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Hello! I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your last game and have been watching your progress on this one. This is the first time I have ever felt complled to post. You have been so possitive and dilligent. It always makes me smile everytime I check in. I think you are doing amazing work and I love your art!


Hi, Bioras! Thanks for taking the time to write to me! >///<)/
I'm really happy to hear you read & like my weekly updates! It's also a relief because I often feel bad for making you wait so long ^^;
All I can say is... you're welcome and thanks for having my back!


Oh my god! I just finished playing the demo of this game, and I have to say it was completely breathtaking! Usually I don't like playing demos because I feel like they just leave me with unanswered questions, but I really loved this one. I love the whole concept with the different mirror designs. I also love how the main characters are deeply fleshed out. Most of all, I love how it has the familiarity of Nusantara The Legend of the Winged Ones to it! Thank you for making such amazing games!

After playing your games, I've been encouraged to make games of my own too. There's a story that just keeps gnawing at the back of my mind to make into a game. If you can give me any sort of advice, I'd be grateful.

I can't wait for the full game to come out!

Hi, MaiHarashi!
You're welcome and thank YOU for giving Bermuda a chance! I'm really flattered to hear you've been inspired to make your own games due to playing mine! ^///^ 

There are so many things to do in order to make a visual novel, but I do have some advises to share:
1. It's important to know how a story starts, the middle, and how it ends. You might want to make short notes, depicting the order of the scenes.
2. Commit to making progress each week! It doesn't matter how small, just don't stop. Little by little, polish it, give it your best so you won't leave any regrets, and you'll finish it before you know it ^.^

Good luck and I hope to see you around!



I've been silently watching the progress, I'm excited with how far the game has come and looking forward to seeing it in action when it's done! :D Keep up the brilliant work and also looking after yourself so you don't burn out.

Thank you, Sia! You guys are also amazing for supporting me until this far :'D 

I feel bad for making you guys wait for so long... but things like this cannot be rushed ><; there are still so many things I need to draw and program--I hope you'll bear with me QuQ

Thank you so much for all the hard work you put in your game and for the regulars updates! I discovered Nusantara : legend of the Winged after seeing this game and it's one of my favorite VN! ^_^ Can't wait to play this one! (JK I can wait :P) So excited and I will happily continue to follow it's progress too :)

Hi, Ennaej!
Thanks for playing and I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed yourself! x'D
I might be a bit on the slow side but yup, you can count on me as I slowly but surely complete Bermuda~

Hi, I was wondering when will the game be fully released?

Is there a set date or year?


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Hi, Sesshoumaru.lover!
First of all, let me say I LOVE your nickname >///< Sesshoumaru is my first love lol, he's the one who got me started to delve into the fantasy genre ^///^

As for the release date... sadly, I'm horrible at predicting dates x_x; it's already way past the scheduled release date--thankfully, the fans and supporters are very patient with me!

We're halfway there and I'm updating every Monday every week, but yes, it'll be quite some time before Bermuda is complete ><; When it comes to progress bar, I'm slower than general but the one thing I'm good at is I'm committed to my work! (Well... I might have gone overboard/overambitious with Bermuda ^^; I never thought it'll be so long--the word count is at least triple Winged Ones, so... I'm sorry!)

I hope you'll bear with me as I slowly but surely progress Q_Q

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I just pledged, because you wouldn't abandon this game at that point. It basically says "you paid 10 USD" and I'm incredibly happy that I was finally able to support you somehow! :'D

D'aww thank you so much for your support, tekkonkinkreet! QuQ *hugggs
You just made my day~! I'm sorry for the late reply! ><

So I didn't realize it was a demo until I saw your update - I was too excited haha, I still finished it though and I'm already in love with all of them :,) I hope the MC will actually get to touch Kahlil's ears and tail as well as pet the huge fluffy wolf :3

I'm actually pretty invested in the storyline as well but I was wondering: will the game be available on Steam when it's released? Also, do you have an estimate of how much it would cost? I've never used the remaining balance on my Steam wallet so I'm hoping I would be able to use it to purchase your game!

I'm pretty down with purchasing this 'cos I played Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones too and I liked it a lot, I'm looking forward to the full release! <3

Hi, Dan13TD!
Thank you for playing and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the demo! ^///^ Yes, unfortunately, it's still a demo, but the good news is we're halfway there! I hope you don't mind 'my slowly but surely' progress--I update every Monday though! ^.^

Ah, yes I do have a plan to release on Steam but it will take a while after the official release because I need to update my Ren'Py version before I can upload it to Steam~

Thank you again for your support! 


After quite some time, I realized I was in mood for otome games again, and the first one I got back to was Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones. Seeing the progress of this one makes me incredibly happy and I hope you finish it without any issues. Can't wait to play it! 

I hope so too, Alice Gone Mad!
You just made my day by saying my game is the first one you got back to--thank you so much for your love and support! >///< 

We're in the home stretch, so it would seem! I cannot wait until the game is completed! Looking forward to another great story from SweetChiel!


Thank you, PurpleMysteria! 
I'll continue to work hard! I'll apologise in advance but my progress has always been slowly but surely QuQ

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Came by to check in and saw that the plot and script is already done and all that's left is mainly programming! So exciting!!! Can't wait for the full release cause I've been holding back from playing even the demo as to not spoil myself lol

Yup, programming and making the CGs! >_< 
I hope you can be patient and walk with me as I progress little by little to completion m(_ _)m *bows


Just dropping by to say I loved the demo. Since this game revolves around Maya making a deal to change her family's fate, I'm glad we get to spend some quality time with her family; it makes the emotions really click into place with how relatable she is. I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into all of your characters, not just the boys.

Speaking of the guys, Kah'lil is so fluffing adorable, makes ya wanna give him some headpats while Guntur and Arya are such interesting characters, making for a trio full of dynamics and shenanigans. I also really like Dio in contrast to the Goddess, he has a certain flare for the dramatic that's completely charming. Excited for the mysterious fourth love interest, though I think I can guess who it will be, maybe ;) Well... it's between two people.

I'm gonna stop rambling/ gushing now. Thanks again! Stay healthy and keep up the good work ^-^

Thank you, castonovia44!
I'm a bit worried that people might get impatient with the prologue--I thought they might want to get on with it and get into the juicy parts, but I'm very glad to see you like the introduction about Maya's family! ^///^

And yup! The idea is a mismatched group lol. It's so much fun writing about them and I hope you'll enjoy them too once this game is finished <3 

Hehe, I won't spoiler but here's a hint: the 4th love interest has not make an appearance in the demo >< 

I hope to see you around~


(1 edit)

I dl Nusantara : Legend of the wigend Ones on steam, and I really love the game because it's rare that I don't play an otome game where I don't have a favorite character !

Rama, Mitra and Reksa have their own background their behaviour. So I love to replay each route.

 I'll follow your futur work with a lot of interest ! 

Do u have a date for the completed game or an early access for this new game ?

Very thanx for your hard work !

Thank you, Yami Meian!
I'm really sorry for the late reply ><;

I'm really happy to hear you love my characters ^.^- sadly, I don't have a planned/predicted date for Bermuda's completion... but some of my backers from Indiegogo and patrons on Patreon will have a one month early access to it once it's completed!


so... after pretty much falling in love with Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones, which I'm really glad I found and played first, because I LOVE finding all the little upnods to it through the story; I decided to see what else SweetChiel has done, or in the midst of doing. Delighted to say this one is another one to fall for!

So, Thanks for the wonderful game/visualnovels! Keep up the amazing work!

(PS. the "kill you with a mug" line in Arya's profile card made me giggle! I loved "Chronicles of Riddick" and that line really jumped out at me!)

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Hi! And you're welcome, Tathalia! 
Congratulations on finishing Winged Ones and thank you for dropping by to let me know you've also enjoyed Bermuda! OuO

I'm glad Arya makes you smile/giggle x'D expect lots of 'creative' curses from him in the game lol

Thanks again for taking the time to give me this warm comment ^///^ 
Bermuda will take some time to finish due to my slowly but surely progress... but I hope to see you around! 



First off, I want to say that SweetChiel's art is already improved from Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones (though I personally think it was already stellar so colour me impressed). Once again, SweetChiel has successfully created unique characters and is keeping up with the theme of them being demi humans!

I will admit when I saw Kah'lil, I was worried since I've seen his style of character in other games. Usually with Kah'lil's character style, I end up having mixed feelings about them where I either love them and think they are well executed OR they end up being the bane of my play through one way or another. xP All that being said about Kah'lil, I have not yet seen this happen and when I first met his character I was pleasantly surprised. As I've only read what the demo has to offer as of April 5, 2020, I'm hoping it stays that way.

Gunter and Arya are fun to watch interact! For Gunter, I am finding that he is just marshmallow on the inside with that tough exterior. Gunter also has a lot of my favorite aesthetics and character traits that I enjoy reading, so he is in the lead for being my favorite. I state that because of his take charge attitude while also still being considerate of this rag-tag group's needs. I hope to see more of his character develop as the story progresses.

Arya, hard a** that he is, keeps me on my toes. I do want to know what brand his laptop is though since he can still use it with no outlets about to keep it charged. Currently running on the theory that the Goddess did some magic or something to keep it running; or that it is part of his… quirkiness? I don't know but he is amazing. His character design is probably my favorite because it is a style I have not seen with hints of familiarity. I do have the same question as Maya as to how he gets stuff for half price (teach me your ways good sir!).

If you had to ask me who my number one favorite was, I am hard pressed to answer. They all are making me laugh and seem to all care (in their own ways of course) about Maya. With what the demo has shown me, I am leaning towards Gunter as my favorite but the other two are not far behind!

-- I do want to let you, SweetChiel, know that while I was playing, the status page in the menu still shows Maya's name as the default. Even when you change it. I mentioned this in a reply on Legend of the Winged Ones and wanted to make sure you caught it for when you continue polishing! --

Looking forward to your next update SweetChiel! Take care of yourself and stay safe.


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I love this game so so much, I love Maya and I think her personality is really entertaining and relatable. I also love all the love interests and how different and unique they are.


Thank you, Fostofina!
I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the demo! ^.^-
Stay tuned with the updates~ I update every Monday!

That image of Maya and Tamara is so cuuuute :3


D'aww thank you, Lossy! I'm glad to hear you like them ^.^-

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Wait where???? in the demo?? Edit: I just realized it's at the top of the page XD


Hey I was just wondering if the Bermuda triangle game will be playable on Mac's as the update seems to have impacted the ability to play games, and so unfortunately i can no longer play the legend of the winged ones :(

Oh noo O_O; 

I'm sorry to hear that, Sima123. I wonder why this problem persists--it's fine for me over here. What's your email? I can give you a key so you can play via steam ^.^

and yes, all my games will be available for linux, mac, and windows.

thanks for your quick reply that would be awesome. my email is :)

Sent! ^.^

Have fun! And contact me if the key doesn't work--I might have mixed the key with the ones that are already redeemed ><;

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Aaah! I recently just finish Legend of The Winged Ones but instead of download it from here, I brought it on Steam(I was testing if the code I buy online work or not and I wasn't interested in any other games other than yours)I fall in love with the characters(I still love Reksa). Again. The last time I played the game was like 3 years ago. Time flies so fast.

(UPDATE 11/5/2018!: FYI, the Steam version works well! I received all of the achievements with no issues! There is a minor, minor, bug where if you skip the sound effects will stay even when it shouldn't but you could mute it and unmute it and it will disappear. so it's not a big deal compared to the glitch/bug where the pictures didn't appear when I downloaded from GameJolt.)

Last time I said I can't buy this game once it releases but I can confidently say yes now! The art has been improved since LoTWO, it's better and has blinking animations! Kahlil ears twitching and tail swooshing are so cute. I'm so happy about his reaction to them!

I am very much interested in the Antagonist. I heard that he is very much like Rama, very slow romance and the fact that the choices made to pursue his love would make the MC OOC made my interest piqued.

Speaking of characters, Kahlil and Arya are going to be my favorite. Especially Kahlil, not only I like Kahlil's charming personality but his design is my favorite, I like Arya as much as Kahlil design-wise but I lean towards Kahlil, mainly because androgynous is my favorite type of look when it comes to love interest. It's a bisexual goal. And men with long hair is hot. That's another reason why I love Reksa so much.

As for Guntur, I like him! Big, scary but a softie. A trope that I like! It's kinda weird that Arya and Kahlil have some animal traits, like Kahlil having cat ears and Arya turning into a wolf while Guntur doesn't other than his healing power.

Arya is the first character that piqued my interest, mainly because of how he acted towards everyone. Very cold. Highkey wanna see Arya protecting MC when he is in his wolf form.

A little bit off-topic but when MC is chasing Mawar the silly music starts playing, I couldn't turn it off or lower the volume down. That was the only music that is on when I turn off the music.

But other than that, the demo is very polished compared to LoTWO, everything is nice to look at and there is no major bug, it is longer that's for sure and I can't wait for it. I'm so interested in the antagonist! You said that the demo doesn't mention or showed the antagonist, so Dio isn't the antagonist love interest. Aaah!

Reading through the Devlogs makes me want the game to come out faster. I'm so excited about it! I wish you luck on the game! Sorry for the wall of text >-<;;


Oh my, thank you so much for the long review, Mishira! 

I've been really happy with returning players lately and you just made my day ^///^ I didn't know about that sound effect bug at all o.o; maybe I forgot to turn off the sfx when it's looping? And you even downloaded from the gamejolt! It's been a looong time since I last visited that website ><

and d'aaw, I'm very glad to see you have a good impression on Bermuda's bachelors! Yes they all have their unique points and don't worry, Guntur's animal trait will appear on the winter area~ *hint*hint 

and I think you'll either love or hate the antagonist x'D

Thanks again for your warm support and comment, Mishira! I hope to see you around~



OMG!! I love your games! >.<

I can't wait for this one to be finished. The suspense is gonna kill me haha. :)

Thank you so much for the support, azerahraven! ^///^
I also can't wait to hear your thoughts once this game is finished QuQ

This game is soooo good and I'm so happy to see it grow, like pretty flower

D'aww thank you, WolfyCZE!
This flower will strive to continue growing into a beautiful blossom! :'3


Hello sweetchiel! I have been your fan since Nusantara Winged Ones! I love how you mix local cultures into your games and i can already know you made it with your heart. I enjoyed it to the fullest--so, thank you for making the game! I haven't played the Bermuda Triangle demo yet but i'm sure it won't betray my expectation. So good to see you still working on this project. Looking forward to it!

Hi, kroissann! Wow... thank you so much for supporting me since Winged Ones! ^///^ yes, I've always think we have plenty unique culture to introduce so look forward for more in Bermuda, especially in Autumn Village!

I'm taking a bigger risk in Bernuda though x_x In addition to local culture and architecture, I'm also using western fantasy art for the Spring Village. Hopefully it'll turn alright *gulps*

In any case, I hope you'll enjoy your experience later when Bermuda is finished! ><



I can't wait until the game actually comes out!
I've only played the demo once so far, but I already have suspicions on who the 4th bachelor is (unless he's not in the demo, in which case never mind :P ) 
Also I love how expressive your sprites are. ^^ 

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Hi, Koryuu! Yes! I'm going all out with expressions and simple animations, so look forward to it! ^.^-

The 4th bachelor is not in the demo yet though, but you might find him at the character line up *wiggles eyebrows*--but I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed the demo! ^///^ 

Sometimes, I have doubts whether people will find the demo a bit too long or not--I mean some people might be impatient and want to sink their teeth into the main beef, right? >< So it's a relief whenever I read comments like yours!

I'll see you around~



I love that this project is still going and updated - and I'm looking forward to being able to buy the finished game in the future. The art is gorgeous and I love that it's set in the same world as your other game, which I loved as well. I'm about to play the available demo, and I'll leave thoughts on it later on!

Thank you, TheRenpyJournal! I'm very happy to hear you like my art! >\\\<

And yes, if you noticed, the island in the middle is where Tamara and the Avians/Winged Ones lives in ^.^- Bermuda will have some cameos once you reached Autumn Village so I hope you enjoy it! >< 

I'll look forward to your thoughts about the demo~ <3



Ahaha the demo just got me even more excited for the release. I liked that some options were timed and some were not, - the art is just absolutely amazing and draws you in, and i liked the easter egg of the poster of the winged ones cast in her room. I did notice the island is the same one, but it's fun seeing the differences and little things like that thrown in is awesome as well. I like the story and the dynamics between the characters. that can be seen <3 as well. 

OMG The demo is so good! (I fell in love with all of them.) Where can we check for updates on the game?

Thank you so much, MiyaNight83!
I'm so glad you like the demo and love all of the characters! >///< that's the highest praise you could've given me <3

You can follow me here at for the weekly updates -^.^)/ I update every monday~

Every update is getting closer and I'm so excited to see your final project Chiel! Just wondering if the game progress is up to date? Also what's the final pieces price looking like? Again excited to see the final piece! From the original characters to now and the overall progress you've made is insane and I can't wait!

Thank you, Rin! *hug*
I'm sorry for the late reply--I've been busy with new years + christmas preparation + coloring the CGs for today's update ><;
Yes, the weekly updates are up to date and the final price for Bermuda will be $15! ^.^

its always great to see another update! The price sounds amazing for the time that you and the team has put in so thank you!!!

I'm always happy to hear you like the update >///< thank you for reading!
And yep, I always put all my heart in every game I made ^.^- it's part of the reason why it takes so long to complete @@

its always great to see another update! The price sounds amazing for the time that you and the team has put in so thank you!!!

Hi SweetChiel love your dedication. You create such wonderful VNs.  I wanted to ask is beta up for patreons yet?  I would love to get a chance to play through the stuff you have programmed so far :)  Thanks again for making such a great game.

Hi, sunkissie!
Sorry for the late reply, I was busy here and there preparing christmas and new year  x_x 
Unfortunately, beta testing is not up for patrons on patreons yet ><
The programming barely halfway and some things might change during finishing + proofreading, so I feel like it's not ready to be served to you :'D
However, when I've finished programming all of the bachelors' route, I'll definitely share the download link for beta testing!

Again, I can't press enough how thankful I am for your support and for being so patient with me! 

Awesome thank you so much looking forward to that beta testing download think.  And you make awesome games, I played your first game it was wonderful so I can't wait till you finish this one.  Enjoy your holiday and the new year.


How many chapters are there?

Keep up the good work! xD


Hi Sorelia!
There are 5 chapters and 4 routes!
If you have played Winged Ones, Bermuda's word count is at least triple Winged Ones' (yup, a one long visual novel! And yup, I'm slowly but surely progressing >< thank you for your support and patience!

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Thank you for answering my question!

But i forgot  another one!

That little boy that we saw in the demo will he be like a bigger plot in the game?

I really thought he was cute for following the boys and mainly Maya.

So i was kinda curious about him ( if its still a secret you don't have to tell me) XD

Yup, the mysterious boy is part of the main plot and you'll see him little by little until you reach chapter 5 ;)

I was scrolling through Tumblr and thought Sweetchiel needs to see this.

Also your emails hype me up so much I almost want to back this game AGAIN hahha. So I'm glad there's a PayPal option for that 😍

Lmao, yep, when I was young, I was definitely concerned when I heard planes and ships mysteriously disappeared/sink whenever they crossed the Bermuda Triangle--and I don't think we've found a solution to this other than avoiding it? x'D 

Mother Nature is both beautiful and dangerous ~ But at the same time, I've always been enamored with mysterious/magical phenomenon like Bermuda, Aurora, Glowing Caves/moss/worms, the four seasons, etc... and that's where my inspiration for backgrounds/setting comes from :'3

And there's no words to describe how happy I am to see there are people still waiting and hyped for Bermuda! >\\\< I'll do my best for all of you! Thank you very much! *bows before hugging

i thought it was a full game because i didnt see the word "demo" anywhere so i was dumbfounded but sad i dont get to see my precous arya


Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, bodypillow but thank you for the interest and support! >< 

However, the scriptwriting (the hard part) is all done and the programming is slowly but surely progressing! I hope you can wait a bit more until I complete this baby perfectly before I deliver it to you :'3

I just finished the demo and I'm so excited to play the full game! :) <3 

Thank you very much, xoxojessicaoxox! I'll do my best to finish Bermuda and deliver it to you <3


Good morning/evening, SweetChiel. I just wanted to ask whether the final game will be available to buy with credit card. I wouldn't want to set PayPal account solely for paying for your game, but I'm temped to get Early Bird. Meh. Maybe I'll just try to support you through the Patreon (right, while we're at it - paying with card is possible there, right?) instead.


Hi, tekkonkinkreet!
Hmm, for the moment, I'm planning to release Bermuda only at on the long run, I'm also considering Steam. 
But yup! You can support me via patreon for a couple of months and it will earn you the right for a free copy of Bermuda later ^.^)/


May I ask what does "behind the scenes" contain? Are there any available yet?


I assume 'behind the scenes' for the $10? They are mini comics for what happened when I was in the middle of developing Bermuda x'D and sometimes, I'll provide tutorials for the backgrounds I've made.

I recommend doing $5 for my Patreon though. Exclusive sneak peeks are mostly available there and I haven't had time for making mini comics and tutorials these days ><

Show post...

Hello. I just want you know that I really really really adore your game. I so happy to see you make Indo theme game, although I'm not Indonesian, but close enough to feel the similiar, and it's like breathing a new air with plenty JP theme or Asian culture hot pot game out there.

Hi, bookno.00! Thanks for dropping by and yay! >\\\< I'm really happy to hear you like Nusantara! I was pretty worried & nervous about incorporating Indonesian culture, but seeing the warm welcome and support from you guys made me able to breath in relief! 

And yes! I wish there's more diversity in VNs' setting :'3 I mean, I love japan, but I'd love to see China/Afrika/Alaska setting! 

Still, my number 1 genre is fantasy, so... you might be surprised what I'm brewing down here with Bermuda ^^; I have so many elements--I think I overdid it a little *cough

Show post...

I don't know if you need this, but my friend who is a tarot reader said the death only doesn't mean death, it need the death + the tower + the devil/10 of swords


Yup! The death card could also mean an ending before an utter transformation/the beginning of something. It could also mean to get rid of something that is no longer useful. Seek closure before moving on, etc, something will change in your life and it might not be easy, but it is necessary for your maturation and well-being. If you're feeling stuck, this card is advising you to look around and decide what to let go.

It depends on what you're asking & your circumstances :3 in Maya's case, the card confirmed the future foretold by the Goddess'~  I'm really happy to see my game encouraged you to get to know more about Tarot Cards! >///<


Hi, I'm that friend that bookno.00 mentioned.

First of all, there's no "The" for the "Death" card, only "Death". Second, it's true that the card signify "an ending to a new beginning", "change for the better", it's in no mean that it's use to confirm the goddess words. The card you want is "Wheel of Fortune", which is the card that means that "fate is set in stone". Or if you want it to be a tad more dramatic, then "The Tower" card, "a sudden change/disaster strike from the sky" - the card is often associated with disaster because of the suddenness of the change that didn't leave you time to prepare.

And did you know that tarot reading have the "no 4D" rule? You aren't allowed to use tarot to fortold: Death, Disease, Disaster, Divorce.

Thirdly, miss bookno.00, you are doing tarot reading yourself, why are you acting like a cat hiding its claws!?

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AHEM. Why is this demo so good? Tell me your ways senpai >///<. On a serious note, I really like your previous visual novels but never got around to write a frickin comment on how much I love it. Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle (after playing the demo) looks very promising. I really like the MC and the bachelors some of the moments really hit home and for that very fact was mind blowing. Except the otome (reverse harem with hot guys) part lololololol.

I got a feeling where I will cry at some point when the full once game releases just like when I was playing Nusantara:The Winged One. Btw, I'm a fan from Malaysia. Haha, so that's all from me.

I love Arya. HE's hot. Seriously. Unfortunately, with his attitude in a real life setting will make me punch him sensely but still he's hella cute.


Hi, Elly E! Thanks for visiting and dropping me a comment! >///< 

I'm really glad to hear you like the characters and looking forward to Bermuda's release ^///^ you give me too much credit though--I still have a lot to learn, especially in grammar (my proofreaders are hammering me in this part x'D). However, I'll do my best to level up every day for you and the other supporters who've been looking out for me since the beginning! *hugg

Hello to Malaysia! And yes, lol, you either love or hate Arya with his excessive swearing :'))

Hope to see you around!


I think you must have been the very first Indonesian VN creator I've met. I haven't really played the first Nusantara since this is the first one that I found, but I gotta say I'm already interested. Even if it's still in progress, everything about it is already interesting. Love the UI design and characters, and I'm pretty much curious about the story. I really would love to support you when I can. Wish you luck!

Speaking of which, is there really Jalan Hakim in Jakarta? If so, I haven't found it let alone been there eheh

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Hi, dono009! Thanks for dropping by! 

I still have lots to learn but I'm really happy to hear you like Bermuda's characters and design >\\\< 

as for Jalan Hakim, it's a slang I used for Jalan Jaksa x'D here's the photo ref and result:

I also have another VN called 'Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones' if you're interested ^///^ 

I hope to see you around! xoxo,


(3 edits)

Ooooh... I actually work nearby but I didn't even realize XD

Yup, I've seen that one. The first installment right? I plan to give it a try this weekend while keep an eye on other VNs. I guess I'm in dire need of entertainment :p

I take it you're a mystery enthusiast as well, no?

Credits to Sherlock Holmes lol. I'm still into fantasy genre more than anything tho :'3 my brain isn't smart enough to think about complicated things for long ><;

And what a coincidence! I see you work in Jakarta x'D I used to intern there, but my house is at Tangerang.

I hope you find the VNs you're looking for! Or maybe read a book? OuO I find reading books very relaxing~

(1 edit)

i see you already have proofreaders, but playing the demo i still found some grammatical errors. i do editing for poetax on ao3, and she says i'm pretty good ;) i don't have a real job or anything, so if you would like another set of eyes, i'm almost always available. just lemme know if you're interested- and don't let my horrible punctuation confuse ya; my casual typing is way different from my professional editing. just hit me up here or on tumblr if ya wanna give my help a shot.

there's also some little quirks in a cg or two that i could fix, probably without the original artist even spotting the difference! (just noticed when guntur first shows up, his eyes are little off-center on his face)

i wouldn't ask to be credited for these small things. i just think this is gonna be a cool game and if i could help it shine even a speck brighter, i'd be happy.

Hi, AlphaGodith! Yup, we usually proofread more than once, so after the programming is done, we'll go through another proofreading until we feel it's ready (or I hope so, some always managed to escape our radar @@ maybe our senses grew dull because the script have loads of textwalls 😂)

So thank you for the offer! I'll contact you whenever we're short on proofreaders or if there's a case of emergency/if we need to proofread quickly ><)

Thank you for dropping by and thanks for giving Bermuda's demo a try! *hugg

This game is delightful, but I have to ask: How long until the extreme gore starts? 

For context, watch the first three or four minutes of my video.

Hi, Lightifer! The gore is mostly in Chapter 5, especially in the antagonist's route so you have plenty of time to prepare yourself ><

Alright, looking forward to it!

Ah, also in the bad ends of course x'D thanks for your support! *hugg


This looks fantastic, i would snatch this game up in a heartbeat, whatever the cost 💗 

Just a question, is there going to be an option to change the name of the heroine, it makes me feel like I have more control over the story, and gives you an option for a self-insert 

~thank youuu 💗

Hi, censormeidareyou! Thanks for visiting and for your support!

Yes, you can change the heroine's name! ^.^ If you have more question, ask away! I'll look forward to see you around~


Yes, richpaul! OuO)/

(1 edit)
Hmm, so... which character caught your attention?

Guntur is bae, love him already! Always the bad boys catch my heart, dunno. Arya and Kah'lil are pretty charming and adorable too like uggghhh ~ (Yes, just called that cussing machine of a man Arya adorable lol pls don't kill me with a mug) but Guntur is definitely my favorite so far! Heck, those abs sis. I love his character sooo much. Can't wait to capture this fugitive's heart soon. I wonder how it will happen though. How the story will unfold between him and the MC. As always, I am highly impressed! Became a fan the moment I played your first masterpiece, the 'Winged Ones'. You set a very high expectations to me now that IT IS REALLY HARD to find VN's nearly as good as your works. I can't enjoy them as much anymore. (Hey, that's a good thing, I mean well, ily) As much as the anticipation is killing me, we want you to stay healthy so make sure you still able to eat properly! Ne, work hard! :) Going to subscribe to your Patreon bc why not? You deserve it. Love from Korea <3

Aww, thank you, I'mYourSenpai! Glad to hear you played the demo and that you love it! >\\\< you gave me such high praises--I better watch out or my head will bloat x'D

And yes, Guntur and Arya is very close in the popularity vote! Somehow, I'm not surprised? We're always attracted to those with bad boys vibe lol. If you like his abs, you're in for a treat ;) 

Bermuda is going to be twice as long if not more than Winged Ones though. Later, when it's complete, I suggest you don't try to finish in oday or one night, lest you lost sleep or late for work the next day x'D

Last but not least, thank you very much for supporting me by subscribing to my patreon! -^.^)/ I'll definitely do my best to reach your expectations! *hugs 



I'm so excited that you are up to programming now and you were able to redo the demo.  Is the beta for the game up? I would love to beta test it. 

I cant wait I loved ur previous game and I am really looking forward to this one.

Hi, sunkissie!
Thanks for playing my previous game & for patiently waiting for Bermuda! 

Beta for the game is only up for my proofreaders and patrons on my patreon for now >< it's kinda like their special rights *cough*


Omg really? Squeee I'm so excited.  Im so gonna do patreon then. Will I get access right away?

Not now x'D 
I have only finished writing the script for all the bachelors routes so I haven't had any programming done yet except for demo + the minigames.

It will take quite a while until I finish programming for beta testing (considering I still have to draw CGs, figthing pose sprites, & a small number of backgrounds). Of course, if you subscribe to my patreon to help me pay the monthly bills from now on, I'll be very grateful ><

Wow thats a lot, I'm glad you have finished writing the story though.  Thank you for putting so much effort into the game I look forward to when beta is ready.  Btw I subscribed.  my same is different on my patreon though :)

Deleted 4 years ago

Hi, servare!
Thanks for coming by!

Yes, some of the character sprites may look blurry due to compressing, especially if zoomed in >< I compressed them to minimize the game's size, so my suggestion would be to play the game in window mode ^.^

I hope this helps!


Deleted 4 years ago
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