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Favourite guy was Mitra! I love nice, kind guys <3 plus his route and how he convinces MC that staying in their world is better than the modern world with its stress and anxiety and worry, I related to that because it's exactly what I've been feeling. Now I just need to get magically transported to another world... 

I just wish there was a way of saving Rama in Mitra's route because I want bae to be fully happy. 

Hi theknightedcat! 

Thanks for playing and giving Mitra your love! >\\\\< I'm glad to hear you could relate with Tamara and I hope, by playing, it helps alleviate the stress and worries we've been having daily :'D

Ah, I agree, I wish there's a way to save Rama without having to go to his route, but alas, his psychology wouldn't allow it >< 

Oh but here's a good news for you! Winged Ones is coming to steam! There's going to be a major grammar fix, achievement system, and trading cards later in the future when we've reached certain threshold of reviews/players!

I'm giving away steam keys so drop your email address below if you want one ~

Hey! Of course I need an excuse to replay :p

Here's my email:

YAY! Sent!
Yup, we need to reach a certain threshold to unlock trading cards on Steam so spread the love! ;)

Thank you for the hard work and dedication to work on and improve the game to it is now. It was really a delightful experience while playing this visual novel and I humbly wish to say a few (hopefully, just a few) words about it.

1. My favourite bachelor? Rama. You don't even have to ask, haha. How do I say this? I feel him as a rather more in-depth character although I can't deny I blinked a little at the reason for his agony. Taking a second to digest and step into his shoes, well, it certainly is a painful experience. His gradual character development along the way really came off rather appealing. He feels close as a character, his jester-like nature and the slight twist is  a good touch that I certainly won't mind to see in future games. Drifting off to other bachelors, I didn't regret choosing Mitra to start off this serious, yet light-hearted visual novel. His gentlemanly and rather predictable nature really allowed me to ease into the game and adore him well enough for a start. Changing perspectives slightly from Mitra's and Rama's stories, Reksa really ended the whole experience with a more refreshing insight. His relatively mature handling of different sides and personality really sets him apart to be attractive as well. Regardless, Rama still resonates most with me out of this game.

2. What made me considered this game? I have to admit seeing a new version makes me feel the dedication and passion of the creator's. A skim pass the summary and the pleasant art style and I'm in.

3. I really enjoyed this visual novel. For it to be free is really a gift and blessing. I would say the art is different from my usual preferences but I certainly have a feeling that this game is not one I should passed. Definitely, no regrets. I really like the gallery and the mini encyclopedia. Reviewing them after each playthrough is pretty fun. What stands out the most is really the characters and thank you-a big appreciation-for not stopping after the "romancing" part and forget about the whole war and story. I really like the start-to-end follow through that the game has. Did I mention that Rama's bad end is so heart-wretching and badass? I actually didn't played this oneshot surprisingly, probably because of busy schedules, but picking it up on my first route with Mitra isn't an issue at all, in fact, I simply get more intrigued. I find this little, would I say, immersive aspect really commendable. It feels like there is more to offer, not just romance options or anything, the detailed development really just gives me more to anticipate.

4. I can deal with minor grammar errors and so on. I am rather curious about Purba to be honest. While I get what might happened to him in the end, I do wish for a more in-depth hint for a more proper closure, maybe it's just me. Another thing might be the fact that how Rama just suddenly get back with the village in his route feels a bit too rushed and sudden, while it's fine but I'll certainly welcome more development in this. Oh, can I have a chibi gallery too? Haha, they are so adorable. Mitra could hopefully afford a bad end too, because it's Mitra. Let me just randomly comment that I really like Tamara's CG in the normal end. Yes, Yuda is very entertaining, Granny is also so understanding and-my goodness, my appreciation for this game may never end.

5. Definitely. I really like this one and I do look forward for the next one. I understand that you are currently working on another project so I'm really eagerly looking out and hoping to support or purchase it one day. Not anytime soon but as soon as I get over my student's phase, I look forward to.

Thank you for this wonderful piece of creation. If anything, I hope my humble comments may bring you some useful thoughts or at least, a pleasant read. A few words, indeed, I'm afraid even after all these I still cannot express how much I enjoyed this. Sincerely, thank you.

Wow, so many comments tonight! I feel blessed >////<

Hi, hayashi!
Thanks for dropping by and telling me your thoughts!

1. YAY! Another Rama fan! I'm so happy -this boy really needs more love QuQ
Thank you for taking your time to get into his shoes and finished off all three routes! I didn't post the recommended route playing order here, but you pretty much hit the nail by leaving Reksa's route for last x'D
I'm very glad to hear you picked Rama in the end though! His psychology is the most complex and borderline, if not already tackling the issue of depression. I wanted to convey the message of devotion and patience. Sometimes, when facing our troubles, all we need is someone to stay and sit beside us until we're ready to open ourselves to them >< It's simple but challenging to write, but I'm happy to see more people understand my intention!

2. Aww thank you!
First impression counts after all! x'D

3. Thank you! Gosh, you're making me blush now with all the praises >///<
The encyclopedia is a gamble for my part, since I didn't know whether people will find these things interesting or not --but man, knowing my novel is interesting enough for people to play from start to the end made me so happy!
And yes! I have to admit that Rama's bad end turned out better than I expected! It's one of my favorite scenes in the novel :'3

I still have much to learn though -particularly about grammar since my proofreaders are hammering me down with how many errors are there :'D However! I will definitely do my best to keep up the good work and improve the quality little by little!

4. I agree! Honestly, if not for Tamara, Rama wouldn't want to place a foot back to Loma Village :'D the pain and the awkward misunderstanding are just too much to fix in reality. That's why, I'm thankful for the weekly time skip! *I know, I cheated a bit here ><*
Ah now that you mention it... I forgot to put a chibi gallery here and in my 2nd project *facepalm*
Thank you for mentionin this! I'll see what I can do about that!

5. Yes! Thank you so much for your support and this kind review! Your feelings came through and definitely made my day!
No rush about trying to give me your support though, I understand the difficulties of a student too well :'D this review is enough for now!

Oh, but the good news is Winged Ones is coming to Steam really soon!
I'm giving away free Steam Keys so please drop your email here if you want it ^.^- There will be a major fix on the grammar, an achievement system, and trading cards in the future if the game is doing well and reached certain threshold of good reviews and such!

Thanks again and I hope to see you in the future!


Hello SweetChiel~ Thank you too.

Indeed. I still feel like I can go on and on about the entire, delightful experience. Rama is too unique yet sincere a character to look over in my case. I'm pretty sure he will continue to make his impression on me for a while even after the game. Regardless of the minor errors here and there, I really had a good time with this, so don't push yourself too hard. If anything, I'm really grateful for your best efforts. Rama's bad end is one of my favorites too. The other one will be somewhere in Reksa's route where he just smiled a moment in the cave after warming up to Tamara, I think. I'm truly humbled that my little comment can help you in anyway. Thank you for the kind offer, allow me to just drop my email ( I'll really be happy to be able to play this again with all the trading cards and improvements you made! Once again, thank you. I'll certainly continue to check out your new work(s) and support them in the near future!

(3 edits)

1. The bachelor I liked most was definitely Reksa. While all three of the bachelors' stories were compelling in their own way I liked Reksa in the way he handled both aspects of good and evil (though I could do without him calling Tamara woman all the time). He was good but he wasn't afraid to toe the boundary between the softer and rougher sides of him and that's what I find most intriguing and exciting about him. Because his reactions/emotions were so intense it made the story more exciting for me. That in combination with his moral stance when it came to his character really made me adore the guy - it wasn't just me he protected, he worked to protect the villagers and even in Rama's route he came back to warn Tamara of the oncoming Komodo attack. I felt like Reksa was somebody who gave you the best of both worlds: he would never hurt anyone unless they were a threat and his chracter (outside of where Tamara's concerned) is admirable and interesting independently because of all the different aspects of his personality; at the same time he's not afraid to be rough with Tamara which let us see Tamara's rough side (referring to how Tamara was punching him in his good ending to try and escape loll) and that was really funny to see. I did Reksa's storyline first so even when I played Rama's and Mitra's it was easy to spot the differences and it just made me love Reksa's character even more ^.^

I also really liked how he diverted from the sort of ordinary stereotype of the man being the dominating power and the woman being the meek one  - Mitra was a family man and he was an incredibly good person and he preferred Tamara fulfill the roles of a gentle homemaker and mother rather than her developping the skills of a warrior (which is okay and i understand that he doesn't want to see Tamara getting hurt) but I really wanted to see Tamara being all badass on her own lol even though she really didnt have much fighting skill, its really refreshing seeing an empowered heroine (when seeing her display her CPR skills with Reksa -- i mean even though it didn't work just seeing her out there in the field demonstrating what she was capable of was great and with Reksa it felt more like a team effort when they were taking down the Komodo's).

2. I really love games that dive into the past. Something about history and the lives of those who lived before us has always fascinated me and so this VN's spin on that spiked my interest from the beginning. I also really like the fighting/action that's often woven into stories that dive into the past (i'm a sucker for a good action scene) so that (and of course the romance aspect) kept me interested throughout all the storylines. 

3.  Honestly I really loved it - and I know it's a simple thing to say but what I mean by that is the best stories are those that succeed in creating a new world for you to live in and be a part of as you read the lines of the tale. I was able to step out of my own world and join Reksa, Mitra, Rama, Granny, Asih and Yuda in theirs and it was really fun. Plus I became pretty emotionally invested in the VN - I mean the shock, the horror, the laughs, the sadness - I experienced it all. The art was beautiful and intensified and brought to life the words written for the story so that was definitely something that stood out to me each time Tamara had a moment with one of the characters, but I mean the story and the art went hand in hand for me - neither could be made so wonderful without the other. The endings were really fulfilling, they put a soft end to the story - it wasn't like the characters were ripped away from you and you were rid of the world, instead the stories and the characters kind of stayed with you which I thought was a pretty surprising effect that the story managed to have on me. (The music was fantastic too btw - I have the piano melody playing in the background as I write this - it makes me feel so at peace aha)

The Indonesian aspect of it was really refreshing to see. For me, the books/movies/tv shows I have available to me to read are based in primarily in America so it was great seeing a change in setting and culture. I'm really interested in Indonesian culture too (even though I don't know a whole lot about it) so I was pleasantly surprised when the story drew from there so thank you for including that. It was nice seeing that part of you woven into the story. 

3. I'd really want to know about the process behind the novel - what you were thinking when you decided to create it, how the story came together, what influences in your life influenced how the story turned out, what you love most about your own story and what you're thinking in terms of VN's for the future? (I know these are a lot of questions but i'm really curious!)

Critique wise -hm, I think it would be awesome to see a more skilled female lead (though Tamara was adorable and I loved her lol) it would be cool to see someone more capable and independent (though I did admire Tamara's emotional skill when it came to handling these relationships). That's all I can think of right now! Seriously the story was great :3

4. yES!

(1 edit)

Hi ExcellentDoughnut4!
Glad to see you've finished all the routes and returned here! ^.^-

First of all, thank you for writing this detailed review! From the meticulous writing, I can feel how you poured your passion and love to it -and I couldn't ask for a better review >///<

1. Ah,  Reksa once again claimed the first spot! 
I don't have much to say since you've practically already said everything that needs to be said! You even noticed the moment where Reksa returned to warn Tamara about the oncoming war QuQ I get really happy when players notice those small things! And yes, each route has their own weakness & strength, but I have to admit that Tamara is more badass in Reksa's route. There are soft and rough moments here, a lot more balanced compared to Mitra's easy-soft route or Rama's hard-psychology route. 

Hmm, maybe I'm a little biased? >< Reksa is the first character I created for this novel so... oh, you asked about how the process behind the novel? Let's continue this later on number 3, okay? x'D

2. Me too! Aside from diving into the past, I also love fantasy genre so Winged Ones is kinda like a mix of those two + an experiment whether I can pull this off or not >< fortunately, it worked! I didn't expect the fighting scenes to be so intense though. Maybe because I watched a lot of movies and animes? But overall, I'm very happy to be able to keep the readers interested from the beginning to the end!

3. Okay, so I told you that Reksa is the first character I created, right?
This visual novel is supposed to be my college's final project. I was experimenting about how to mix anime style with Indonesian culture and create an original character design from it. I already liked VNs back then, so I thought it would be nice to have a demo for a representation. 

And so, that's where it all started. 
At that time, the inspiration for the story came from a movie called 'A girl that leapt through time',  'Harry Potter', and my love for Angels/Winged People. After lots of revision, trials, and errors, the demo is done and I posted it on lemmasoft for fun. I didn't expect to have so many people like it though >< as more and more people came and ask when is it going to be completed, I decided to YOLO and finish the project.

 At first, I used Novelty (A free software, easier than Ren'Py  but still in alpha mode). It took me a little more than a year to complete it, but the result is quite bad. This software have bugs in it and there were crashes everywhere. 
With no other choice, I decided to learn Ren'Py from scratch and managed to finish the Ren'Py version in a long year of sweat and blood.

After seeing the positive comments, I decided to walk the path of becoming an indie VN developer x'D


I hope I didn't bore you with my text wall o.o;
But thanks for asking and I hope you get to become a great programmer! If you want to be a game dev, you'll need dedication and commitment, but after that? It's very fulfilling to see our characters came to life :'D

Oh, and here's some good news for you:
Winged Ones is coming to Steam really soon! There's going to be a major fix on the grammar, achievement system, and trading card later in the future if the game is going well and reached certain threshold on reviewers! But because Steam is a commercial platform, I decided to put a price of $4.99 there >< However! I will give away Steam Keys for loyal supporters, so please drop your email down here so I can send it to you later ~

I'm also in the middle developing my 2nd project called 'Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle'. It's not a sequel; it's a new story but the setting is the same yet, much, MUCH, broader than just an island. More info can be seen by clicking my profile and click the game page ^.^-

Last but not least, thank you for your support and warm review! I guess I'll see you around? ;)


(2 edits)

Unfortunately I can't get Reska's happy ending at all since there was no option for me but to give him the explosives. I read on a site i was supposed to click above or below the option (if the alternative didn't appear) so that i hand him the pink crystal instead but sadly it doesn't seem to be working for me. Any idea on how I can fix this?

btw, love the game! i really enjoyed playing it - lol i actually played it nonstop because it was so good ^.^ (rip my sleep schedule)

Hi ExcellentDoughnut4!

Thanks for coming by and I'm sorry to hear you can't seem to unlock Reksa's good ending >< 

The reason could be because you don't have enough affection points. Have you tried following the walkthrough? The link is here: (click and drag your mouse over the white box to see its content).

I hope this could help you to get it and so you can catch up with your rest ^.^-



(1 edit)

Hi SweetChiel!

Thanks for responding! It was my first time playing a game like this - the walkthrough helped a lot aha. I got to experience all 6 endings and man I loved the story. (Reksa's my favourite!) Thanks for you help and for creating this. It must've taken a lot of work and I really did enjoy it. 

(14 edits)

Honestly?? This game was absolutely amazing and though the only problems I saw were ones in grammar, this has been one of the absolute best otome games I have ever played!!

From the encylopedia page to the amazing art and cg's, this game is absolutely of stellar quality! The tiny bits of humor are adorable and I'm just so amazed by how awesome you are as a person- you made this game entirely by yourself and even tackled such a serious issue such as Rama's! More on that later!!

Tip: recommended playing order is Reksa, Mitra, then Rama


1.)  Rama. Rama's absolutely my favorite, but I have to say that ALL of the boys were absolutely fantastic. Reksa will always have a special and soft spot in my heart for being the first man I went after and for being absolutely adorable and caring in his route, and Mitra is honestly so good, though sadly he's a bit overlooked due to his clearly-best-option-boy-next-door personality rip hahaha. I love each and every one of these boys and the characters in the story because of how they really did feel like a family, especially after Rama finally told Tamara about his past. Mitra, Yuda and Rama's bantering is one of the best things ever.

MOVING ON TO ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT RAMA, Rama absolutely stole my heart in his route. Not to say the other boy's routes aren't as valid, but there are usually 'true' routes in otome games and Rama's route is clearly it. I did Reksa, Mitra, and saved Rama for last and honestly,  it was the best decision I've ever made. It built up the story just so nothing in any of the stories were spoiled for me other than the common automatic events and it set up Rama's story as a real treat.

Rama's a sweet guy and he's so cute and protective of Tamara. I also loved observing the parallels between Mitra's route and Rama's route. I'd say Rama wouldn't be very proud of his wings, so even if the festival for declaring one's intention was placed later into the story, I don't think he'd participate. That, and he was still sorting things out at the part of the story where it might've happened before the final decisive battle.

I saw him taking care of Tamara with food and protection (similar to an adorable wife, I love him so much) as his way of courting her. Not the village's tradition, but Rama's way. He's always been quirky and funny in that way and I'd say you truly did tackle the subject well. Rama's unpredictable, and though he'd started to get better, he still had major doubts about himself and insecurities on whether or not he really did deserve to be happy again. He thinks of himself like a bad charm.

I'd better wrap this section up since it's already five paragraphs long but long story short, Rama's my definite choice above all and I'm so glad he finally allowed himself to be happy in the end. and APPARENTLY he's the only gentleman out of the three since he left the room when Tamara went to sleep! Though I know that was (partly?) because he didn't trust himself and he still didn't sort out his feelings yet hahaha.  He's also super cool, have I mentioned that? He's got a really huge heart, and it's fragile after everything he's been through... I know I can entrust him with Tamara.

Side note: Mitra is the broest of bros and the clear mvp of the game. Best wing (heh) man ever, 100/10, give him the wife he deserves. He and Tamara would make the best parents ever. I'm sad he wasn't really as emphasized as the others :'(

2.) I considered playing this game because poc characters?? Yes. ANTHROPOMORPHIC AWESOME BIRD PEOPLE WITH WINGS??? YES. MYTHOLOGY-ESQUE AND INTERESTING FOREIGN CULTURE???? HELL YES. I'm a sucker for these kinds of things and honestly that was the only reason I needed. The art is also super pretty and when I realized this was based in Indonesia while playing the game, it made me even happier. More representation for Asia ftw!

3.) Absolutely one of the best games I've ever played, period. Some people are grammar nazis and so might have trouble overseeing that, but if they do, I believe they'll find this game very enjoyable, though maybe not as much as I did hahaha. What stood out to me was how loyal the game was to elements of actual Indonesian tradition and that made me really really happy. It wasn't just 'oh it's based in Indonesia, anyway have this American stuff' no. It was loyal in its myths and portrayals and I found the way the traditions were woven into this ancient world very creative.

Also I just have to add that Rama's bird species was especially funny to me because my class held a book fair with an Indonesian theme for Filipino class and we had to translate stories and stuff and I just so happened to have to take charge of the big book we were reading. The folktale of Cendrawasih was one of the stories I read about and may I just say that it was a pretty disturbing and messy story. I mean a woman and her dog eating fruit because the woman wanted to get pregnant? Fun times. Not even scratching the surface. I mean no offense though, so I hope I didn't offend!

The elements that stood out the most was family and friendship. Finding the fault in our actions, revenge, acceptance and forgiveness as well.  One of the scenes that really stand out to me is when Mitra and Yuda speak to the villagers, pinning all the blame on Purba, but Granny immediately put a stop to that and scolded the both of them. This game has a very well thought out story that touches on ideas I believe not a whole lot of people really grasp or understand until a certain moment. Thus, I'd say that this game has rather a lot to offer.

4.) What was the undecipherable look on Purba's face before he leaves in Mitra and Rama's route? Was it interest? Does it point towards what could have possible been if he wasn't a jerk? Ho ho, who knows? Reksa's route seems to point a bit towards that in his route though or maybe it's something completely different.

I also noticed that Mitra wears quite a lot of feathered accessories! In Rama's route, he said that  wearing the feather of your beloved as an earring is their equivalent of a wedding ring. So what does Mitra's accessories signify? Do other feather accessories have particular meanings? Who was the pained person in Tamara's reoccuring dreams? Even after I've played all the routes and all the endings (Reksa should be drawn with his hair down more, btw) it never really becomes clear though I assume this person to be Rama. Another thing I noticed was that Mitra had less cg's than the two others, which is understandable, but I just wanted to ask about it? Is it because he only has one ending? (My poor homeboi :'( )

As for the game itself, the major problem I found were in the grammar as stated before. Other than that, it's been a fantastic game! Oh, and I found a bit of a glitch? After finishing Mitra's route, I went to look at the gallery and when I looked through Rama's, the cg for his good ending was there. Luckily I forgot it by the time I actually did do Rama's route, but it'd be a pretty sad experience to have such a gorgeous and lovely cg spoiled.

Another problem is how Rama's automatic events kind of mess with the stories of the other routes. It's still understandable in Mitra's route since their best friends, but it doesn't make as much sense in Reksa's route because you barely spend time at the village at all. It would be pretty normal if Tamara just came back after a while and found out Rama went missing without knowing why because she's spent all of her time with Reksa. It would also hint more towards Reksa's route being an opening route before doing the others. Hides a bit of the mystery.

5.) Absolutely. If any extra content was made for this game I'd probably buy it, tbh.

That's about it for my super long comment! Apologies for the long rambling, and I'd still like to talk more about the characters, so I'll put a small indication where you can skip right over it.


The parts I loved the most in Rama's route were when he finally made himself face his problems and the ugly truth. The other was how he got a bit bad again towards the ending of the game. Some people might say 'hey, but he was getting better!' but I was actually looking for that part and I'm glad it wasn't overlooked. Issues as deep as Rama's don't go away as easily as that, and I'm glad it was clearly stated that Rama would need lots of time to sort himself and his thoughts and feelings out.

Mitra. Ya homeboi, the true mvp, the guy who would drop his coffee if you ran at him and jumped into his arms. I love him, I really do. I hope he gets the wife he deserves, and he's also absolutely adorable in his route?? I love how it goes into his personality showing he isn't actually perfect. and I get it. The Perfect Guy option in otomes usually have that arc in them. But while that was happening, Mitra's confrontation of this was also very.. down to earth and real.

He was ashamed that he'd shown that side of himself to Tamara especially after he'd declared his intention and of how this would change her opinion of him. Enough for him to want to leave, even for just a bit. It was honest in how Mitra said he wouldn't be opposed to trying to forgive the Komodos so everyone could live in peace but at the same time there was still the bitterness over what the Komodos had done. They'd taken his parents and countless brethren and Mitra loves his people.

He has the perfect image thing down but he's also so very human?? Like he isn't sure if sharing some kinds of personal information is okay because he really doesn't have a lot of people who he's close with and the first one after Asih is Tamara. He kind of views his sensitivity as a negative thing too and I just want to hug him sweetie, don't let toxic masculinity get to you,,,, He's so awkward around girls too, sometimes, and at first he isn't sure what to do with his feelings for Tamara which is adorable...... He isn't used to showing his more personal sides, his 'weaknesses'...... I've noticed that while perfection is the trope for his character, it actually tackles 'perfect images' as a whole and how, at the end, Mitra and Tamara see each other's flaws but still love each other for it... They are similar in how they are afraid the over will stop viewing them favorably after the ugly truths come out but even then they choose to help each other with their respective issues...

Mitra also doesn't like dishonest people, I noticed. Or being manipulated, but who does? I just felt that it was a very human moment in his route, one that was sorely needed. (Also why yall sittin on an absolute Meal like Mitra, it's his boy-next-door personality I know but cmon)

It was also interesting how he was the only love interest who opposed to Tamara going to destroy the blue crystal BUT THEN AGAIN he also wasn't the OTHER TWO LOVE INTERESTS WHO ALMOST GOT THEMSELVES KILLED IN THE ENDING (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, RAMA AND REKSA. YOU GOT LUCKY RAMA, REKSA ACTUALLY DIED FOR A WHILE-)

Moving on, I gotta confess. I thought the woman Rama was referring to as 'her' was Asih and that was why he and Yuda would always fight. Nope. Just a regular case of 'people who are very similar to each other tend to disagree with each other'.

I also found it super interesting how Sari and the other bird actually turned out to be Ayu and Teja! Perhaps they were actually different birds since Sari has a completely different personality than how Ayu was described, but I digress. I immediately realized that the two angels that came to Rama's aid was them. Mainly because of how much his brother actually did look like him rip.  (To be expected since they were identical twins, but still)

y'know, for a person who absolutely loved Reksa after first finishing his route, I surprisingly don't have a lot to say about him. Huh. Reksa's a sweetheart, and I'm sure a lot of people could understand how he constantly looked for validation from his dad. Reksa's not built like the usual Komodo should be because of his mom (whom I assume to be of similar species to human for the time) but even so he pushes himself to be the best he possibly can be, for his village, and for his dad's approval. I'm just really happy that by the end of the story, he found that he was enough. He didn't need anyone else's validation (though he still enjoyed it) to know he was strong. I suppose out of all the characters, I relate to Reksa the most. I'm glad he found a person he could trust and depend on in Tamara. A person he can love and protect and who would do the same back...

Purba was also a very interesting character. I feel that he was misguided along the way, though perhaps not by another person, but by his own emotions. It's a shame that the things that happened occurred but no one can change back time. In the end, I suppose jealousy was his demise.

Asih's great, I love her. Especially how she rears Yuda in when needed and how much of a big sister figure she is to the girls she meets. She's got a huge heart! Though that's kinda needed if you ever have to love someone like Yuda, I suppose, rip.

Yuda.. What an ass lmao. I love this guy, he's a total big brother figure. Kinda reminds me of my own brother. He's got a lot of feelings about the stuff the Komodos have done which is understandable but I'm glad he has Asih. They deserve each other.

I just realized something. The spikier the hair outline of a character, the more jaded/edgy they are.  Rama = ultimate jaded, Asih = an actual marshmallow. 


Thank you so much for creating this game! All of your time and effort haven't gone to waste and I surely hope you never feel this way about your games. It's amazing and beautiful and stellar, definitely one of the best otome games I've ever played. I really love how it tackles the personal issues the characters have, particularly Tamara and Rama's. They're both given time in Mitra and Rama's route respectively to decide what it is they really want in life. The trio (Tamara, Mitra, and Rama in both of the boy's routes) also trust each other enough to share deeply personal and scarring memories and thoughts and it's just so good and healthy I love it... They (depending on the route) were there for each other when one of them really needed it and it's so good how they let themselves feel and look their weakness in the eye...

I can' t say much other than THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS GAME!!! I'm excited about the new game you're working on, especially since it's in the same world as this one! And how Tamara's in the banner of that game hehehe

If Tamara and the boys gets even a little bit of a mention in the game I'd die of happiness, honestly. Keep up the super awesome work! And sorry for all my rambling, this is undoubtedly the longest comment there is, hahah.

Anyway, please accept my humble tributes...

(2 edits)

OMG, I'm so sorry for the late reply!
I have been pretty much drowned by Steam this week so I haven't have the time to check until tonight ><

Thank you for the detailed review, matchmakingdove1028!
Seriously, nothing makes me happier to see someone love my VN and really passionate about it ^.^- Thank you for being an awesome person and sharing your thoughts with me!


1. Rama -aaaaaa, finally! Rama needs more love! >////<
I've never been so happy to read 5 paragraphs about Rama alone!  Thank you for loving this boy so much until you're able to describe him so vividly! You even noticed the small things, like how Rama 'courted' Tamara with his own way. 
Rama is fragile by nature and we need to be extra careful and patient when dealing with him. His psychology is the most complex of all three and depression is a hard theme to tackle, but overall, I wanted to convey the message of devotion or maybe 'just talk and stay beside him in hard times is enough'. Depression is hard to understand, but I think he don't need sympathy or opinions -he just needs someone to be beside him and listen when he's ready to tell you about his troubles/trauma.

And yes, I agree that Mitra is the best wingman ever! x'DD

2. YES! Bird people/angels has been my fetish every since I saw Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura *cough*
Glad to hear we're on the same boat! x'D Fantasy ftw!

3. rofl, what's the story title? Is it Sangkuriang? That one has a dog too and there's another story about a woman somehow gets pregnant after drinking coconut water(?) we have many strange stories like that so no worries x'D

And thank you! Mitra's speech scene is very hard to pull off, I think I spent many days editing it back and forth -I even went to youtube to look for good speech with keywords like 'general speech to soldiers' or 'worldwar speech' lol. So I'm very happy to hear you like it!

4. Aaah, the one in the ending? Who knows what Purba was thinking ;) it could be that he was regretting his decisions, it could be that he regretted that he didn't kill Tamara and the others earlier when he got the chance... or maybe he was just depressed because his plans didn't work as well as he thought it would be. It's up for the readers to decide x'D

Yup, lol, Mitra has the most accessory compared to the others x'D
Komodos usually wear the fangs of their preys on their neck to showoff, but Avians usually wear accessories to attract a mate or just because they like it. But the white marks on his face, hands, and legs are from a reference from New Guinea... I think, if I remember correctly -it's been years so forgive me if I'm wrong ><

As for the dream, that is Sari calling for someone to help Rama. Sari/Ayu felt bad after leaving Rama in that state and after becoming a Servant, she knew that if no one saves him, he will die. She sent dreams about Rama's hallucinations to Tamara then; how Rama thought about the villagers betrayal, how they laughed and tortured him. The CRACK noise is Rama's last attempt at suicide, which resulted in his broken wing.

And yes again! Thank you for telling me about the glitch, I already fixed it so Rama's good ending should be locked now x')
Kii*Anima and I also fixed some of the automatic events. We decided to make the event where Rama was tied down as a compulsory event so people would at least be able to guess why he acted weird and went missing.

5. Thank you -and don't worry about your ramblings! I had one heck of a time reading it and I can't stop smiling now, grinning like a horse x'D
Again, thank you for telling me your thoughts on each and every character here! I'm really flattered you think they're very human and with their own strength & weaknesses... though I laughed so hard when you pointed out how Mitra wasn't like the other 2 who almost got themselves killed x'DD You also hit the nails on their heads about Yuda and Asih! 

Lastly, thank you so much for playing and enjoying this novel thoroughly!
I've never had a livelier review before and I will definitely treasure this QuQ

Ah, and here's a good news for you:
Winged Ones is coming to Steam very soon! There's going to be a major fix on the grammar, achievement system, and even trading cards later if the game is going well and reached certain threshold of reviewers! But because Steam is a commercial platform, I decided to put a price of $4.99 there >< but for loyal supporters, I'm planning to give out free Steam Keys, so please drop your email here in the comments ^.^-

Aww and thank you so much for the memes! *automatic right-click & save* they're so precious and adorable! >////< I will definitely show them in my update next Monday and cherish them!

Hope to see you again!


(1 edit)

Aahh, I'm glad my comment was able to make you so happy! If anything, I'm glad my feelings were able to reach you, hahaha

Hahaha, I don't think it was Sangkuriang, but that was one of the stories I read for the book fair! When I tried to find the story again to see if I was correct, it seems the website for Indonesian stories had already went down.. It was a pretty good site, too.

It's really amazing to hear how much you researched how to write inspirational speeches! Lol
I know the speech I was talking about was the one where Mitra and Yuda pinned all the blame on Purba but can I just say that the speech Mitra gives right before the final battle is also one of my favorites? There's just a really heavy fantasy vibe to it! "May the goddess guide our arrows true" and such?? THAT'S the good stuff.

Ooh, but now the question remains, where do the avians get their feathers for their accessories? lol

I think that's the first explanation I've ever read for Tamara's dream sequence, and that's really interesting! So my guess was right! I thought the person saying "it's alright, at least he's with us now..." after Rama dies in the other two endings was the goddess, but turns out that was Ayu too, hahaha

No problem! It was an honor to play such an enjoyable game!

That's super exciting!!?!!?! I can't wait to replay it there! My email is Truly, thank you for all of your hard work on this game! I know I say you're amazing a lot, but I really do find it outstanding that, two years into the future, you're still working on this game. It's really easy to see the love and dedication you have for this game... Thank you so much..

No problem! I hope to deliver more memes when Bermuda Triangle comes out, so look forward to that! Hahaha

See you around!

Aah, that's a shame >< 

And yes! After all the work, Mitra's speech was one of my favorite scenes -also, after some grammar fixing by Kii*Anima, I think it became better x'D can't wait to hear your thoughts about it later!

As for the feathers... thank you for asking! Avian women usually used the feathers from their last molting. Of course, they will use only the best-looking feathers to make her look prettier. As for Mitra, he's a pretty sentimental man so can you guess where he got his from? ;) *hint: his family photo~

And YAY! X'D e-mail received! I will deliver the steamkeys sometime this week. Today's update will have sneak peeks about the badges/trading cards system. Do come by and take a look since Steam has some requirements to activate those :'3

See you around!



HI I JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE YOU AND THIS GAME SO MUCH <333 I've first played this game like a year ago but I didn't have a itch account then, but I enjoyed it so much I played it again and I had to leave a comment uwu

1) After playing every route I have to choose Reksa. I think he's more my type ? I always tend to go for the "seemingly bad boy that's actually really sweet" lmao. I loved his route and his personality as a whole he's just a cutie. But I do like all of them & I have such a soft spot for Rama (I actually cried during his route but shh don't tell anyone)

2) What struck me first was the character design and I found the story really interesting and refreshing so I decided to play it

3) It's definitely one of my all time faves, I really enjoyed it. The story was compelling, sometimes dark and sometimes really funny, very enjoyable overall. I loved every character as well, including the MC, they were all very lovable. The art & music complimented the story and atmosphere really well, I still fangirl over the CGs. What stood out the most to me was the inclusion of Indonesian culture, which I wasn't too familiar with. I found it really unique for a VN and I'm glad I learned new things about such a wonderful culture thanks to this game :)

4) I would have liked if we could get more interactions and backstory to every character even if we're not on his route, since some scenes (especially Rama's) felt very out of place in the other routes, and kind of disrupted the flow of the story. I don't think I have other critiques than that? I usually get so engrossed in the story I don't notice any "mistakes" and stuff but this stood out. Besides that, I really enjoyed it and I can see you improved in the Bermuda Triangle demo :) 

5) I'm really looking forward to your new game, and while I'm not able to buy it right now (I'm in my last year of high school & I have no money to spend T_T ) , I definitely will when I get my personal card! I understand how hard and time-consuming it is to make a game and I really want to support you as much as I can. Keep up the good work!!

Hi, 𝓐𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮! I can't read your name but I'm so glad to hear you love this game until you re-played now even after such a long time! >\\\<

I love you too and thank you for playing my game!

1. Aww thank you! It makes me so happy everytime I hear people got immersed in the story QuQ *you even cried for Rama and that's so sweet of you! I see Reksa is still number 1 in the polling x'D

2. Thank you! I was quite skeptical with my designs since they're not common, but hearing you say this really boosted my confidence >\\\< I'll work hard to make more interesting games in the future!

3. Thank you! I didn't expect so much people will like the Indonesian elements so this is a huge plus for me! And glad to hear you like my art -you made me blush so much first thing in the morning x'D

4. Yup, I notice a lot of people saying Rama's scenes sometimes out of place and disturbed the flow >< I'll try not to make the same blunder in Bermuda so thank you for telling me this! More interactions with the bachelors is also a good idea -which is why Bermuda is twice as long as Winged Ones x'D you got your wish over there!

5. No problem at all! Bermuda still has a long way to go before I could even publish the complete version so take your time~ even so, your commenting here is already a big support for me!

Thank you for coming and telling me your thoughts ^^- I also hope to see you again in the future!



Oh it's Annie but in a weird font haha. I'm a very empathetic person even when it comes to game characters so I tend to cry sometimes lol. Your game was really fun and kept me immersed and I'm sure your next project is gonna be even better. I'm glad I boosted your mood even a little with my comments, thank you for responding and for being so sweet, I'll keep supporting you <33 Have a nice day!

Aah, it looks like boxes from my phone so I can't see the font >< 

Yes! Thank you for your support! *hugs* I'll do my best to meet your expectations and thanks for trusting me! 

You too, I hope you have a great week! ^.^-

(1 edit)

-whoa, it's rare to see this kind of thing made in Indonesia, or... maybe this is the first? XD 

-If only this gets more attention in many people here instead of the 'game' that got popular for no reason in Indonesia, you know, ML! 

-and i didn't know that otome game could fit so well with indonesian culture!

-i just can't believe you made such beautiful game! The characters, the story, and especially the artworks done here, they are so breathtaking to see! Even for an novice artist like me can't do it!

-fun fact : this reminds me a lot of the delayed version of Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel! Called 'Fate/Prototype' welp, it later became a light novel instead of VN tho, 

-and... i am an Indonesian :D 

P.S : i honestly found this accidently while i was searching for the Fate-related-things i needed for making my Fanfic Manga for Fate Franchise, lol and then a pic of 'nusantara' appeared! 

Hi EXLuckBakaputradewa!

Yes, visual novels are rare in Indonesia that's why I'm glad to find a warm welcome here in international market >\\\< 

I have a few people asking for Indonesia translation/language added to the game, but I'm embarassed to say I'm not that good writing in Bahasa :")) English just suits me better because I've seen and played more games in English to develop my own sense of story flow. I wish there will be more Indonesians playing my game in the future though!

And thank you! I'm really happy to hear you like my art >\\\< there are rooms for improvement, so I'll do my best to level up the quality bit by bit!

Ah unfortunately I don't watch Fate/Stay Night so I don't know the similarties @@ I'll check it out if I stumbled upon it later though! 

In any case, I'm glad our accidental meeting becomes a great fun to you! I hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly :'3

Thanks again for coming and for your kind support! I hope to see you around ~



(2 edits)

1. My favorite? idk, maybe Reksa? But in the other hand Mitra still makes me goes fangirling so much xD, but with Reksa my fangirling are much worse... specially that the epilogue when they doing this thing called "claiming" if i'm not wrong xD lol... it kinda gives me like a werewolf fantasy or alpha beta omega dynamic things when he claim our character... aaaakkkkk xD so, it's Reksa hehe...

2. well, because I'm an Indonesian, so its kinda makes me curious how the otome game story goes with our culture in it... and really, it makes me satisfied so much xD thank you for making this!!!

3. hmmm... first of all I'm drawn to the game title actually, when I played this, the story was the next thing that catch my eyes, so I keep playing this. And the last will be the art, the art is so amazing that sometimes I don't know how to react... the emotion that really looks natural to them... aahhh xD I fell in love.

4. idk what is happening, but when I'm in the Rama's route, the only choice that I can choose is the one to give him the bomb... maybe i need to do something about it? I didn't use your guide thou in Rama's route, so I think that I do something wrong in the earlier chapter :/ hmmm... I should play it again from the beginning *sigh* eh... gonna do it anyway... can I have a suggestion? why there is no like skip button that takes us to the next choice? this button can only function when the player had read some perticulars part before they decide to start it all over? its just a suggestion thou.. no need to consider it hehe... overall the game is good =w=b

5. sure thing, but i kinda need time to buy it thou :/ I think it will be kinda pricey for rupiah since I think Patreon or kickstarter using dollar *sigh* and I still need to finished my college and find a job ehe... 

thank you for creating this game!

p.s : I'm still thinking what if Purba is being one of the route? Imagine the happy ending they will get, with Purba needs to pays off his sins first and then proclaim love to our main character... and how the story more dark and twisted than Rama but there still have happy moments in there, how our main character have more struggle to knock some sense into him, telling him her past and etc, nah it's just a dream... not gonna happen anyways... But really, he needs a second chance :< Anyway, He kinda remind me of Kagami from Kurobas thou, eh just coincidence maybe...


Hi Reiya Sapphire! Thanks for stopping by and dropping me your review!

1. Oh lol glad to hear you like Reksa's epilogue x'D it's also one of my favorites -and yes! Mitra's route is so sweet, I'm having cavities! Thank you for giving these 2 lots of love ^^-

2. Oooh, sama2 org indo toh x'D makasih ud main ya kak! Jarang2 ada org indo yg mainin *pasar VN d indo masi kurang soalny ><

And no -thank YOU for giving this game a chance!

3. Aww thanks! >\\\< glad to hear you like my art! I still have a lot to learn though, but I'll do my best to improve -especially in the grammar department *cough

4. Yup, Rama's route is tricky so I suggest you to follow my walkthrough >< hmm, if not, the best hint I can give you is: You need to give ALL your attention to Rama. Ignore Mitra and Reksa, because the slightest increase in other's affection meter will result in losing his trust. 

As for the skip button, you only need to press 'ctrl' x'D but for a skip button to directly skip to a choice? I don't know about that, it feels weird to me and it will affect a reader's immersion in the game so... my apologies, but no, I won't have that function ><

5. It's no problem at all, I know how hard and time consuming college could be! Not to mention how dollar still going up these days :'3 

Regardless, thank you for sparing some time to play my game and thank you for giving me your support!*hugs

Thanks again for coming by and see you around!




As for a Purba route...

This is actually one of the reasons why I decided to add an antagonist route in Bermuda, my latest game :")) I also have this strange attraction to antagonists in general so I decided to try and make one there. 

It's hard to write a route where they 'pays off their sins' though, because it's easier said than done *cries* not to mention how stubborn an antagonist character could be. They could adopt a 'no regrets' mood and it will give me a headache :"))

I've closed Winged Ones' book though, so I'll have to disappoint you... But! Maybe you can give Bermuda a try? Here's a fair warning; Bermuda would be a lot darker and not for the faint heart ><;

okay... thanks to you I can finally get a happy ending for Rama's route :> and its make me giddy xD I need mooooooorrreeee this kind of game aaakkkkk... RAMAAAAAA REKSAAAA MITRAAAA TT_TT if they just ever exist in real world *sigh* or our world was like in the game, that be wonderful... tapi aku gak mau ikut perang =3= maunya hidup bahagia aja wkwkwk, aku bingung gak bisa move on dari Reksa atau Rama xD tau ah wkwkwk... grammar department mah emang dari dulu susah wkwkwk, mesti banyak belajar dan disini aku yang ngomong pake bahasa inggris pake feeling xD and wkwkwk I understand why antagonist character would give their creator a headache if there was a route about them, kinda hard adapting the antagonist to the story biar gak melenceng ceritanya, lol... sungguh ku belum bisa move on dr game ini... bagus banget... sekali lagi makasih udah buat game nya xD *hugs*

  1. Reksa. If you asked me before I finised both of Rama's endings I would have said Rama, but he ended up being a... little weird... to say the least. He seemed to be insane, and normally I don't mind that, but he wasn't like a good type of insane, he was like a "please kill me I have no idea why any of us are alive what is life yada yada yada". I really liked Reksa and his personality and really wanted to punch Purba for being a d*ck.
  2. I played this game because I have played your other stuff and also I am obsessed with otome games and romance.
  3. I thought it was an amazing game and I would say mostly the art stood out to me as it was really good, and with Reksa his personality really stood out since it was so different to what you would think it would be.
  4. Yes, I would consider buying it, despite the fact I'm not allowed to buy games with my own money despite being 16 unless I beg to buy them.

Hi, Cittycool! Thanks for dropping by and answering my questions >\\\<

1. I understand x'D Rama's route is the most complicated from all three and the depression with the suicide tendecy is one hella combination. But thank you for giving him a chance! I see Reksa is still the top of thr popularity poll ;)

2. Me too --we need more romance and otome! X'D

3. Thank you! I hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly :'D and yes, that's why I recommend doing Reksa's route for last since it has the complete version of the main story + Purba's perspective ~

4. You're the first one to put an empty answer x'D I do think I still have a lot to improve tho.

5. O///O thank you for your support! I know how hard it is to buy games online without our parents knowing -but if not, I will still be grateful for your warm acceptance of my high-fantasy visual novel ^^-

Bermuda still has some ways to go before it could be considered completed tho, so take your time and hope to see you around!



(1 edit) (+1)

I loved this game so much!! The characters are all wonderful. I loved the story and the romance.

1. My favorite character would have to be Reksa. I loved his romance and his story. Mitra is a close second because he is just so sweet and very dependable.

2. I considered playing this game cause I loved the demo for your new game that I had to see what a finished game from you would be like. I was not disappointed. 

3. Out of the art, story, and characters I loved the art the most. I loved the characters and how they were presented to the player. But really I loved all of it.

4. I loved the mix of romance and story, it was a perfect blend. I love how each interest told a different side of the war. I do have to say that I was very confused on the reason the war began.  I know the Komodos stole the blessing but I am not sure way. (Though I have only played the good ending so far. I am probably missing something that I have not seen yet.) 

5. Yes I will definitely pay for your next VN, Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle.

P.S- Sorry for long comment. <3 

Hi SkyDragon3564! 

Thanks for stopping by and leaving me this warm review! 

1. Thank you for giving all my boys a chance! X'D Reksa is still the reigning champ I see~ and yes! Mitra has a very sweet route I get embarassed now that you remind me >\\\<

2. Oh wow, thank you! I'm really glad to hear you like both my new and old works! 

3. Aww, you flatter me too much >\\\< I think I'll need to stick a needle in my bloated head later //hammer --I'm still working on the quality control tho, but hearing you like my art, I'll definitely do my best to make it better and better!

4. It's alright, the reason why they steal it is very vague at first after all :'3 


The first thing that may came to your mind is maybe 'greed' since the crystal has multifunctions --but the real reason is Purba manipulating Chief Silva behind the scenes with Purple Crystals ;) he gave it to him in small doses and with time, Chief Silva became addicted to it and with that, Purba managed to 'control' him to do things with muddled head.

5. Thank you so much for your support! 

And no problem at all! I like reading comments so please, type away! X'D

If there are things you'd like to ask again, you can find me here or message me in my facebook fanpage ;) 

Hope to see you again in the future!



(2 edits)

So far only in like Chapter 2  I think, but I am loving this game too! But I'm just a little confused though like does Asih, the little kids, Mitra, the komodo dude, Rama (just to name a few) understand Tamara's English? Or did she master their language within a few days?


Hi angelinachea! Thanks for coming by!

Well, at first, only Tamara understand them, but as the game progressed, Tamara re-learned Indonesia language in a few weeks (with lots of stuttering, slow talks, & Granny Sukma's totulage).

Tamara's father is Indonesian so she has somekind of a base already. The lessons mainly serve as a reminder so I guess it's fair to say she learn pretty quickly? ><

I hope this answer your question & please, take your time & enjoy the game!



Ah i see okay cool. I just wanted to make sure I understood what was going on c'x but yeah thanks for answering my question :D

(1 edit)

Ahhhh i just finished my first playthrough and it hit me in the feels! I love this game and i am definitely gonna go back to try to get the other endings later :D


Good luck! X'D 

Really glad to hear you like it and hope you enjoy it thoroughly~

(1 edit)

My favourite occurred to be Rama. I liked his story and dynamic of his character and I think that his the guy that needed heroine the most. The psychology of him was pretty well created.

I also really enjoyed the world. The things taken from Indonesian folklore was also an extra valour for me.

Thank You for the game!

Aww, thank you for loving Rama, Jowisz! 

Rama's psychology is certainly the most complex and challenging out of all three! I'm also really happy you don't mind the dark theme and chose Rama as your favourite ^.^- he needs more love

As always, thank you for dropping by and giving me your support!



Yuda and Tamara are funny when they argue with each other it is like they are siblings. Yuda being the annoying older brother.

Thank you! 

I also had a lot of fun making Yuda's scenes ~

(3 edits) (+1)

I didn't have an account, but because I want to leave a comment, I made it XD As a fellow Indonesian, I want to help you a little hehe

1. My favorite would be Reksa, because... I don't know? Lol He's just so cute HAHAH He puts stern and sour face, but he's very affectionate and I really like that wkwk

2. I downloaded because I was bored as hell LOL I actually had seen your game in since months ago, but only played it now, because I dislike... how to put it... tribal and traditional settings? But I'm not disappointed :)

3. I really like it. I think it's really worth reading. It's fun to know and be familiar with both language in this VN wkwkwk At first, I dislike the tribal and traditional settings, but now I really, really like it and the characters that now I almost don't want to read another VNs with modern settings! HAHA And I want more Reksa! I find -cough- his tradition of mating -cough- really interesting... COUGHCOUGHCOUGH

4. Hm... Throughout my VN playing hobby, I really find it weird that the quality of the character sprites are a lot better than CGs. Oh, I know that drawing IS hard, I'm sorry, I can't even draw myself! But just I just hoped that CGs have consistency and quality. I know tho that drawing high quality CGs are hard... I'm sorry...

Also, I don't really remember which ones - because I played the last two characters skipping seen dialogues, but some scenes are not really flowing. I'm sorry I can't specify which ones!

When I played my first character (it's Mitra) and when it finally got to Rama-killing-the-Komodos scene, I was really confused. Was it Mitra's route I was pursuing or was it Rama's? It is one of the main plot, I understand, but it really stood out in another character's route, and it made me frowned for a while. I think you can smoothen major plots involving another main characters next time so it is not really stood out and shadowing the in-route character! But I think, it is just me... playing too many same-structured other otoge VNs...

And other players point out the grammar errors... and I must say, I feel you! XD I'm really bad at grammar, but just do your best! 

5. Ah... I can't support anyone via Kickstarters and Patreon and other web, I'm sorry! But I CAN definitely buy the finished VNs if you put it on Steam, I have my ways hehehe Depends on the price and my wallet, that is...

I think that's all? And good luck working on the other projects!! I'm really looking forward to Bermuda (I will have a hard time moving on Mitra, Rama, and Reksa tho) and Queen's Crown (your artwork is amazing, especially your character sprites)!

P.S. I got really curious, and did some stalking... You live in Tangerang?! We are so close!! I live in Tangerang too because I'm in uni rite now XD

Hi, PangHerHeart! Wow, fellow Indonesian! Makasih bnyk ud dtg & komen yaa x'D

1. Reksa once again prevails lol. He's still the most popular out here ~

2. I'm glad to hear it didn't disappoint you :'3 thank you for giving it a chance!

3. Oh lol, unfortunately the rating needs to be maintained at PG15 *I'm too shy to write more about the mating ceremony*cough* happy to hear you enjoyed yourself thoroughly!

4. Yup, I know >< my quality control is not that good yet -hence, I'm trying hard to upgrade the quality in Bermuda :'D and it's okay! Thank you actually, I like constructive comments!

As for Rama's scenes *SPOILER ALERT*

Yes, he's part of the main story. Remember the nighmare Tamara had? Sari was encouraging Tamara to save Rama or he'll succumb to the darkness in his heart (You know about Sari's true identity, right? And what happened if you didn't enter his route). Also, his 'crazy' streak will need some 'venting' sometimes so the poor Komodos became his victims.

But yes, I get what you're trying to tell me >< I admit that some scenes feel out of place --I'll do a better job intergrating the routes next time! Thank you for the heads up :'3

5. No problem at all! Just knowing you like my VNs and willing to follow to Bermuda is already a gift for me ^.^-  oh and I'm doing th CGs in Queen's Crown x'D the sprites sre done by someone else ~

And yes! I live in Tangerang lol. Which uni are you in? I was in UMN Gading Serpong but I'm working freelance at home now ~

Thanks you again and hope to see you around!



Hello, SweetChiel! I'm sorry for the very late answer >.< I wanted to reply sooner, but I just kept forgetting. Hope you are doing fine, and sama-samaaa wkwk XD

- I'm sure Reksa was born to be popular lololol But the other characters are charming also! It was just so fun figuring out their character hehe Rama is so fun to talk to, even if with his... sad past.

- I'm glad I gave it a try as well! And I'm glad you made this game!

- PG15 haha lol No problemo, The tradition was just unexpected and interesting. I just think there are more in the universe! Hope I can see it someday~

- Aaah yeah, I know about the whole Sari and Rama story, and you make it a lot more sense. I think, I was not paying attention very well (since I was playing it in a Semester Test night LOL (I didn't study in the end, anyway... sooo...)), but I still think you can smoothen it up. Still a good job tho!

- Oh no, oh no. You only draw the CGs??? I'M SO SO SO SORRY. It's been long since I played the demo, and I only played it once, since I don't want to overplay it before the official release. I just remember that you are one of the artists, and the artwork is so nicely done! I'm sorry for not rechecking!

I'm in holiday right now, so I'm back in my hometown ^^ But I go to UPH, it's quite near haha

Your welcome!



I'm not sure if I've already commented this, but I have started a playthrough of this VN!

Wow! Thank you very much, Sophia! QuQ 

Here's praying for a smooth sail for your playthrough! I have no words to describe how happy and flattered I am to see someone likes my game enough to shoot a video of it TvT



I really enjoyed playing this! I've only played Reksa so far (and maybe forever? I don't think I can let the other boys woo me now that I've done Reksa's route. I probably should've saved him for last lol), but it's been an amazing experience. The art (both CG, bg, and sprites) are breathtaking and the sounds are complimentary to the story. I greatly enjoyed the lore you've written up for the characters. I'm grateful I got to play this and I look forward to your next project! I'm certain whatever you work on will be amazing!

Thank you, jaegermeister24! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed yourself! >\\\< 

I'm flattered to hear you love the overall of my game ^^- I still have lots to learn & improve, but I'll do my best so you can return here and enjoy yourself again! 

And I see my boy, Reksa, is still occupying the number 1 in popularity x'D 

My next game is called "Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle". It's set in the same world but broader horizon --not a sequel mind you :'3 it's still in progress but I hope you'll come again later when it's finished!

Thank you for the warm support and see you again! 



Ah, yes! I have your next game on my list of to-play! I look forward to seeing the finished product and good luck! (and yes, Reksa is best bae, sorry Rama and Mitra, I'm just attracted to his Tsundere nature)

(1 edit) (+1)


Woah --Power received! X'D

Thanks for visiting, ladyhunale19! Your enthusiasm just made my day! I just wake up and your comment is like fireworks in the morning! 

Hahahahaha! Glad my power been received! Aaah! I'm so happy I found your game! ❤❤❤


I downloaded this visual novel and found the visuals to be astoundingly beautiful! The music was lovely and I was impressed in general by the layout and the controls in the options menu. I was enjoying the storyline for the short time that I kept with it. Unfortunately, there were two things that bothered me enough that I stopped reading. I would like to share this feedback with you, and I hope you will find it helpful to your growth as a VN creator.

The first problem I encountered was that the English does not flow well. This usually happens when the writer speaks English as a second language, and I'm guessing this is the case here? I am a native English speaker and a person who appreciates the beauty of language used to its best potential. I am worried that you will read this review and feel defensive, and be angry for this criticism. Of course I wouldn't demand that anybody have a masterful grasp on a second language, but for the VN this is a problem that can be resolved by asking for help from other people. I also acknowledge that for many readers the grammar and flow is probably good enough.  For me, the awkward phrasing, unnecessary explanations, and occasional but noticeable mistakes kept pulling my mind away from the story, and sadly I couldn't let myself fall away into the unfolding world of Nusantara. The help of a talented editor who is a native speaker could have brought this VN to its full potential!

The other thing that I found uncomfortable was less important to me, but I'll mention it anyways. That was the visual effect of the fast-paced in/out fade of the picture (for example, during the dream scene and the drowning scene at the beginning.) It did accomplish a feeling in my body of suspense, but I found it to be a bit too stimulating. It hurt my eyes and I wondered if I'd get a headache from watching it. It would have been comfortable for me if either the pace was slower, or the blinking happened for maybe half the time, or possibly both. 

On that subject, I found the shaking screen to be a really cool effect--but devastatingly overused. If the picture only shook at the most important of times, it would really draw attention to those moments. Instead, it was happening every minute or two, and the novelty wore off quickly. There are many different ways to convey the shock of less important surprises.

Again, I hope my feedback is constructive to you as a creator. The art you have made here is beautiful, and to judge by other reviews on the page, the storyline sounds engaging. I wish you the best on your future projects!

Hi rlynnz! Thanks for dropping by and for the very kind advices! ^.^-

As you've guessed, yes, my native language is not English and I've been struggling with grammar errors/mistakes/flow for a long time now x_x 

I have 2 proofreaders to help with Bermuda's script now, but due to the very long story and duration, our eyes seemed to have grown dull or maybe it's just us missing a few mistakes here and there :"D (ah, I'm sure my proofreaders have their hands full with my less-than-tody raw script ><)

Hmm, I also often edited the script during the programming so yup, a lot of factors affecting the script x_x

Of course, I'll do my best to minimize the grammar error, but I do hope you'll bear with me if some still escaped our radar ^^;; 

As for the effects in the game; yes! Thank you for pointing it out! I usually check them myself and I admit, the shaking effect is a bit overused. Hmm I have half a mind to slow down the fade in and out effect from 1 second to 2 seconds, but some readers might find it a bit too slow since the story pace is already slow lol x'D 

Ah, but I'll take care so there are more effect variations available and hopefully, the time skip won't feel too dull!

However, if you maybe have a friend who you feel would be glad to volunteer as a proofreader, can you introduce them to me? I always look around for someone of native English that have some free time in their hands >< to help me and maybe teach me as time goes by :')

Thanks again and hope to see you around!




Thank you for your gentle and genuine reply!

This strikes me as a good time to switch to a private messaging system, but I am new to Itch and I don't see a function for that?

I would like to tentatively offer myself as a resource to help you with proofreading. I need to think about how much time I want to offer, but I do have extra time and I enjoy editing and story creation. Please let me know what you think about that, and if there is a way for us to continue this conversation without taking up more space on the comment board.



(1 edit)

Ah sorry for the late reply! My internet is having ups and downs these days >< doesn't have a messaging system, but do you have facebook? I'm really active over there!

If you do, please add me : Cecilia Sabrina Susanto. My profile picture is the same is this one.

Or maybe you can leave me your email? Since proofreading will take a lot of your time, how about becoming a beta tester when the game is almost complete? You can give me some notes about how to improve some specific scenes/pacing advices and I will edit them accordingly/adapt it better that way!



Hai SweetChiel ^^

Shock and amaze at the same time when I played the winged ones, because this otome game is the first Indonesian theme I've played ! I'm so proud of u ^^

Since finish playing this game, I always wondering what will happen with the heroine after choose to stay and a day to day life with her choosen love interest >_<

I really hope there's a sequel of the winged ones, and I totally love the story and character, same goes with the bermuda triangle otome ^^ (Secretly hoping there's another otome game with Indonesian theme) and I honestly love one of your otome project the Queen's Crown

Hope u stay healthy and keep up the good good good goooood work >_<

Hi n_ice05!

Thanks for playing and three cheers for you liking my game! x'D 
I'm honestly relieved; it was quite a challenge mixing Japanese and Indonesian culture together, but with people coming and telling me they like it like you, it makes it all worth it!

I don't think there would be a sequel for Winged Ones but I'm working on Bermuda right now so stay tuned!
Oh andQueen's Crown is my friend's game, not mine :'3 I'm just the CG artist~

You know every project I involve myself in and it's quite flattering >////< Thank you for your support!

Hope to see you around~


I really, really love this game and YOU, yes, you, SweetChiel, the developer.

I'm so proud, glad and happy that I can finally play otome game that has an Indonesian theme! I love the way you introduce our exotic animal (Reksha *cough*), traditional clothes and even our language, too.

The story itself is also very interesting and all the characters are well-developed, my fav is the cutie Reksha my bby //w// 

I'm looking forward to your next projects, especially the Bermuda Triangle. I wish you the best luck, and sorry that I can't really put a thorough review because it has been a long time since I played this game uwu

Anyways, semangat mbak sweetchiel! :3

Wow! Makasih, otomefreak!

I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed my game thoroughly! Moreover, quite a few Indonesians are playing my game my game now >///< I'm embarrassed, but glad to hear you likeit! ><

I mean, I thought no Indonesians play my game :'D VNs isn't that popular yet in my community and when they do want to read, a lot is asking me for Indonesia localization. But my goal is to introduce our culture to foreigner so... sadly, there's little to none I can do for localization and that means I don't get much of reviews from Indonesians *cry

Sekali lagi, makasih untuk supportny & stay tuned ya! >///<



Ahh! I just downloaded this a few days ago and at first, I was hesitating on downloading this, but after I did, I def did not regret it. The artwork, story, and characters are beautifully done, plus the guys are.....*cough cough* very cute. My favorite must be Mitra >////<, My second fav would be Reksa, and my third favorite would be Rama xD. I am very excited for your other game, I've already played the demo and I can't wait for more! 

Please update soon <3 I love your works so much

Hi again, Sugar~! 

Aww thank you for giving it a try and loving it in return >\\\< congrats on finishing and I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed yourself thoroughly! 

Another Mitra fan! Yay! X'D he often got overshadowed by Reksa so I'm happy you picked him! Thank you for giving all three of them a try tho :'3 

I update every Monday, but I write scripts very slowly so I hope you'll be patient with me :'D



Hey! I played this a few months ago and I can't believe I forgot to leave a review on this masterpiece ;-;

1.  I love how you integrate Indonesian culture! I'm not Indonesian myself, but Filipino culture has quite a few similarities from what I know so those aspects of the game were still quite relatable!

2. The art, music, writing, e v e r y t h i n g-- the game was absolutely beautiful! This was one of the few free games I played where most characters had their own story. Though some scenes were a little out of place such as the one where Tamara suddenly decided to visit Rama only to find him bounded by Mitra. It was especially out of place when playing Reksa's route. Also, I think someone mentioned this but it was also something I noticed. There weren't a lot of references to Rama's past other than the fact that there was "tragedy". Other than those two, it's all good. 

3. The routes themselves were wonderful! Though I had a lot of trouble on Rama's since I couldn't get his good ending for awhile. Reksa was my favorite haha. He was so protective of Tamara and I felt so guilty when he seemed betrayed by Tamara's "I'm a komodo from the north" lie. His protectiveness is just so adorable-- Reksa is just adorable. I remember his route the most because of how sweet he was. Don't get me wrong, all them were hella sweet but damn, Reksa was sweet in his own way. The way he seemed so panicked by the images from the pink crystal made my heart go dokidoki.

Rama and Mitra were great too. Rama kept pushing Tamara away at first but when he accepted her, the boy would have done everything for her. Rama's bad end was especially heart breaking as in. He suffered so much in the past and when Tamara died he just b r o k e. Poor dear, I really felt bad for him. As for Mitra, he was just so sweet. So sweet, I could've gotten cavities. His endings were great and super fluffy but I wonder how a bad end would gone. Pretty cruel, but I really do love my angst haha.

4. I heard about your upcoming game Bermuda and would like to ask when you think it would be completed. I know these VNs take a lot of time and effort to make so I'm willing to wait. I would just like to know when to check back because I don't really like being left hanging in demos haha.

Love your work! Keep it up :)

Hi, MegHazBottlz! 

Thanks for visiting and telling me your thoughts >\\\< 

First of all, thank you for playing and congrats for finishing all 3 routes! You made me blush and I smile from beginning to end ^^-

1. Thank you! It was a challenge, but I'm glad to see it all worked out in the end >< I don't know much about Filipino culture, but to hear there are some similarties and you enjoy how I write it is a honor! 

2 & 3. Ah, Reksa's fanbase is growing everyday lol why am I not surprised? X'D

You might've guessed it, but I'm a sucker for fluffs lol I hope you don't get diabetes when you finished all the routes x'D 

I'm also glad that you don't mind the 'dark' elements I slipped here and there :'3 I've been... attracted to dark fantasy these days and I think it will stay that way *cough* 

And yes, I see that Rama's events could be somewhat strange especially if you're not in his route o.o I'll take note of this so I can improve myself!

4. Hmm... this is a difficult question >< the script is around 65% finished (progress is at Winter Arc right now, still need to write Spring & Antagonist Route) so taking  account of making CGs, programming, and other small details, I'm hoping it will be finished at winter 2018. I'm a slow writer tho (slower than expected) so... unfortunately, I can't say for sure :'(

However, I do update every week at Monday so you might want to check it out now and then to see the progress ;)

Thanks for asking and thanks again for the warm support!



Now that I finally had an account, I need to review this game! Played without walkthrough at first, then I decided to use one when I can't get Rama's happy ending no matter how much I replay it urgh >///<

1. MITRA IS LOVE MITRA IS LYFE honestly I'm so betrayed whenever I play the rest of the game because he's too nice to me why can't boys be like Mitra aaahh~ and why kissing people at the chin is way more attractive than the lips? Sweetchiel please cure me :( Reksa came closely as the second place, though! His character slightly reminded me of Hak from Akatsuki no Yona. And although Rama's story is the most interesting, I somehow can't really love him like the rest of the boys, sorry! I consider him as the little brother I would like to protect with my life and along with Mitra (although Rama's bad ending is my favorite!)

2. My lecturer joined the Indonesian VN creator FB group and mentioned your game in the class. Since I need references to finish my project, I decided to look up your game to enjoy Mitra's godly bod, and I reallllyyy wish I could integrate Indonesian culture as good as yours, like, dang gurl the culture integration was well done! Not a cringe-fest! Yay!

3. the art, since there's so many six packs and glorious wings i wish angels in heaven look like this the story! I thought Mitra's was already good but the more I play, the more I got captivated! basically I only played Rama because of the story I'm sorry

4. Just like your next game Nusantara: Bermuda, I dislike the UI design (too clutter-y?) and the crowd's animation (too crowded!). There's also some serious problem with the game flow. For example, since I played Mitra first, I wonder when did I agree to look out for Rama ...? Turns out it was a Rama-oriented event.

5. After playing the last demo, and considering how you write Rama's route, YES. I'lll give you my money (preferably if you sell it in Steam because the price in Indo market will be cheaper? I'm still a broke college student and saving 3 bucks means a lot T_T)

Hi chocochino! Thanks for coming by and reviewing!

1. Yay! A new chin fetish is created! I'm really glad to hear Mitra is getting more love from you :'D and thank you for giving all 3 bachelors a try! I haven't read/watch akatsuki no yona yet, but I'll take note to look for the similarties -And wow, quite a lot of people is liking Rama's bad end x'D 

2. This. Just this sentence from you is making my day :"D I never thought a lecturer would mention my game! It's such an honor and thank you for choosing mine as a reference! 

Hahah, I was really worried, y'know? I also experiment a lot in Winged Ones and sometimes I wing it, I'm really relieved with the warm welcome you guys give me ^^- thank you!

3. Hahah, you flatter me >\\\< I know that I still have lots to learn as a writer and I have rooms for development, but I'll do my best to lv up for you!

4. Yeah, I agree u.u I sometimes wonder how to not make the UI so clutter-y (I think I have no self control :"D like a squirrel stacking up nuts?)

As for the crowd... hmm, would it be better not to animate them and let the sillhouette stay still in the background? O.o I notice the animation could be confusing, but I thought it would make readers focus more on the colored characters x'D

Thanks for pointing this out! I'll try to decrease the crowd animation (make it slower) or maybe just make them stay still!

And yes, a reader told me that Rama would sometimes pop up by himself x'D I was trying to integrate Rama into the main story, but I guess making him pop when you're not in his route is not natural. I'll take note of this!

5. Thank you for your support! And yes, I'm planning to try steam for Bermuda. But I'll have to learn how to upload it over there and write many papers. So it will probably take more time instead of uploading it in

Thanks again for coming, chocochino! Nothing makes me happier than the return of a satisfied reader :")



Played this over a year ago, I think, so now that I have an account, I'm making sure to comment on my favorite visual novels!

I really like the worlding and lore of this game, along with the visuals. It's difficult for me to choose which among the three is my favorite, as they all strike me in different ways. Even the non-romanceable characters are captivating, and most everyone there was really like family. (I forgot their names and don't have enough data to re-download right now but) I find it adorable when the couple with whom Tamara stays bicker. The story is also funny in just the right places, as I remember the brother figure being protective of his wife when things got bad.

In terms of areas for improvement, I think other comments have already brought up Rama's characterization. I guess something that could be done to help us empathize with Rama more is to spread out more hints of his former love throughout the other routes, or in the general route. Think of something as small as villagers comparing Tamara to a girl "who used to live here" or a child wondering "why does Rama wear a feather when he's not married?"

I suppose right now your focus is on your new game, but just in case this suggestion ends up worth something one day. :) 

I also played the demo for Nusantara: Bermuda and the art is as amazing as ever, if not better. It's definitely funding-worthy. :) Good luck, SweetChiel!

I forgot to mention: an appeal of your VNs is how they're both family-oriented. It's seen in Nusantara: Bermuda, but it's also present in the first Nusantara, it just so happens Tamara's family isn't the uncle(?) but her parents and the people she met after being sent to another world. I personally like this orientation because it's true to life, it's realistic. I'm not against individualism exactly but sometimes when we write stories, we tend to focus on the character journeying out that building their family's story becomes forgotten or a burden. I once scoured the entirety of the games listed on Ren'Py's site and most of them lacked this balance. I'm hoping that the MC in Nusantara: Bermuda stays true to her original motivation, despite her family being out of picture for most of the story, but since that was the reason why she agreed to Fate in the first place, I think you'll do fine and she'll follow through it eventually.

Hi there, DiskartetHaraya! 

Wow, a returnee from a year ago! QuQ I feel special and touched that you still remember this game and came by to drop me your review >\\\<

I'm really happy to hear and see that you enjoyed Nusantara thoroughly despite its unique elements -and you flatter me >\\\< I still have much to learn in order to make a good story, but yes, I believe that no minor character is unimportant. Everything have their purposes and they weave the story -no, breathes life into the story.

Ah and I agree that I should put more hints regarding Rama's feather! It just hits me that I only remember the old man that only said 'it was a tragedy' and your idea about making innocent question coming from a child idea really could be included in the scene to strengthen the impact -gah! 

I'll take care to re-examine my current script so I won't make the same mistake, and thank you for the insight! m(_ _)m

I'll do my best, but just in case -I'll apologise in advance if I do make the same blunder :"D especially the thing about the grammar. My proofreaders and I are apparently getting a bit 'numb' due to my textwall-like-script *cough

Oh and I'm so glad to hear you like Bermuda too! ^///^ some people dislike the slow paced opening about Maya's family so it cheers me up to see new people enjoying and understanding the appeal I was trying to convey. 

Lastly, thank you for the warm support! It had been rough lately so your encouragement just made my day...!



I have played through all of the routes already and have dubbed the nicknames for the bois XD

Reska = Loki because hell it works XD

Rama: SPN Lucifer 

Mitra = Thor because honestly he is a giant teddy bear. 

Now out of all of them Reska is still meh favorite. God damn that snake is a possessive flirt ahhhhhhhhh XD be still my beating heart. The part were he licks the main characters would i died. Like actually fell off my chair and passed out lol XD

I do have a few questions to ask though. 

One why is it that in Rama's route the main villian (forget his name sorry) calls him a brother? ???? 0-0 That is what was curious about all of this. 

Secondly I think the only thing that would make this game even better is being able to insert  your name into the story itself. Aside from that this game is amazing. I loved it.

Hi MariaDarkchild! 

Thank you for playing and glad to hear you enjoyed yourself thoroughly >\\\< I'm very happy to hear you played all three routes!

Reksa is still the most popular I see ;) hahah, I sometimes blush when I remember what I've written... (what was I thinking when I write those scenes? *squirm)

As for your questions:

1. Purba doesn't literally mean Brother x'D he meant that he felt a connection with Rama. Therefore, he calls him Brother, it's half to provocate him and half happy that he met the same kin. 

I mean, Rama is pretty dark. Rama explains this in his Happy End epilogue, remember? ;)

2. Yes, some people also gave me the same advice as yours, that's why I made the name change-able in my 2nd project, Bermuda! X'D

Thanks again for the love and hope to see you around! (Hopefully in my 2nd game!)



More games YASSSSS XD also don't worry about the Reska route to much. He was a well built character and I applaud your team for not only the artwork but the game itself. 

Rama is dark and i can agree xD hence the reason the nickname Lucy fits but he is such a sweet cinnamon bun deep down (admin cried when Rama Senpai died)

In any case I can't wait to see the next game you come out with I am sure it will be as great and as romantic as the first Nusantara. x3 Anyway Forever a fan and hopefully now Friend 

Maria Darkchild x3

Yuup, the script is half-finished right now x'D 
The demo for Bermuda is also up in my page if you're interested <3 but it's still a long way to go for the complete ver. *I'm working on Script + programming + CG/BG with the exception of sfx/bgm, so the progress is slow but sure~ you're really too kind with the compliments >////< you made me blush *cough*

Oh and all of my dear readers -plus the ones that are lurking behind the shadows & bushes -are my friends already the moment they decided to give Nusantara a try x'D 

See you around, MariaDarkchild! 
You're free to come and go, but a visit always brighten my days, so thanks!



Heh No problem SweetChiel I am happy to give input on your games. x3 Its kinda what makes gaming visual novels fun yah know? Being able to talk with your followers.  So you use Script+ instead of Renpy to code this game? 0-0 I have never heard of it though -.- To be honest I have been trying to make a fan game based on a famous actor known as hiddleston but sadly my art is not as good as my writing. XD But yeah. Again I love your games so continue doing great. x3 Anywho. If I can ever be of any other help let me know. x3 

Hmm? I'm using python in Ren'Py to code/program it later x'D I also don't know what script+ is lol what I mean by 'script + programming + CG...etc' is that I'm doing lots of work now *cry

I never heard of Hiddleston ><; -or honestly, I don't know many famous actor's names due to my ignorance. I only remember about Johny Deep and Benedict due to their unique characters lol 

I usually dont watch tv often so forgive me that I didnt know of him :"D 

But I'm sure you can do it! Keep on practicing and do it little by little ans it will be done befor you know it! 

Let's do our best together :'3



(3 edits)

I have been so excited to finally finish the game and write this! This was such an amazing, interesting, and captivating story. I'm so glad I found it! The visuals were beautiful, the characters were beautiful, it's all beautiful. 

I'm so in love with every guy, they all have their own unique personalities and traits. But, I think Reksa is my favorite (I do love reptiles a lot lol). I especially love how you used Indonesia as an inspiration! I loved learning about their customs.

Besides the grammatical errors, the writing was spectacular. Honestly, I'd love to play a sequel to the game, maybe, where we get to revisit Loma Village and the characters!

I would definitely pay for the next game you decide to make. I loved it so much. Have you considered putting it on Steam? I don't know what's all involved, but I know it would get a lot of attention there. 

(Rama reminds me of Natsu from Fairy Tail!)

Hi Eilonwy! Thanks for visiting and reviewing! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed Winged Ones thoroughly >\\\<

I see Reksa is still the champ of the popularity poll x'D yes, I think most of my games will have Indonesia elements in it -I was a bit worried about it at first,but I'm so glad you like it!

The grammar error is certainly my eternal nemesis :"D I've been fighting it with my proofreaders since forever, but plese excuse us if some escaped our radar >< 

And yes! I've been thinking about adding this game to Steam along with Bermuda. But we'll see, I'm focusing on finishing Bermuda first ~

I don't know about revisiting Loma village, but there is a cameo of Rama/Mitra/Reksa in Bermuda ;) 

Thank you for your support and hope to see you again in the future!



P.S. Lol really? X'D I don't read/watch Fairy Tail, but Natsu is the one with red hair, right? I think I'll check it out in my free time :'3 

I do have something to ask, though. Is it okay if I message you on tumblr and ask there?

Hmm, how about via my facebook fanpage?

I haven't opened my tumblr for a long time because of internet problem (takes forever to load tumblr!) and I'm usually very active in facebook x')

Heya there, SweetChiel! 

I've played this game over three months ago but the characters and plot are so memorable that they stay in my mind! This game is the epitome of pure awesomeness and I can't help myself but to (at last) write a comment! I love every part of it and some people might deem me as weird but I love Rama's route- both the bad and good ending, followed by Reksa and Mitra. Reksa's route was great as well, but Rama's route stayed fresh in my mind probably because I played his last. Your art is super and the plot is so good. I like the moral lessons that you put in, and I think it will inspire a lot of people to not abuse power. (Especially our country's corruption...)    Oops.

It's amazing how you put in Indonesian cultures in there! (Yes, aku orang Indonesia juga, haha) Somehow it makes me feel the Indonesian pride. But honestly, though, I think you should be recognized by President Jokowi for spreading Indonesia's culture to the world in such a beautiful game. Well, in the end, I don't know if it's just me or your perfection, but I don't have any complaints about the game.

And I will definitely buy your next game when I am old enough to work and get my own money! Your game will be the first thing I'll buy!

Thank you for creating such a wonderful game! God bless you and keep up the awesome work!

Hi El.Seth! Thanks for visiting and for the kind review! You made me blush >\\\<

I'm very glad to hear fellow Indonesian played this! (Banyak orang indo yang malas main soalnya bahasa english >_<;) at first I was not so confident with my story/plot though -because it's a high-end fantasy and you know how rare VNs with Batik or other traditional elements -but I'm glad I decided to take the risk! Thank you for enjoying this game thoroughly :"D nothing makes me happier than this.

And no -I don't dare to hope meeting the president x'D 

But I do hope our country will develop more respect and love toward art though.

And thank you for your support! Bernuda still has a long way to go so I hope you'll walk beside me as I post the progreas updates every week :"3

Thanks again and I hope to see you again in the future!



Saya sangat suka game ini!

Seriously, apart from some grammar, continuity,  and spelling issues (which I can forgive) I really love the characters, their development, growth, mysteries and Reksa!

Some other commentators have talked about the role of the woman being very stereotypically feminine in this game - but to be honest, this is the past, and this is war - the men fight, the women feed the men and look after all domestic chores.

I haven't tried Rama or Mitra's route yet - I had my eyes set on Reksa from the word 'go', and his route exceeded my expectations.  The MC is spunky, spirited, human and quite relatable. Even the professional Japanese otome game (Amnesia, I'm looking at you) did not come close to having this sort of meaningful content.

I can't wait to see more from you! If this was your first game - your story was so good, that it has set a very high bar for the next one.

I'll be happy to help proofread your next game for free if you like :)

Much love from Malaysia!

Hi and thanks for visiting, Ilyiashah!

I'll definitely work hard to meet your expectations >///<
I have two proofreaders now, but I hope you'll forgive me if there are still grammar problems in it :'D
I think it's because I edited the script a lot and I sometimes forget to tell them about it *cough* but maybe it's also because we read too much texts and our eyes dulled over time x_x I dunno, but I appreciate every readers that point out some grammar problems/typos every now and then :'3

Thank you for your offer! I'll keep it in mind and I hope to see you again in the future when Bermuda is finished!


Gan , sekedar saran mungkin bisa mereview game buatan indonesia. Aku saranin review deh game ini , bagus banget . Game genrenya Rpg dengan sistem dan bahasanya indonesia . Ceritanya lumayan seru , menceritakan sejarah kerajaan indonesia . dengan karakter khas indonesia. Gamenya bisa dimainkan di PC dsn android. Mungkin dengan agan mereview game ini bisa mengangkat dan mempopulerkan karya anak bangsa sehingga makin di segani oleh masyarakat indonesia

Follow akunku ya , kita sesama developer indonesia harus saling support

Makasih ya

Ini link gamenya :

Hi gingersun, 

Sebelumnya mohon maaf, tapi market kita berbeda. Saya genre visual novel dan market saya itu orang luar jadi mereka tidak akan mengerti jika gamenya berbahasa indonesia. Game saya berbahasa inggris dengan elemen adat indonesia karena goal saya adalah mengenalkan budaya indonesia sedikit demi sedikit ke mereka. Jadi mungkin kita tidak nyambung jika saya coba mempromosikan game anda disini.

Saya sarankan untuk post game anda di komunitas RPG game atau grup FB. Kalau gamenya bagus, otomatis orang pasti akan comment/review. Tapi coba tambahkan review/pertanyaan macam apa yang anda ingin mereka jawab. Apakah soal cerita, karakter favorit,dll?

Kita memang sesama dev indonesia, tapi sayangnya kita berbeda jalan. Saya doakan market indonesia makin luas dan game anda sukses.

Salam hangat,


Minta bantuannya aja untuk follow akun gameku dan kalau bisa di beri comment atau pendapat agan , Setelah selesai beri rating untuk game ku ya , makasih sebelumnya. Supaya bisa membantuku untuk menaikkan rating gameku

Ini Linknya :

maaf, saya tidak main RPG maker jadi tidak bisa memberi rating jujur. Tunggu saja ya ginger, rating itu butuh waktu tidak bisa cepat-cepat.




Hi I really need help getting Rama's and reska's ending I could only choose the explosives to give to him.....Please help me the link didn't show up any information.....

Wait what does the new version include? 

Hi Maria! So sorry for this late reply >< 

The Ren'Py version has less bugs and crashes compared to the old Novelty version. The story line isn't different tho 

Excuse me but I cant get Rama or Reksa happy ending no matter what I do........I would very much like help and I commented.....It only gives me the option to give explosives why?!?!?!?!?!?!? I've been playing the game for 2 days now 

Hi, OkamiChan! Have you tried following the walkthrough?

I hope with this you will be able to get the happy endings!

Nothing pops up besides the comments unfortunately.....I cant see any written instructions..

Aah, that's because the text is hidden x'D

Try click + drag your mouse over the whites

I played this for one day non-stop, 9 hours to be exact! I totes love your stories!

Hi JKJessica!
I hope I didn't disturb your sleeping schedule much x'D

I'm very happy to hear you loved it until you can't stop playing! Thank you for enjoying it thoroughly and I hope to see you again in my next game!

No, Thank you! I love your novels, I hope you continue your hard work!>.< 

I'm about to give up on Rama...I loved him so much, but finding his good ending gives me headaches TT TT

(2 edits)

You're not alone Andrea00842 x'D
Quite a lot of people get stuck trying to get Rama's Good End!

The trick is to save Reksa & 'Be honest' , later you will have to be careful; focus on Rama's scenes and don't see Mitra's scenes at all. Rama is very insecure & hate liars.

I hope it helps!


also anyone else concerned that Rama was called brother in the game by evil lizard face whose name i forget? HELP MEH! XD

x'D lol I feel your concern! 

Um i played through all the routes and to be honest my favorite bachleor is Reska. GOD DAMMIT THAT LIZARD IS HOT FOR BEING COLD BLOODED XD lol But i did get salty at Rama's death though

Thanks for playing & enjoying it thoroughly MariaDarkchild!
Ahhh, nothing beats the feeling when I heard another person have read all 3 routes of my children QuQ 

It's also interesting to see so many people have typo on Reksa's name though x'D 
I hope to see you again in my next game!


(1 edit)

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

     I absolutely adored Mitra and knew that I would right from the start. He is just that honorable, sweet, loving man every woman deserves. The way he courts Tamara is so beautiful. Everything about him is just awesome. I loved the other two as well, just not quite as much. Reksa is passionate and possessive, but not overly so, just enough to make him hot. I also thought Rama's story was beautifully written and executed. He was someone that I felt an instant connection with and also someone that I could relate to. I did his path first and that made it much harder for me when he died in later paths. I may have cried a few times.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

     I was looking for a visual novel I knew I wouldn't want to immediately put down and this one caught my eye. The artwork stood out right away, but I think the description sold it for me. I got the impression that the story would be engaging enough to keep me interested and I was not disappointed. From the very bottom of my heart, thank you for being original.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

    This VN is a masterpiece. The thing that stood out the most for me were the characters, all of them. I fell in love with Asih and Yuda very early on and Sukma felt like family. I was really invested in trying to make their world better for them. It says a lot about your story-telling abilities that I cared so much about them. The avians will forever hold a special place in my heart.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

     I know others have already stated as much, but the grammar is off in parts and it took me a minute to understand what was being stated sometimes. It isn't the spelling, just the way things are worded that threw me a bit. It's not off enough for it to affect the way I feel about the story or characters, just enough that I noticed it was a problem. Also, I don't think I enjoyed Reksa's path quite as much as I should have simply because I didn't get as much interaction with the other characters and I felt wrong lying to and stealing from people who were genuinely good to me. I understand the reasoning behind it, it just made me feel so guilty that I found it difficult to really invest in his route the way I would have wanted.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

     Absolutely, I would buy it. You deserve to be paid just like any other game creator. I am aware of your Bermuda Triangle project and am keeping a close eye on the development of that game:) That being said, thanks so much for making this one free so that I could discover you and your talents.

Edit:  Spelling error.

Hi luvmyboyz!
Thanks for spraing some time to review! 

1. First of all, I'm sorry for this long overdue reply and thank you for giving all three bachelors a chance!
I'm happy to see Mitra getting popular lately, but I agree that the way he courted Tamara was very beautiful! It was very fun to write and I sometimes blushed whenever I re-read that particular event... *sigh* and thank you! There's nothing that can make me happier to hear my story managed to touch your heart until you cry :') thanks for playing & thanks for enjoying this game thoroughly from beginning until end!

2. You're welcome! I was pretty skeptical at first but I'm glad to see many people welcoming my concept with open arms!

3. You flatter me >< I still have lots to learn and there are rooms for improvement -however, I do believe that every character is important. After all, everyone has a story to tell and their relationships with each other are one of the elements that will make my VN feels 'alive'.  Thank you for giving so much love to Yuda, Asih, and Sukma :'D 

4. Yuup, my nemesis from the past years until now is still grammar x_x I have proofreaders and despite the multiple checking, there're always some things we fail to notice. I just hope it's not too awkward/disturb your experience ^^; 

and yes, I noticed that Reksa's route is much more 'desolate' compared to the others >< and sorry for making you feel guilty but the situation demands it u.u

5. Thanks for your support luvmyboyz! I progress much slower compared to other teams though so I hope you can be patient and walk beside me until it's finished :'3

Thanks again and see you again in the future!


(2 edits)


So...I was replaying Reksa's route and I found this while almost falling out of the tree with Rama..

Nice. I re-found the typo.

Edit: When I got to the Reksa vs Puba scene I found a minor thing, but its a line that moved above Reksa when he moved and it vanished a couple of times. Im going to the Good End btw too. Lol It kinda looks like a bird or cloud. While Im watching them fight, it might follow Puba instead? No clue. 

Oh, my! Thank you 69;)!
Hahah, I keep missing small things like these x'D 

That thing above Reksa's head is a colour in his sprite that I forgot to erase. So yup, it's from the sprite file x_x 
Thanks for telling me about it & I'm sorry about my clumsiness >< 


(1 edit)

Lol its okay! We are all human we make mistakes! I was amused when I found it too 

Im also excited about your new game. Too bad it aint a sequel, I really would enjoy one! 

Edit: I was looking at your typo and laughed. You have the word pun in there . Thats a great pun too! Haha.

(1 edit)

I loved this game SO much! Also, what is the music on the main menu screen called? Also, Reksa is amazing and HOOOOOOTTT!!

Thanks Frostfire175!
The title of the music on main menu is RPGTheme_v001 by Eric Matyas! He made a lot of free musics in!



i would love to see a sequel of this game.You have done an incredible job on this Sweet! Keep up the great work ☺

Thanks rebelxpure!
Lots of people suggested it but I'm still somewhat skeptical >< let's just see in the future whether I will get a vision or inspiration to write small sequels for the boys ~

no problem, and if there is no sequel and I am looking forward to the new games you create.

I did have a question would you ever consider hearing ideas from your gamer fans. ^^

no problem, and if there is no sequel and I am looking forward to the new games you create.

I did have a question would you ever consider hearing ideas from your gamer fans. ^^

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