/vfx, CG, UI, sprite art, etc), so please excuse me for being as slow as a snail Q_Q I'm trying to be slow but steady--hence the weekly updates!


Pls don't worry about your speed. You are incredibly cool and admireable for what you do, I mean sheesh, you almost do it all solo! If I had a penny for every time an entire TEAM of people quit within a year, I'd be loaded! I am very glad that you have never given up on this project and am so proud of you!!!

Hi! just stumble upon this game when browsing indiegogo, it's a shame you didn't get the full funds.. but I hope the game is a success anyway! :D. I just finished the game in one go and even tho I'm a guy I must say the story is quite engaging that makes me attached with a nice local touch too lol and many charaters are interesting! Arya is an ass tho.. in a fun way but still an ass lol! I like Kahlil joyfullness the best and Guntur composure is also great! Keep it up can't wait for it to be finished! 

Btw I'm Indonesian too! from Depok actually lol, I'm wondering how can you launch a project in indiegogo? As far as I know Indonesia can't launch a project there :"D, I would like to discuss things further with you if don't mind of course :D Since I just started my game studio maybe there's a potential for collabs in the future as well! Thanks! XD 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you and hello fellow Indonesian gamedev, anigma_studio! -^.^-
You flatter me, I still have rooms for improvement--like how slow my progress is QuQ I'm just fortunate to have so many people patiently waiting for this baby of mine.

To answer your question, I did a crowdfunding Bermuda in Indiegogo when they still accept Indonesia (it's quite easy to set since they provided FAQs about Indonesian bank and what info was needed). However, last time I checked, they don't include Indonesia into their country list anymore... but if you have a friend in Singapore, you might still be able to do it! If you have any questions, you can add me on discord maybe? my nickname is SweetChiel/sweetchiel!

You're welcome and thanks for the response!

Ah that's a shame I wonder why they no longer include Indonesia anymore :( I'd love to chat through discord! :D my nickname is haryo_anigma

just checking on this and wooo!! its so close to being done. so excited for you!!

Thank you, Kikaharu!
One step at a time, just need the proofreading to be done & checked before I can deliver this baby to you! x'D


Returning here from years ago. So happy to see the progress you've made with the game.

 I saw your latest dev log and hope things get better at your day job! When I first played your other Nusantara game, I think I was still a student. Now I have my own day job as well, and looking forward to the day when you're ready with your commercial release. 

Your stories and their worlding have always stood out to me, after playing so many VNs. I don't make a lot at work yet, but you're definitely among the first in my to-support list. ^^ More power!

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh my, thank you, Gab! QuQ
It really feels nostalgic. Back in college I never thought I'll end up making visual novels, but here we are; alive and slowly trying to push these babies out x'D

But most of all, I'm really happy to hear that you like my stories :'D
It means a lot to me--especially when you stick with me despite my grammar flaws. I will do my best to meet your expectations! >_<

And yes, I also hope my dayjob will have good news soon. I really enjoy my current team and boss :'3


Finally got the time to finish the Demo!! 

I'll be honest, Im one who's hard to move on once I absolutely adore/love something. So getting into this and adjusting into this different "Nusantara" world after LoTWO took a while (... It wasnt that long tho!) 

Now I cant wait! I I cant wait to see the lore and story to this! (And tbh- I definitely was caught off guard in some of the scene's in the bar.. lol- Sorry, I just wasnt expecting that lol!)

Now for the boys! At first I thought I was 100% gonna vibe with Arya... I mean I do Vibe with him in a way (I like how he is very realistic.. or pessimistic? I dont really know! But I like him! I have a feeling I might also have a "Annoying each other" feeling... like Rama-) But I end up vibing more with Guntur.. and Kahlil- And that Dio dude. (Sorry, but I think his design and all that have captured my lil-simping heart-) I definitely cant wait to read more and get to know the Characters more! and Tbh the Story and Game in general! I cant wait for it all! 

Tho I do want to ask about the Room Sign for MC's room in one of the House BG (with the kitchen)- I know MC is canonically "Maya"- but since its optional, Im just thinking about how it can be a bit of an interesting situation haha! I dont have a problem with it btw! My friend just pointed it out and It just got me thinking... unless I read the sign wrong- then apologies for my mistake! And I hope this is an okay question? no pressure to answer btw! I was just being my curious self as usual! 

Oh! I also kinda wanna know if we are going to have a back button/mechanic? 

Thank you for working on this! Hoping the best for the progress! Lord bless yall!


Oh my O///O
Thank you for taking the time & giving Bermuda a chance! This one is set at modern setting at first and the story is at least twice as long as Winged Ones' so I can understand the struggle x'D 

"I definitely was caught off guard in some of the scenes in the bar..." I get that a lot 😂 I tend to want to try new things, to get people to see the 'other side' of unusual things (you might say I'm testing/polishing your open mindedness~), and maybe let you see the hidden value/morality you can take from it :3

For the bachelors, I recommend going with Kahlil first, then Guntur, Arya, and lastly the Antagonist route later. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping you'd enjoy the story--but once again, remember to take your time because the story will be at least twice, or maybe thrice, longer than Winged Ones :'D

 As for the MC's room sign... yes! I'm glad you noticed!
I have half the mind to remove it, but I think it's a good reminder of what the MC's true name? Or is it going to be strange? 😂 What do you think though? Should I remove it?

Hmmm, I will probably not implement a back button, only a history book ><
I recommend you to save often! The save/load screen have more than 10 pages, you can keep pressing the arrow! It's kinda like a happy mistake but I like to think of it as a hidden mechanic x'D

Last but not least, thank YOU for giving my game so much attention and love! I'm always happy to reply to your comments, but do excuse me if I'm a bit late, I tend to leave for days and let the comments accumulate first so I can reply to them all at once :3 

Wherever you are, I hope you're healthy and happy!


I see! I can say that I dont mind it! Im not really that picky with how BG looks and I thinks its a cool and sweet Idea for reminder!  Overall whatever you do- whether you decide to remove it or not, is up to you! Since this is your character and story, I believe you would know whats best! (Tho I can understand why, if someone realized it- would be a but confused or feel weird- lol)

Ah I see :'D well- I hope I'll remember to save lots because sometimes im just either to caught up with the story and my thoughts about the choices- I just forget alot hahaa

But once again, Thank you for making your games!! I love them so much! I feel and I know I will enjoy this as much as Nusantara : LoTWO. (Tho hoping my attention span would cooperate with me... I know how distracted I can be lol) and dont worry! Im as happy as you are when I see your replies! And I guess sorry for this late reply lol.. I have been busy and was going on a Vacation so I wasnt to much on the internet lol

And you too!! Hope the best in whatever you are doing, hope you and your team are having a great time! Lord bless this project will go smoothly <3

Deleted post

Aww, you're welcome and ily too, mythyu <3
I can't thank you enough for the continuous support! ^///^
I also didn't expect to go this far, it really shows about how important  communication is--and you guys are awesome! You're practically Saints with how patient and supportive you've been all these years QuQ

Since this is just a demo, where can I get the full game?


The full game isn't out yet but it's almost done though, from my understanding I think it's just mainly proof reading that's left to do but I might be wrong on that -3- 

(1 edit) (+8)

Oh my, from time to time I drop by randomly and see you still consistently posting updates. Much appreciated from us patiently waiting for the full release!

Anyway, I saw how close you are to finishing the game and I feel so happy for you!  Time really flies by fast. When I first discovered this game, I believe I was probably around 13 years old. Now, I am 20, a slightly different person from how I was before, shaped by many experiences. I remember how obsessed I was with otome games and visual novels, now I am someone who kind of grew out of it as I became busier and my interests branched out to other things, but I come back to it from time to time. I guess seeing how close your game is to finishing made me realize how much time had passed and it made me reminisce a little about my younger self, thinking back to simpler times. 

So glad at how much progress has been made! I will eagerly anticipate the full release. Thank you very much for your hard work and I hope you've been doing well with other things in life! <3


hah, 7 years, I finally get to meet my bois :'3


Ikr? But it feels like only yesterday I posted the demo for Bermuda QuQ
Oh, how time flies!


I had to go back to your first game just to check if I got the dates right, and man... it's been more than 6 YEARS since I played the first game and left you a comment on it. I still have fond memories of the story and the characters, and it warms my heart to see that you're almost done with this one. 

It's been quite a while and many things have changed (congrats on your marriage!), and even though I'm not a teenager anymore, I made sure to keep up with your updates on this one. I'm so happy to see you working towards your goal and I absolutely cannot wait to play it. I'm positive that I'm going to love it as much as the first one, if not more! 

Seeing all of this made me nostalgic for simpler times and bingeing visual novels, so I think I'm gonna go back to the first one and replay it just for the cozy and warm feelings it gives me. Best of luck to you both in this one and in other projects yet to come! ♥


Omg, I'm so sorry for this late reply, Alice Gone Mad!
My notification alert seems to have failed me because if not for takefanci, I wouldn't have seen this comment >_<'

And yes! It's been a long 6... almost 7 years? I'm feel really luck & grateful that you've given me your support throughout those years Q_Q don't worry though! Even though I have went through many changes in my lives, I will always take good care of the child in my heart ^///^ 

I wonder if I should take on a more 'mature' genre for my next project? I mean, we're basically growing up together and during my next project, we might've become adults x'D

No problem at all! And it's always wonderful to see someone retain the child-like wonder in their eyes, and I think your games show that completely! ^-^

Hmm, that's a great question of course, and I honestly think that you should do what you deem best! I think there's nothing bad or wrong about not creating content for more mature audiences; honestly, I was completely amazed by the world-building and the characters in your game (tbh you should write a fantasy novel!! I would 100% read it :D), so if the shoe fits... I'm sure it will be a huge success no matter what you decide! And, of course, it is always wonderful to turn to something that is sorta nostalgic, like Nusantara is for me, and the serotonin boost is greatly appreciated! ^^ I'm positive that, even if you decide to turn towards more mature themes, they will still have a whimsical feel about them and I'm looking forward to any new projects that you decide to take on! Wishing you all the best ♥ 

will there be a walkthrough made for the routes?


Yes, TEXT4life!
Don't worry, I'll provide a walkthrough in case you want to relax and read a particular route ^.^)/


I haven't been here in 2 years, i'm so proud ur almost done *cries


Jesus Christ, I've been following your game and it's progress for 4 years (I finished your other Nusantara game 4 years ago and I absolutely loved it, I inhaled all the routes inhumanly fast) The fact that you're almost done with it fills me with an emotion I can't explain but I am so proud of you!! I haven't commented on any of the updates recently cause I have the attention span of a goldfish but I did see your update about you getting married!! Congrats! (You looked absolutely gorgeous in your wedding photos 💕)

Anyways, I'm so ecstatic to see the end result of your hard work. And I hope these past 4 years have been treating you well!! Thank you for taking me on this journey with your memorable characters and storylines, and thank you for inspiring me to make my own dating sim/visual novel <3


I'm not really sure how to word this considering i have never left a comment before even tho i have been interested in this game for almost 4 years. ( ps: i apologize I really  don't know how to  prove it)  

 But the fact that the game is almost done left me so shocked considering so many things have changed, but it feels like such a short time.

And the fact that u even got marrieddd. U genuinely are absolutely GORGEOUS and like how other people mentioned u looked like a princess!! <3

This community REALLY does feel like a huge friend group and wow just the fact of how time passed leaves me flabbergasted EVERY TIME

Anyways i really hope ur doing great and that u have a great life, week, day. ( I don't know which one to say but u get the point)



Hi, ymirhoe!
Ikr? Where did the time go? I could've sworn I've just posted Bermuda's demo XD

I also love the community <3
I never thought you guys would support me for so long, let alone staying until now ^///^ Patreon also have helped me through difficult times. It helped my mother to pay the bills, feed my pups, and fix my house's roof when it caved in--honestly, you guys are the best Q_Q It feels like I have an invisible, second family & friends guarding my back and I have never felt so grateful!

...I hope it doesn't sound too corny, but that's how I really feel :'D
So thank you for being here and I hope you're healthy no matter where you are <3 Please take care, rest plenty, and don't skip your meals!



Oh man its been years since I left a comment but I hope you are doing well!
I'm so ready for this to be released! <3

Also, sooooo proud of you!!!  It's almost done!! 
Waiting patiently yet eagerly :3


Omg, KimYuuki! Welcome back! I'm glad to see you again~
Yes, I'm doing well, still slowly but surely like the snail I am x'D 

I don't know what else to say besides thank you for the patience and for the warm support \(TuT)/
Here's hoping you're also doing great over there! Please take care and wait for me just a little bit longer~


Oh gosh! Im saving my pennies, i will buy this game as soon as its available! Been a fan of yours since i played "Leyend of the winged ones". I already played the demo and I can tell this game will be amazing.

Awww, thank you, Mavya90 ^///^
No rush, I think I can finish Bermuda before the end of the year--hopefully sooner, but I'm one known for being a perfectionist, not to mention my proofreaders x'D

I hope you still have the patience to wait and walk with me in the process :'3
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop it here or somewhere in my weekly updates!



Its okay, good games take time x3 if the first Nusantara was amazing, then this one is bound to be even better. I can wait a little bit more ;)

Thank you for being so understanding, Mavya90! QuQ
I will do my best to reach your expectations ><

So glad to see how much progress you've made, just a bit longer now! : D and congrats on the recent wedding too! I'v been watching this project since I found Legend of the Winged Ones a few years back. That vn was one of the ones that kickstarted what may or may not be an addiction >.> either way, you did well on that game and the demo for this one. I can't wait to see what the finished product will look like! : D Best of luck in all endeavors.


Yes! Thank you for being so patient, IntrovertedTurtles365! \(>v<)/
The years really flew by, I hope I didn't make you wait for too long--please walk with me a bit longer~

I'm a bit flattered to hear you like Winged Ones so much, it started an addiction a new hobby! If you're having a good time, then it's great, but please remember not to try finishing it in one day :'D

Take care, have plenty of rest, and don't skip your meals!


OmO after years of waiting <3 just a little bit push ^-^ cant wait to see the full version

Yess! Just a bit more!
We can do this! \(>u<)/

Almost done almost done aaaahhhhh!!!!

We're almost there indeed~
Stay with me, xdell! x'D

I'm excited that this is almost done. I'm very proud of you for keeping up the great work!

Thanks, DivineHonee!
I wouldn't have lasted this far if not for the many support I've received Q^Q
Really, thank you for being so patient with me! You guys are saints!



damn i downloaded this last 2020, good to know its nearly done, goodluck!

It's been a long time, isn't it :'D
My motto is 'Slowly but surely' so I really appreciate your patience <3

Thanks for dropping by, gyurjac!



Thank you for the support, AmaraDenee! QuQ
I'll do my best to deliver it soon to you but I hope you can give me more time~

Of course! Take the time you need, darling! Im just happy to see the progress!

Every time I pop in to see how the progress is going I'm always so impressed, Honestly you've done such a good job so far I remember finding this in early 2018 and falling in love with the playable demo then. There's not much in terms of progress left now! Enjoy some time off ^_^ 

Thank you, JoJo19!
I'm really happy and flattered to hear you've followed me since 2018 ^///^
It's truly a blessing for me to have so many patient supporters--you guys are saints! Now that the photoshoot is done, I'll do my best to get back to work this week!

Here's hoping there won't be anymore distractions :'3


Hey Chiel,

I haven't been keeping up with updates. I went back and read the previous updates, but an still a bit confused. Is the game available and will get an update once the antagonist is ready, or is the whole game delayed until you finish the antagonist? No rush and no worries either way; I'm just trying to figure out where you are in game development. I bought this a while back, so whenever it's ready, I'm going to jump on it!


Hi, KyiSoRo! 

So far, there has been a beta test for the main routes (the three bachelor) and currently, I'm developing the antagonist route :'3 and yes, you can say the whole game isn't ready until I finish the antagonist route >< it's kinda like the grand finale while also giving my proofreader time to finish checking the main routes ~ 

I thank you for the understanding and the patience *bows* we've come so far! >\\\<



Hi, 0Cinnamon0Apples0!

I'm sorry for the late reply, I somehow missed this one notification OuO;

You give me too much credit though! I'm much slower than other developers so the least I can do is to write an update every week (so you'll know I'm still alive, kicking, and trying to finish my game x'D)

Here's hoping you stay around and patient enough to walk along with me to the finish line :'3



Haha, looks like we're both slow to reply XD And I definitely will wait, 100%!! Good luck~

Thank you, 0Cinnamon0Apples0! >u<)/

And it's okay, better late than never x'D I'll see you around~ 



demo was great! cant wait for the finished product

Aaaah! I'm sorry for the late reply, sweetginger1108 @@
How come I missed so many--I'm glad to hear you liked the demo though! I'll do my best to reach your expectations! >///<


Hey just checking in again, looks like you're making plenty of progress congrats!

I can wait to see the game announced and I'll keep watching to see when it does :3

Hi, Artemis_Ameretsu!
Thank you for checking up on me and I'm sorry for this late reply Q_Q
I really appreciate your support and I hope you'll keep walking with me until it's finally time to release this baby QuQ


Wow, you've made so much progress since the last time I checked! It looks awesome :)

Thank you, unseellesiren!
I'm sorry for this very late reply--I don't know how I missed the notification ><;

Rest assured! I'm slowly but surely progressing thanks to you guys who is always supporting me ^///^

(1 edit) (+4)

i just finished the whole demo a few hours ago (only writing now since i fell asleep just after playing it) anyhow, i liked it so much since the plot and the characters were so established - given that this was only a demo. despite that, it still gave us a good amount of content that could further pique the players interest - knowing mc's reasons to why they have to do this. 

not all demos really give you a good gist of the story and only teases the actual beginning of it, but seeing one of these makes me happy as it's just amazing :D

i also really liked the way indonesia's language was integrated as it was based from that place - as someone from a neighboring country, i really wanna see more as

anyways here are some funny stuff from the game which i absolutely wheezed at during 3am:

kahlil: why won't we hold hands and jump right in!! :D
guntur: yea and sing fuckin' humbaya while we're at it. 

Hi, ardeallydead!
I'm really sorry for this long overdue reply Q///Q I don't know how I missed your notification, but I really just read your comment!

I'm flattered that you like the demo a lot, but I hope I didn't mess up your sleeping schedule >///< However, it's really a relief that you think the demo is good :'D sometimes I wonder whether the story is too slow/too much info in the beginning, but seeing that most of you enjoyed it really makes me happy!

And I'm also glad to hear you like my sense of humor x'D 
I thought I was getting rusty lol--but yup, always happy to make you laugh!

Here's hoping you'll still visit me now and then <3
Take care and I hope you're well!



OBTW i also loved how you added Sari to this as well XD


I'm really happy to see you're enjoying yourself ^///^
Thank you for giving Bermuda's demo a chance <3

(3 edits)

EEEEEE, I love the poster of the Winged Ones! I love it when I find Easter eggs like that. So thanks :] Oh i mean in the MC's bedroom.

Thank you, MonseFinnie6612!
I'm glad you like the easter egg x'D
There's more to come! Like a cameo in the late game so stay tuned!


is this gon be free?

Hi, BeaBla!
Unfortunately, Bermuda will be a commercial product -^.^)/
For free-to-play, you can play Winged Ones!

I can't open the game on mac. It doesn't say anything like you don't have permission or anything, it just won't open.

Hi, jojowear! Thank you for downloading and giving my game a chance!
This is a first though o.o the demo package should've included all 3 versions, mac included. Once you opened it, you only need to click on 'NusantaraBermuda' app (not the .exe one) and the game should run by itself. Maybe your mac automatically blocked it due to it being a new app? I'm not sure >_<; all I can say is; try use a computer (windows) or try with another laptop? Maybe your friend's? I'm sorry that I'm unable to give you more help Q_Q

thank you for relpying. Nothing changed but I do hope that you find the problem, so i could enjoy your game.


Right click on the mac app icon, select Show Package Contents, then in the Contents folder, click on the MacOS folder - there will be something called NusantaraBermuda in it - double click that to run the app through terminal.


omg thank you it worked


Thank you for helping me solve this problem, TSharpe! ^///^

(7 edits) (+2)(-1)

Hello, Chiel! Hereby is my review of the demo after one (or two) years of putting it off. I always make sure to write my reviews in detail because I think it is more helpful >.< I divide this review into art, writing, and characters because those are the topics I understand the best (not an expert tho, at all). I hope this doesn't sound obnoxious or excessive or overwhelming or something because this is too LONG (mostly because I have many thoughts about the characters teehee)! And so I have to put this into Docs -_- I'm so sorry I have written this much. And whatever I have written, I’m so sorry if something offends you T_T Not my intention at all. It’s just that I’m pretty honest with reviews.

By the way, if you are curious, the review has 5 pages, but don’t quick scroll it just yet to scan this long-ass review because I prepared a surprise at the end.

(For fellow players, you can totally read this too!)

Of course, since this is long and you recently got a health diagnosis, you can read and reply whenever.

Edit1: After I have people messing with it, I changed the link to only people allowed can access it -_- Guys, I give you access not for you to try to be my editor for whatever reason. This is a review for god's sake. Now people who want access, especially Chiel or people who often comment on Chiel's weekly update posts, can tell me directly that they want to access in the replies. I allowed Chiel basically anything, but the rest I only allowed you people to read or comment on it. Don't suggest things please.

Don't worry. I check my phone frequently.

Edit2: Because Chiel has read and commented, I provide you with pdf version instead. Well, just in case. You can only view tho.

(1 edit)

Jesus--5 pages of review, this is a first lol
I've sent the request and I'd like to thank you for the love you've poured for my sake! >///<

I'm not sure why people are messing with it but I guess it shows that a lot of people cares x'D you've outdone yourself! 

I'll take my time reading it, and maybe... how about you add me on discord so I can reciprocate your love? ;) that is, if you don't mind some spamming x'D I might reply to your review in a loooooonggg paragraph!

My Discord: SweetChiel#6894

Last but not least, I'm really sorry for this late reply--I've been busy exercising and dying from it :')) 


I have sent a request! My Discord username is #kpchrs, Chiel. Thank you 😊😊

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