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I love this so much, I just have one question though is there a specific route order or can I just go with any of the trio


Hi, Drakona666! Thank you for your love and support -^.^)/

You can go with whatever order you prefer, the most important thing is you enjoy yourself! But if you ask me, my recommendation would be: Kahlil>>Guntur>>Arya>>Antagonist!

Congrats on the release! I remember stalking the progress of this weekly on LemmaSoft forums (I use the same handle, you might remember me lol). Looking forward to play it.

I have made the purchase, but the game doesn't open for me :( I click on the file, there is no error but it also doesn't start the application. I am using a quite old model, which might be causing the issue. Is it possible that you send me the Mac version files separately, as that have worked before for other games?

(1 edit)

Thanks, Bouki!
I have goldfish memory so please excuse me for my forgetfulness x_x but I do know there are many of you who have commented on Lemmasoft & while there are less now, I'm sure many are still watching me silently behind the bushes! 

If you cannot open the game in mac, have you tried right clicking Show package contents>Open folder> open MacOS> click the game's name?

The interesting thing is Elseth also have the same problem as you. His/her exact words were "My Mac is M1, and I think the market build dont work in M1 (Right now, I'm playing with a very old windows laptop). I think it has to do with the market build and my mac architecture. M1 and M2 macbooks dont use the Intel Architecture, they use ARM if I'm not wrong. I notice that market builds dont work in M1 whenever i publish a game as well, so i always choose to build windows, linux and mac separately in renpy"

Now the sad news is my Macbook pro 2012 have died so I can't test the latest build on macbook T_T I'm really sorry, let me try making a separate file for mac right away!

UPDATE: I've uploaded "NusantaraBermuda FULL GAME 1.4.4 Ver. MAC", please try it~

Thank you very much! The "Show package contents" solution worked and I am having a blast so far. I have completed the three main routes but still am very intrigued about the last one.
Ahah no worries about forgetting! I remember that I was a freshmen in college and going through my first breakup when I played the Legend of the Winged Ones, now I moved overseas as a PhD student and Bermuda was one of the first things I bought with my very first paycheck. Following your progress and the many hardships you have faced throughout the development made it so that the game holds a special place in my heart. Hope everything in your life turns for the better & you continue to do the things you love!


I'm very glad to hear it worked and you're enjoying yourself, Bouki! >///<

Lol, it's truly not an understatement that we're growing up together by now. I truly am a lucky person to have so many people watching my back & supportive throughout my ups and downs QuQ

And you moved overseas? You're very brave! That's a huge step to being independent, I hope things are going well for you~

Please take care, eat your meals, don't forget to rest, and if you need me I'll be here!



Oh my gosh! You did it!!!! Congratulations! I know I haven't commented in awhile, but I've been following the project this entire time. I'm so happy for you. <3

I can't wait to play it! And congratulations again, all your years of hard work has definitely paid off.

Thank you, Averxy!
It's all thanks to the many support I've been receiving QuQ)/ my proofreaders, my Indiegogo pledger, my patrons on Patreon, and of course, my lovely supporters on! Thank you for the hard work, everyone!
And no problem at all! I know there are lots of you who have been watching me behind the bushes, it's one of the things that motivated me to update every Monday~ 

Take your time and have fun! I look forward to hear your thoughts and I will be here if you need me <3

how long is gameplay?


Hi, donii00x!
Thanks for asking, the gameplay varies for each person since it depends on your reading speed.
But personally, I think 3 days is a good average gameplay for 4 routes ^.^)/ my suggestion is to take your time and have fun~

Hello :D

I’ve been following this game’s development for ages, ever since I stumbled upon your first game. Now that I’ve finally wrapped up all three routes (plus the mysterious ??? route), I’ve got to say—I’m impressed.

The story is so well-written, and everything comes together perfectly in a neat bow by the end (SPOILER: except the Parallel Universes thing, kinda odd introduction but it later foreshadows what your goal is in an interesting way). The LIs are quirky and fun, making each dynamic interaction feel authentic. But what really makes this VN stand out is Maya. She’s not just another strong heroine; she’s relatable, adorable, and really grows on you. The way the game building on her daily life and family interactions early on makes her entire reason to be in Nusantara seem less forced and more welcomed actually (even more than Tamara, which is surprising as I really like her more than Maya initially). Whenever she expresses her thoughts/concerns, I actually feel for her, like my girl please hang in there! She's not your usual cardboard stand-in heroine, and I love her antics so much that it's enjoyable to see <3.

And let’s talk about the ??? route—chef’s kiss! In my opinion, the puzzles were perfectly balanced—not too hard—and I felt the same rush as Maya did (I solved them on my second try). It’s been a while since a VN has made me feel this mix of giddiness and angst, and it was worth every penny of the $20, not to mention the hassle of setting up PayPal for the first time (totally worth it, by the way). 

You've solidified as one of my most favorite people to follow. I look forward to your next work if you ever release another one!


Hi, SolVerlitz!
Omg, you don't know how relieved I am when I read your comment >_<
Throughout the years of development, Bermuda has been such a joy to make, but I was also constantly worrying whether I've improved enough or whether I can reach my supporters expectations--I was afraid to disappoint you, hence I checked & proofreaded the scripts multiple times.

Personally, I think I still have rooms for improvement. However, even with its flaws and strengths, Bermuda will always be something that I can proudly & fondly talk about ^///^ because thanks to it, I'm able to meet lots of kind people who has supported and loved my work through so many years!

It's still quite far in the futures for my next work, since I still need to fulfill Indiegogo's pledges (exclusive wallpaper & sketches). I also want to publish it on Steam so yup, my plate is quite full right now! x"D But I will continue to improve  myself, so stay tuned and I hope to see you again in the future <3



Congrats on the release! I've been following development for so long so it's great to see the game finally come out! But is there no way to purchase it using a card? Usually buying games on gives you a PayPal and card option but I only saw the PayPal option here, which unfortunately won't be able to work for me.

(1 edit)

Hi, RenaiPro! Thanks for asking and for your continuous support!

Yes, itch io provide the card option but it's only by using stripe and unfortunately, stripe doesn't have Indonesia region when I went and tried register, so paypal will have to do for now x_x 

I see. Oh well, I really wanna play so I’ll see if I can get PayPal working for me. I’ll do my best!

Thanks for being so understanding, RenaiPro!
Please take your time and if you need me, I'll be here =^.^)/

My battle against PayPal was successful ✌ Game has been downloaded and I'm off to play at last!

Whoa, congrats, RenaiPro! Take your time and I hope to hear your thoughts later~ ^.^

(2 edits)

Let me first say I loved your first game. This one has in most ways surpassed it. The story is captivating. The antagonists route has been heart wrenching. My only problem is with the last puzzle for his route. I know someone else has already commented, so I can see this being an issues if you release it on Steam. After I first completed the puzzle, it shattered again. I know you said that trying to find black pieces on a black mat are meant to be symbolic, but I have been working on the second round for an hour. My eyes were burning, my fingers were cramping, and my wrist was hurting from repeated click and drag motions. I finally had to save and stop for a while. When I came back to it, imagine my shock when I had to start all over. I found that if you are not very careful, pieces can drop onto the black portion around the mirror. 

With the exception of that, thank you for another wonderful game.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, Bioras!
First of all, you're almost finished with all 4 routes, yes? You've come a long way! Thank you for giving me a feedback -^.^)/
I completely understand your frustration. The antagonist's route, while it's shorter than the other routes, it's the most difficult one. It has many traps and you can suddenly get a bad ending if you pick the wrong choice. But one thing I'll admit is the puzzles are supposed to be hard/a challenge for the readers. The first 3 will feel like they're preparing you/train you to get used to it. The 4th and the 5th are the final challenge. The mirror will always break twice in the plot and you cannot save your progress. They are intended so don't worry, you're not alone, everyone must go through it if they want to complete the antagonist's route! The more you work hard, the sweeter the fruit of labor, right? ^///^ but yes, I admit this is not for everyone...  

The 4th and 5th puzzle are inspired from something called 'milk puzzle' (a puzzle entirely made of white pieces), and to be honest, I did consider making an all black puzzle pieces, but I decided against it since it'll be too hard @@ I also tested them with all of my patrons on patreon and adjusted the difficulty level several times in the process. 

Therefore... I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable and frustrated, but I don't have any plans to change it T_T
Some tips I can give you is: 
- Finish the mirror part first
- Imagine a grid on the right side of the puzzle. Click & drag towards the mirror according to the grid, so if you grabbed one, you'll be able to see it on the mirror!
- Once you grabbed a black piece, try putting it on the empty spaces. It should automatically click into place when it's close enough. Do not put black pieces on top of each other! Because the system will have a hard time recognizing which pieces and it will disturb the automatic click into place

I hope it helps and I wish you the best of luck!
Please take your time and take a rest if your eyes are hurting Q_Q



It's going to take me a few days to put all my notes together and write out a more comprehensive review/comment, but I just finished the ???? route and I've been bawling like a baby for the past ten minutes so I needed to come cry about it here LOL

I know it was probably unrealistic to expect a purely good end after everything, but the bittersweet closing to his route felt like such a shock. In the beginning I really was not sure he'd win me over, and here I am ten hours later in absolute tears wishing he could finally have some peace. I thought for SURE nothing was going to beat the found-family vibes in the first three routes, but ???? was such a compelling character, I knew his backstory was gonna get me I just didn't expect how HARD it was gonna get me. I really was not prepared for how invested I was going to get in this world when I first started playing. 

I sound so put together right now I'm proud of myself LOL I'm red-faced and blubbering behind the screen you have no idea. I'll have a lot more to say later once I've put everything together and it's not so fresh, I just needed to come share the pain for a few minutes and ramble while my emotions are high. 

Thank you so much for sharing this story, I had high expectations already going into it, and I was still completely blown away. I shed REAL. TEARS. over this game and these characters, I felt real grief over their losses, and sitting around the fire with them really did feel like hanging out with family. 

I was missing the first three guys during the fourth route, and now that it's all done, I just miss all of them. I'm very grateful I got to experience this. 


Oh, my dear Sowainne... *opens a new tissue box & gives it to you
First of all, congrats on finishing all the routes! I just woke up and your comment immediately made my day ^///^

I don't know how else to put this, but as an author, to see you get so immersed in the story and to get invested the point of tears--there is no better compliment for me!  Thank you for loving my characters with their flaws and strengths, and of course, thank you for being so patient and supportive throughout the years of the game's production! There are a lot of messages in the story that I hope reaches you and the younger generations. But the ??? route is probably the most challenging route I've ever written. Like Rama in the Winged Ones, you either love him or hate him. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but at the very least, I hope the messages he wants to convey reaches the readers.

That's why, I'm so glad to hear you made it, Sowainne! It means a lot to me that his story reaches your heart *huggss

I look forward to read your notes or anything else you want to convey through the comments section, but please take your time! Your current comment is already enough to make me smile all day, anymore and I think I'll ascend to the heaven lol



Ello. I am currently playing through the game and loving it thus far but I do need to ask you something. There is no in-game explanation about the status stats. What exactly are they for? Is it based on checks on events and/or is it based on whomever you are romancing?

(1 edit) (+4)

Hi, ramenlover890! Thanks for asking!

The stats corresponds to each bachelor: Combat = Guntur, Creativity = Kahlil, Dilligence = Arya. 

You can raise those stats by doing the corresponding daily tasks: Combat = Doing Laundry, Creativity = Hunting, Dilligence = Making Fire and small events will be unlocked along the way ;) If you 're pursuing a specific bachelor, I suggest you to stick with one task and you will have lots of chances to increase affection points (but it's also fine to do other tasks, it should be fun for you to try and unlock all of the different small scenes ^O^) 

Deleted 204 days ago
(2 edits)

Oh, if you're asking about what stat corresponds to the antagonist, no there is no stat so you can pick whatever & enjoy it ^.^

P.S. Please put SPOILER alert >_< and if you can, please minimize spoilers by not using the antagonist's name. Simply say "The antagonist's route" instead of his name :'D

My apologies. Post deleted.

Thank you!

Thank you for being so understanding, Bioras! ^///^ <3


OMY I just opened the app and saw this like?! Im so excited to play it! CONGRATS AND THANK YOU

(1 edit) (+1)

You're welcome, jaz98!
And thank YOU for supporting me! >///< take your time, have fun, & please let me know your thoughts later~


Hello SweetChiel ! Congratulation for the launch and thank you for your work ! Have been following the development from the beginning (I think) and I'm excited to discover what you have in store for us !

I want to signale a little something : I was forced to download manually the game (zip and all that), in the application it only proposed the demo file (see below a screenshot).

Take care of yourself, and again, thank you for your hard work and share it with us.

Best regard from France ! :D


Thanks for the warn support, Yaeron! It feels amazing that Bermuda reached France x'D
And yes,'s app is a bit funny. I found a forum that said you need to download the Demo first, uninstall it, and you can choose to full game, but...

I tried what they say, but it still doesn't work ^^; other people are also having the same problem with the app despite having the key, so maybe it's the problem with the app's latest update--or we're region locked?

I'm not sure, but the best advice I can give you is to download via website!



Simply wanted to ask whether it'd be possible for you to set up payment by card cause, welp, I don't have any money on my PayPal XD (mainly asking this cause of the I'd like to buy the walkthrough)


Unfortunately, no, I pegged for Satan >_< doesn't have that option--maybe Steam but it's still far in the future when I'll be trying to upload this on steam! 


woohoo! it's out!! yay!!

bought  it!


Thank you very much, ChickenRoostArt! It's not perfect but I hope you have fun! QuQ


Hello SweetChiel! :)

First of all, congratulations on the release. :)

And at the perfect time. I'm on vacation right now ;)

Thanks for all your work and the will to keep going. <3

I think I've discovered a bug. (If this has already been mentioned, just ignore the next sentences.) It's about the scenes with the choice of round character buttons on the map.  (see picture attached in the bottom row) Every time such a "save" is loaded, one of the events is simply selected and takes away your choice.

Greetings <3

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, Yanonako! Honestly, when  I updated the Ren'Py, several bugs popped out :')

Like, the timer bar for the timed choices is no longer sliding, but more like 'ticking', the mouse doesn't hightlight choices well, and... then this one. And you know what? I've just discovered the cause of the problem... :'D

So I usually put a pause on the screen, the one I used was: 

$ renpy.pause (1, hard=True) 

Turns out the correct code is:

$ renpy.pause (hard=True)  

 That frickin' 1 is the thing causing problem! I will update the game ASAP!


Well, sometimes that's the case and Ren'Py seems to be the master of messing up codes. I remember you talking about this before. Thank you for the quick fix. :)


Hello just wanted to know if there's a way to bring the brightness up or something for the puzzle since it's been so hard to find the pieces that blend in with the background


Hi, Moonybunny! Unfortunately, you can't >_<
You're talking about the black puzzle, yes? It is to make the reader feel like they're 'looking/scrambling in the dark' & it's similar to milk puzzle so I understand your plight :'D

My tip is:
- Finish the mirror part first
- click & drag with your mouse to the middle of the mirror image! And if you grabbed a puzzle, you'll be able to see it!

Good luck, Moonybunny!


Finally, it's released! Congrats Ciel!

I was waiting for it but i won't be able to purchase the game this month :(( *sighs*

It has been such a sucky month for me too, i just lost one of my dogs this week, it's been hard to cope with and it also kind of just dried my bank account. But i really want to support your game! So, next paycheck for sure! 

I wanna play, I'm sure this game can cheer me up, and I also want to see what you cooked this time. On the bright side, by the time I purchase this, it will be a more stable version i guess..??

Again, congrats on release! it's been a long road filled with ups and downs, but we made it! Treat yourself! Don't stress too much, remember to take breaks and stay healthy! I hope more good things come your way! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks, AwkwardSimp!
I'm really sorry to hear about your fur baby... my condolences, I'm sure he/she is waiting for you over the rainbow bridge--don't worry, he/she won't be lonely, he/she can play with one of my doggos who have also passed away :'D

And no worries! Take your time and yes! You will be able to play the game without a bug/glitch later! I've just updated Bermuda today (version 1.4), because there's a bug + a glitch in version 1.3's Antagonist's Route >_<; I managed to fix this ASAP thanks to Bloody Rosalia's quick report. More info about the bug is in today's update~

Again, thanks for dropping by and for being an awesome supporter QuQ it has been a long 8 years and I still can't believe that all of you are still here! I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world--I would never be here without you guys! *hugs*

And you too, please allow yourself to grieve and don't compress all those feelings in your heart. Take a deep breath, rest, and of course, don't forget to eat your meals! If you need anything, I'll be right here <3


Will the game go on steam eventually?


I'm hoping to do so, Aura Stone!
But it's still far in the future, I still need to fulfill Indiegogo backers' special wallpaper & exclusive sketches!
Not to mention, I need to update my Ren'Py and try building with their new steam library x_x depending on the outcome, I can't promise 100% it'll be on Steam. but I will definitely do my best! \(>_<)/ stay tuned with the updates!

Deleted 106 days ago

Thanks, SlavetotheCats!
It really is mindblowing--I mean, 8 years and all of you are still here! Q_Q I feel really blessed & fortunate, I won't be here without all of you! I still need to fulfill Indiegogo backers' special wallpaper & exclusive sketches, but stay tuned for my next project!


It's out! It's out~

I can't wait to play it✨


Thanks as always for the support, Shiawase! >///<
I've updated the game to version 1.4, please make sure you got the newest update!


I've been trying to stay away for these past few years to not let my eagerness get the best of me, but I want to say I still come back here from time to time to check on the progress, and I'm so SO excited for this to be out. It's so nice to see the progress!
Wishing all the best for the last stretch!


It's out now! Eeeeee~


Seen it! So hyped!


AHHHH! I'm such a big fan of your nusantara games, I'm always head over heels for the angry, shorter one 💕 thank you so much for making these, they're absolute gems <3


game visual novel indo...wah keren bgt sihhh


Makasih, yasszva!
I try my best -^_^)/


I'm so excited for your game. I've been here since your first game and your doing a fantastic job. I can't wait to buy it when you release it. please take your time and don't overwork yourself <3


Thank you so much for your support & understanding, lizzasaurous! Q_Q
It's been years since my first game was released so I'm really flattered and touched that you're still here... I will definitely do my best to meet your expectations! \(>_<)/

How much do you need to finish the game?


Hi, Kiggy!
If you're asking how much time I need to finish Bermuda, it should be next year! January/February, after I finish re-checking the proofreading result.

I don't have a set team so I almost do it all solo (programming, finding sfx/vfx, CG, UI, sprite art, etc), so please excuse me for being as slow as a snail Q_Q I'm trying to be slow but steady--hence the weekly updates!


Pls don't worry about your speed. You are incredibly cool and admireable for what you do, I mean sheesh, you almost do it all solo! If I had a penny for every time an entire TEAM of people quit within a year, I'd be loaded! I am very glad that you have never given up on this project and am so proud of you!!!

Hi! just stumble upon this game when browsing indiegogo, it's a shame you didn't get the full funds.. but I hope the game is a success anyway! :D. I just finished the game in one go and even tho I'm a guy I must say the story is quite engaging that makes me attached with a nice local touch too lol and many charaters are interesting! Arya is an ass tho.. in a fun way but still an ass lol! I like Kahlil joyfullness the best and Guntur composure is also great! Keep it up can't wait for it to be finished! 

Btw I'm Indonesian too! from Depok actually lol, I'm wondering how can you launch a project in indiegogo? As far as I know Indonesia can't launch a project there :"D, I would like to discuss things further with you if don't mind of course :D Since I just started my game studio maybe there's a potential for collabs in the future as well! Thanks! XD 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you and hello fellow Indonesian gamedev, anigma_studio! -^.^-
You flatter me, I still have rooms for improvement--like how slow my progress is QuQ I'm just fortunate to have so many people patiently waiting for this baby of mine.

To answer your question, I did a crowdfunding Bermuda in Indiegogo when they still accept Indonesia (it's quite easy to set since they provided FAQs about Indonesian bank and what info was needed). However, last time I checked, they don't include Indonesia into their country list anymore... but if you have a friend in Singapore, you might still be able to do it! If you have any questions, you can add me on discord maybe? my nickname is SweetChiel/sweetchiel!

You're welcome and thanks for the response!

Ah that's a shame I wonder why they no longer include Indonesia anymore :( I'd love to chat through discord! :D my nickname is haryo_anigma

just checking on this and wooo!! its so close to being done. so excited for you!!

Thank you, Kikaharu!
One step at a time, just need the proofreading to be done & checked before I can deliver this baby to you! x'D


Returning here from years ago. So happy to see the progress you've made with the game.

 I saw your latest dev log and hope things get better at your day job! When I first played your other Nusantara game, I think I was still a student. Now I have my own day job as well, and looking forward to the day when you're ready with your commercial release. 

Your stories and their worlding have always stood out to me, after playing so many VNs. I don't make a lot at work yet, but you're definitely among the first in my to-support list. ^^ More power!

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh my, thank you, Gab! QuQ
It really feels nostalgic. Back in college I never thought I'll end up making visual novels, but here we are; alive and slowly trying to push these babies out x'D

But most of all, I'm really happy to hear that you like my stories :'D
It means a lot to me--especially when you stick with me despite my grammar flaws. I will do my best to meet your expectations! >_<

And yes, I also hope my dayjob will have good news soon. I really enjoy my current team and boss :'3


Finally got the time to finish the Demo!! 

I'll be honest, Im one who's hard to move on once I absolutely adore/love something. So getting into this and adjusting into this different "Nusantara" world after LoTWO took a while (... It wasnt that long tho!) 

Now I cant wait! I I cant wait to see the lore and story to this! (And tbh- I definitely was caught off guard in some of the scene's in the bar.. lol- Sorry, I just wasnt expecting that lol!)

Now for the boys! At first I thought I was 100% gonna vibe with Arya... I mean I do Vibe with him in a way (I like how he is very realistic.. or pessimistic? I dont really know! But I like him! I have a feeling I might also have a "Annoying each other" feeling... like Rama-) But I end up vibing more with Guntur.. and Kahlil- And that Dio dude. (Sorry, but I think his design and all that have captured my lil-simping heart-) I definitely cant wait to read more and get to know the Characters more! and Tbh the Story and Game in general! I cant wait for it all! 

Tho I do want to ask about the Room Sign for MC's room in one of the House BG (with the kitchen)- I know MC is canonically "Maya"- but since its optional, Im just thinking about how it can be a bit of an interesting situation haha! I dont have a problem with it btw! My friend just pointed it out and It just got me thinking... unless I read the sign wrong- then apologies for my mistake! And I hope this is an okay question? no pressure to answer btw! I was just being my curious self as usual! 

Oh! I also kinda wanna know if we are going to have a back button/mechanic? 

Thank you for working on this! Hoping the best for the progress! Lord bless yall!


Oh my O///O
Thank you for taking the time & giving Bermuda a chance! This one is set at modern setting at first and the story is at least twice as long as Winged Ones' so I can understand the struggle x'D 

"I definitely was caught off guard in some of the scenes in the bar..." I get that a lot 😂 I tend to want to try new things, to get people to see the 'other side' of unusual things (you might say I'm testing/polishing your open mindedness~), and maybe let you see the hidden value/morality you can take from it :3

For the bachelors, I recommend going with Kahlil first, then Guntur, Arya, and lastly the Antagonist route later. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping you'd enjoy the story--but once again, remember to take your time because the story will be at least twice, or maybe thrice, longer than Winged Ones :'D

 As for the MC's room sign... yes! I'm glad you noticed!
I have half the mind to remove it, but I think it's a good reminder of what the MC's true name? Or is it going to be strange? 😂 What do you think though? Should I remove it?

Hmmm, I will probably not implement a back button, only a history book ><
I recommend you to save often! The save/load screen have more than 10 pages, you can keep pressing the arrow! It's kinda like a happy mistake but I like to think of it as a hidden mechanic x'D

Last but not least, thank YOU for giving my game so much attention and love! I'm always happy to reply to your comments, but do excuse me if I'm a bit late, I tend to leave for days and let the comments accumulate first so I can reply to them all at once :3 

Wherever you are, I hope you're healthy and happy!


I see! I can say that I dont mind it! Im not really that picky with how BG looks and I thinks its a cool and sweet Idea for reminder!  Overall whatever you do- whether you decide to remove it or not, is up to you! Since this is your character and story, I believe you would know whats best! (Tho I can understand why, if someone realized it- would be a but confused or feel weird- lol)

Ah I see :'D well- I hope I'll remember to save lots because sometimes im just either to caught up with the story and my thoughts about the choices- I just forget alot hahaa

But once again, Thank you for making your games!! I love them so much! I feel and I know I will enjoy this as much as Nusantara : LoTWO. (Tho hoping my attention span would cooperate with me... I know how distracted I can be lol) and dont worry! Im as happy as you are when I see your replies! And I guess sorry for this late reply lol.. I have been busy and was going on a Vacation so I wasnt to much on the internet lol

And you too!! Hope the best in whatever you are doing, hope you and your team are having a great time! Lord bless this project will go smoothly <3

Deleted post

Aww, you're welcome and ily too, mythyu <3
I can't thank you enough for the continuous support! ^///^
I also didn't expect to go this far, it really shows about how important  communication is--and you guys are awesome! You're practically Saints with how patient and supportive you've been all these years QuQ

Since this is just a demo, where can I get the full game?


The full game isn't out yet but it's almost done though, from my understanding I think it's just mainly proof reading that's left to do but I might be wrong on that -3- 

(1 edit) (+8)

Oh my, from time to time I drop by randomly and see you still consistently posting updates. Much appreciated from us patiently waiting for the full release!

Anyway, I saw how close you are to finishing the game and I feel so happy for you!  Time really flies by fast. When I first discovered this game, I believe I was probably around 13 years old. Now, I am 20, a slightly different person from how I was before, shaped by many experiences. I remember how obsessed I was with otome games and visual novels, now I am someone who kind of grew out of it as I became busier and my interests branched out to other things, but I come back to it from time to time. I guess seeing how close your game is to finishing made me realize how much time had passed and it made me reminisce a little about my younger self, thinking back to simpler times. 

So glad at how much progress has been made! I will eagerly anticipate the full release. Thank you very much for your hard work and I hope you've been doing well with other things in life! <3


hah, 7 years, I finally get to meet my bois :'3


Ikr? But it feels like only yesterday I posted the demo for Bermuda QuQ
Oh, how time flies!


I had to go back to your first game just to check if I got the dates right, and man... it's been more than 6 YEARS since I played the first game and left you a comment on it. I still have fond memories of the story and the characters, and it warms my heart to see that you're almost done with this one. 

It's been quite a while and many things have changed (congrats on your marriage!), and even though I'm not a teenager anymore, I made sure to keep up with your updates on this one. I'm so happy to see you working towards your goal and I absolutely cannot wait to play it. I'm positive that I'm going to love it as much as the first one, if not more! 

Seeing all of this made me nostalgic for simpler times and bingeing visual novels, so I think I'm gonna go back to the first one and replay it just for the cozy and warm feelings it gives me. Best of luck to you both in this one and in other projects yet to come! ♥


Omg, I'm so sorry for this late reply, Alice Gone Mad!
My notification alert seems to have failed me because if not for takefanci, I wouldn't have seen this comment >_<'

And yes! It's been a long 6... almost 7 years? I'm feel really luck & grateful that you've given me your support throughout those years Q_Q don't worry though! Even though I have went through many changes in my lives, I will always take good care of the child in my heart ^///^ 

I wonder if I should take on a more 'mature' genre for my next project? I mean, we're basically growing up together and during my next project, we might've become adults x'D

No problem at all! And it's always wonderful to see someone retain the child-like wonder in their eyes, and I think your games show that completely! ^-^

Hmm, that's a great question of course, and I honestly think that you should do what you deem best! I think there's nothing bad or wrong about not creating content for more mature audiences; honestly, I was completely amazed by the world-building and the characters in your game (tbh you should write a fantasy novel!! I would 100% read it :D), so if the shoe fits... I'm sure it will be a huge success no matter what you decide! And, of course, it is always wonderful to turn to something that is sorta nostalgic, like Nusantara is for me, and the serotonin boost is greatly appreciated! ^^ I'm positive that, even if you decide to turn towards more mature themes, they will still have a whimsical feel about them and I'm looking forward to any new projects that you decide to take on! Wishing you all the best ♥ 

will there be a walkthrough made for the routes?


Yes, TEXT4life!
Don't worry, I'll provide a walkthrough in case you want to relax and read a particular route ^.^)/


I haven't been here in 2 years, i'm so proud ur almost done *cries


Jesus Christ, I've been following your game and it's progress for 4 years (I finished your other Nusantara game 4 years ago and I absolutely loved it, I inhaled all the routes inhumanly fast) The fact that you're almost done with it fills me with an emotion I can't explain but I am so proud of you!! I haven't commented on any of the updates recently cause I have the attention span of a goldfish but I did see your update about you getting married!! Congrats! (You looked absolutely gorgeous in your wedding photos 💕)

Anyways, I'm so ecstatic to see the end result of your hard work. And I hope these past 4 years have been treating you well!! Thank you for taking me on this journey with your memorable characters and storylines, and thank you for inspiring me to make my own dating sim/visual novel <3


I'm not really sure how to word this considering i have never left a comment before even tho i have been interested in this game for almost 4 years. ( ps: i apologize I really  don't know how to  prove it)  

 But the fact that the game is almost done left me so shocked considering so many things have changed, but it feels like such a short time.

And the fact that u even got marrieddd. U genuinely are absolutely GORGEOUS and like how other people mentioned u looked like a princess!! <3

This community REALLY does feel like a huge friend group and wow just the fact of how time passed leaves me flabbergasted EVERY TIME

Anyways i really hope ur doing great and that u have a great life, week, day. ( I don't know which one to say but u get the point)



Hi, ymirhoe!
Ikr? Where did the time go? I could've sworn I've just posted Bermuda's demo XD

I also love the community <3
I never thought you guys would support me for so long, let alone staying until now ^///^ Patreon also have helped me through difficult times. It helped my mother to pay the bills, feed my pups, and fix my house's roof when it caved in--honestly, you guys are the best Q_Q It feels like I have an invisible, second family & friends guarding my back and I have never felt so grateful!

...I hope it doesn't sound too corny, but that's how I really feel :'D
So thank you for being here and I hope you're healthy no matter where you are <3 Please take care, rest plenty, and don't skip your meals!



Oh man its been years since I left a comment but I hope you are doing well!
I'm so ready for this to be released! <3

Also, sooooo proud of you!!!  It's almost done!! 
Waiting patiently yet eagerly :3


Omg, KimYuuki! Welcome back! I'm glad to see you again~
Yes, I'm doing well, still slowly but surely like the snail I am x'D 

I don't know what else to say besides thank you for the patience and for the warm support \(TuT)/
Here's hoping you're also doing great over there! Please take care and wait for me just a little bit longer~


Oh gosh! Im saving my pennies, i will buy this game as soon as its available! Been a fan of yours since i played "Leyend of the winged ones". I already played the demo and I can tell this game will be amazing.

Awww, thank you, Mavya90 ^///^
No rush, I think I can finish Bermuda before the end of the year--hopefully sooner, but I'm one known for being a perfectionist, not to mention my proofreaders x'D

I hope you still have the patience to wait and walk with me in the process :'3
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop it here or somewhere in my weekly updates!



Its okay, good games take time x3 if the first Nusantara was amazing, then this one is bound to be even better. I can wait a little bit more ;)

Thank you for being so understanding, Mavya90! QuQ
I will do my best to reach your expectations ><

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