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(2 edits)

I can't wait to play this game again, Chiel. I still remember my favorite guy ^.^ I hope you're doing well! See you around. :)

Hi, Anh!
OMG, I can't believe I missed your comment for 2 months! D:
I'm really sorry--I must've missed the notification Q_Q 

As always thank you so much for your support, Anh! You've been with me for a long time now! >////< *hugg

My pleasure, Chiel! ^.^

I just so admire your talent and patience, watching your progresses makes me super happy. And I can't wait to support NUSANTARA when it comes out. ^O^/

Keep being YOU and much love,


D'aww thank you! >\\\<

You give me too much credit--I mean, I can go so far only because there are people like you supporting me from behind QuQ *and also because there are supporters lurking/hiding behind the bushes, watching me with silent support lol*

I'll definitely keep working hard! I look forward to hear your thoughts once Bermuda is completed and distributed ^///^


I played this game a few years ago and remember being absolutely in love with it. I came across it again while looking through cause I was feeling pretty bored (I should be doing my midterm essays but lmao) and I got really excited! I'm so ready and happy to play this game again; I remember I played it during my high school years and I was feeling pretty lowly, and found happiness playing this! It's definitely going to bring back some good nostalgic feelings. Thank you for making this game, and keep up the amazing work <3

Aww, thank you ct_amy! *hugg
I'm really glad to hear Winged Ones helped you to smile when you were on the low side QuQ 
You too, thank YOU for playing and loving Winged Ones! I couldn't ask for a better compliment! 
Good luck with your midterm essays! 


i've already played this like, years back, but i'm about it play it again, i really loved it (and i'm totally gonna choose the same dude again but whatever!) also gonna see the updates on bermuda as well

Aww thank you for your love, Boo!*hugg
I'm really happy to hear people are still playing Winged Ones ^///^

It's my favorite game out of all the visual novels i've seen on this website. I just love Reska.

(1 edit)

>.< I feel like I'm WAY too addicted to this game. XD I love the story so much that I've played through it several times. I can't wait for your next game too! The Demo for the Bermuda Triangle is looking good! I hope you keep up the awesome games! 

Aww, thank you PurpleMysteria QuQ *hugg*
I just woke up and you made my day! I'll definitely do my best for Bermuda and I assure you it's gonna be worth it, considering its word count is double--no, triple Winged Ones ^.^~


O.O You just made me so excited!!! I can hardly contain myself! :D

How i can get Rama's good ending? I try to many ways i i cant still do good ending, (if it written somewhere i can't see it 7w7, and sorry for my english)

Hint: focus on only Rama, he gets jealous easily and don't lie.
Have you tried the walkthrough on lemmasoft? OuO click and drag over the white space~ good luck!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love Rama so much!! He's really an interesting character with such a realistic backstory that I feel makes him seem so lifelike and complex. 

And while I haven't played the Reksa storyline yet, I think I can say that Mitra is my least favorite. Not at all because he's a flawed character,  he's very much a huge sweetheart.. I just feel like his storyline is so PG; I kept wanting more to happen between him and the MC. more passion, yaknow? it just felt very children's storybook-esque, which.. I guess isn't bad but it isn't necessarily the most compelling thing to read. 

I really love this otome, tho!! Major props, it's so well made and the art is amazing! 


Hi, Rina!
I'm so glad to see Rama getting lots of love these days! 
*cough* yup, Mitra's route is the easiest and PG-rated x'D if you want more passion, I recommend Reksa's route! I'm still a bit too shy to write anything too passionate though >///< I usually stick with cuddling/kissing *cough*

I still have a lot to learn but I'll always do my best to improve! >:D

Thank you so much for playing! And I hope you had a great time!


Now that I've played all three routes I shall answer the questions. hehe

1) I LOVED RAMA. Which is why it breaks my heart when I saw his bad ending or anything bad happening to him. Why do I love him so much? Well, he has a lot of similarities with me. It is sad but I can understand his pain so perfectly. T_T Yes he is a tough rock to crack but once you crack that rock, you'll find the purest diamond inside. That is Rama <3 He deserves nothing but love. I'd literally kill for him. I'd do anything to protect him. He's perfect.

Mitra would be second. He is like an angel. I love his positivity and innocent nature. He seems like the type of guy mothers eveywhere would want their daughters to marry. lol but I do not think he would understand the the darkness in my soul. O_O

Reksa is awesome. His story was really nice. He has a great personality and evrything but the depth of Rama's character and the way you get to see his soul opened out to you like that, that overshadows everyone else. Rama's route was the only route that made my heart beat go irregular irl. <3

2) I play a lot of otome games. I chose this one because it seemed so interesting. I love the tribal concept of it. The art was very beautiful and different from other novels. The story was fantastic. 

3) The best element would be the writing. The art needs a bit of touch up but its still very very good! I would love more flirty scenes with the characters but the story is still brilliant without too many of those, so dont worry about it. I am a huge fan of your work now. 

4) I do have one suggestion. Can you do some more Rama drawings? <3 If not, that is fine but my heart longs for them. lol. ^_^

Hi, PrincessSaoriel!
First of all, I'm sorry for the late reply--the notification got buried by other things and I've only noticed it today @@

Still, I'm so happy to see Rama get some good loving! >///< congrats on finishing all the routes!

1. Thank you for your love, Saoriel! Q_Q I'm so relieved and glad--I've been worried about you since the day you told me to put up more warnings and to hear you ended up loving his route so much, I've never been so elated before! Not everyone is able to understand Rama like you do and it means a lot for me to see you able to relate with him :')

and lol, I see Mitra's and Reksa's routes doesn't even compare to Rama in your heart x'D nevertheless, thank you for giving them a try!

2 &3. Thank you! I have a fondness for fantasy genre and yes, I still have rooms for improvement! I'll do my best to level up and make more interesting stories for you to read ^.^)/ I'm really slow at writing though. Have you seen Bermuda? o.o  

lol, lots of people want more flirty scenes, but I'm too shy to write more x'D 

4. Yup! Actually, I have more drawings of Rama in my dA & tumblr (my tumblr is a bit dusty though):

And a fanart!

Thanks again for playing and I hope to see you around!



This game should come with a WARNING! 

If you are suffering from DEPRESSION or are SUICIDAL there are triggers in this game. 

I wish there were more warnings so I would have known before downloading it and playing it. The shock of what happened during certain parts of the story, really messed me up and spiraled me right back into a place I did not want to be. 

Please, to the game creator, YOU HAVE TO PUT MORE WARNINGS UP!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, PrincessSaoriel! First of all, thank you for playing and I'm sorry if Winged Ones made you remember things you didn't want to remember Q_Q

I did put on warnings on the game page + ingame warning screen, but I suppose they are a bit too brief and vague (I thought it would be counted as spoilers, but you've made me realize I'm gravely mistaken x_x). 

I assume you're playing Rama's route? I hope you find his good ending as a good closure Q_Q if not, I apologize once again *bows*

I've put on more warnings and this time, they all start with capitals + bolds!




Thank you so much! I really am a huge fan of the game. I appreciate you taking the time to put more warnings up. I wish you the best in the future. Keep up the good work. :)

(1 edit)
Which guy did you like the most and why


By the way, if you got any drawings/sketches of Reksa, I would really like to buy them just so I can make him as a desktop wallpaper. I really like his art in particular. Take all my uwus. <3

(1 edit)

Hi, I'mYourSenpai! 
Congrats on finishing the game and thank you for playing!

Lol, as expected, Reksa is still number 1 x'D
I'm not sure with what you can by buying O.O There's a bonus illustration of Reksa in my dA:

Here's the one without watermark:

You can use it for your desktop wallpaper ;) you're welcome!



I made an account just to leave a comment. i'm very picky about stories and art when it comes to finding otome games that I can play until the early hours of the morning but i've heard nothing but great praise about Nusantara. I had always scrolled past it on the Lemma Soft Forums because I just couldn't get used to the art. With that being said, I had just quit halfway through another otome because the story was horrendously boring and I desperately needed a heartfelt story to fill the void that was the deprivation of a good story. I had a special gut feeling that Nusantara was just what I was looking for. 1 Day and 1 route later I can truly say that I LOVE Nusantara. The art isn't your usual commercial visual novel game art but that's exactly what I love about the entire game. The characters fit so well into their dialogue and the art perfectly portrays their personalities. The story is heartwarming though I am greedy and wish that there were more romance scenes. Every single character just made the story all the more easier to be cherished and wow i'm just lost for words. The constant theme of family was fantastically executed and the more I think about it the more I realise how brilliant this game is.

From the one route that I have played (Mitra) (SPOILERS?MAYBE?) the buildup between Tamara and Mitra was so well done but i would have killed for an epilogue. KOMONO tribe just take my crystals and give me all the time in the world with this precious guy. 


Before I just about lose it, I just want to say that I can't wait to play Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle.

I have a folder on my laptop just for my all-time favourite otome games and you can be sure that this is staying there until the day I die.

Hi, nilinx!
First of all, thank you for playing and congratulations on finishing Mitra's route!

I'm very happy and flattered that you love Winged Ones so much until you decide to keep it in your personal folder! >///<

You even made an account just to leave a comment! The more I read it, the more I feel refreshed as if all my fatigue is washed away ^////^ I mean, I know that my art still have a long way to go compared to the big guns--but I'm always happy to hear people say my story is interesting after giving it a try and they had fun reading it! 

As for more epilogue... *cough*

Currently, I've closed the book for Winged Ones >_< I don't want to add or change something because Winged Ones is like my cornerstone; though imperfect, it's a reminder where I started.

However! It opens a chance for people to be creative with their imagination!
If you're finished playing, I can recommend you fanfics ^.^
TamaraxRama (this one by a fan, mature content):
ReksaxOC (this one is by my proofreader, KrystalFlare):

I suggest you don't click those link until you really, really finished playing though >_< they contain spoilers.

Lastly, I hope you have fun with the other two routes and I'll see you around!



Thanks, lulu rose! I can feel your enthusiasm and I'm very happy you like my work! x'D


First, let me say that I truly adore this game. I've played through it entirely 3-4 times since I first played it years ago, and done a single route on its own many times. I've played many visual novels, but this one always manages to stand out as a favorite.

While the character art isn't perfect, the music, sound effects, and backgrounds more than make up for it. The attention to detail is amazing. I do wish the routes were longer,though. Time goes by so quickly in the game, it feels like we don't spend enough time with the love interests. 

Concerning the story itself, I am a huge fan of the way it is played out. While the writing seemed a bit funny at certain spots, the overall idea and story line is wonderful. A completely new spin on a classic "thrown back in time" scenario. One thing I particularly like about the story is the difference in routes. Games with double the love interests than in this game sometimes have less diversity. Mitra and Rama have a few similarities, but their individual scenes are completely different. Reksa's route gives you a nice picture of what's happening on the other side, so that once you've played all the routes, you can clearly see the full story. 

Overall, I can confidently recommend this game. The shorter playtime and number of love interests makes this a great starter visual novel, but seasoned players can enjoy it just the same! I eagerly await the release of Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle 

Now, to answer the questions above.

    1. Which guy did you like the most and why?

Reksa was no contest my favorite. I feel like his route was the most fleshed out, and given the most love. Plus, I'm a sucker for his type of character. Mitra is a close second, though. I personally was not a fan of Rama the character, but I loved his heartbreaking route, and I believe he had the best "Crystal Scene" .

    2. Do you play a lot of otome/visual novels? What made you choose to play Nusantara?
    I have played a ton of visual novels and am always on the lookout for games made by the people rather than companies. I first played Nusantara many years ago when I was browsing these types of games. The story was an attention grabber for sure!

    4. Do you have any other questions, comments or constructive criticism? 
    See everything above :) 

Hi, ticcitaylorr! Thanks for playing and remembering Nusantara for years! QuQ

I'm so happy to hear Winged Ones have a lasting impression on you --it's my first baby and we've come so far until we're finally able to release it on steam!

I agree that I still have many rooms to improve in the art department. If not for my proofreaders, my grammar also won't be as good ><

That's why I'm doing my best to progress step by step and polish my abilities little by little until, hopefully, I reach the big guns' high quality, like otomate for example. I just hope you'll have the patience to wait since my scriptwriting progress is really slow @@ please walk along with me by reading the weekly updates!

and wow, you think Winged Ones is a bit short? o.o then I think you'll like my 2nd project, Bermuda, it's twice as long if not more x'D

and yes, I'm quite picky regarsing music sfx/BGMs. They play a big part in breathing life into my story after all -^.^-

1. I see Reksa is still as popular as ever! I'm so proud of this boy of mine >\\\< thanks again and congrats on finishing all the routes!

2. aww thank you! I was a bit worried when I first started--because the story and the cultures I'm introducing are unusual--but I'm glad that I took that risk now ^///^ 

Bermuda is another risky choice I made by combining west and east elements. In the future, after you've played it, please tell me your thoughts! ><

Nice to meet you and hope to see you again!



I can already see the improvements in the character art for Bermuda triangle, and I am very excited! Please, take your time with the script writing. I am definitely following along with the updates! Absolutely wonderful to be shown progress so often.  I will be sure to give you my thoughts when it is released! Until then, do your best! 

Yes! Thanks again, ticcitaylorr!

Currently, I'm being hammered by my proofreaders :")) but I'll do my best and polish Bermuda until we're satisfied with it before delivering it to you!

The weekly update is the least I could do, seeing how I'm so slow >< I'm also happy if it means I can make you feel involved & reassured with the slowly but surely progress! 

See you at tomorrow's update!



As a mythology buff I had a lot of fun playing something based on a culture's mythology I've never heard before. Thanks for this well-made game.

You're welcome, Wings1075! Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself and thank you for playing! ^.^-

I've got to say this is one of the most expressive VNs I've ever played (and boy I have played A LOT)? Not necessarily in the art itself, but how you chose to use them! In the one route I've played so far most of the CGs had one or two more frams, the portraits moved around a lot, and the liberal use of sound made the world come alive more strongly than other games of his genre. I was honestly enthralled the whole time playing, nice work!

Hi GaHoolianGirl! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it! 

My scriptwriting is arduous, but I love breathing life into it through sounds, BGMs, and simple animations ^.^-

Good luck completing all the routes and thanks again for dropping me this warm comment >\\\< *hugs

Hopefully, I'll see you again when my 2nd game, Bermuda, is completed!



great novel.
3 route really good and really different.

Hi idrillkalean! Congrats on finishing all the routes! *throws confetti

I have to say, I thought this was great, while I have only played one of the routes(Mitra), my heart is already filled with joy and aching for more, so I want to say thank you for creating this great visual novel, and thank you for giving me the oppurtunity to explore this world and make my fantasy go wild with possible stories and scenarios. Truly an amazing piece of work. 

You're welcome, casinocas!
I feel great and flattered to know people are still playing Winged Ones >///<
so please, enjoy yourself thoroughly and I hope you have a great time!

I'll do my best to keep improving myself and make more VNs in the future!
See you around,


I'm cRyInGGG... Not actually but my heart is. 

 I played all three routes, but Rama's route just didn't sit right with me. Mitra was adorable, and his route was very innocent. (In my opinion) Reksa's route... was so good! Absolutely my favorite, and I'm in love with their relationship. I only wish I could play to see she and Reksa get married :(

Tamara is one of the best protagonists I've ever had the pleasure of playing as. She's hilarious, and strong. I feel like you don't see that enough in female main characters I love the humor in this game. There was romance, but in my opinion, more spice would've been fun. However, I can see why there wasn't. Different strokes for different folks I guess :)

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to playing your next game! 

Aww *hands a box of tissues to you

Thank you for playing and for boarding on my ship, whiteAugust007! QuQ Congratulations on finishing all the routes!

I understand too well about how you feel >< Rama's route is either good or not your cup your tea--a character with a complicated background is hard to flesh out but I'll do my best and keep trying to become a better creator and author! >:)

I see that Reksa is still our number 1 boy! So proud of him! And glad to hear you like Tamara and Mitra too <3 

I always want to make people smile when they read my stories, so you'll always see humor in my VNs x'D

I also look forward to hear your thoughts when Bermuda is completed! Until then, I hope you don't mind walking with me and read the weekly updates until we reach the goal line! >\\\<



I just finished the game and what a ride! I don't often write reviews on games but I felt I had to after this one. First I loved Tamara from the start, she was a nice change from the typical otome mc, some of her lines had me laughing so hard (well not only hers, a lot of the game made me lol so hard:) She became one of my favourite character to play as very fast, she did a lot of things I wish other main characters would. I also really liked the handling of her past in Mitra's route, I won't give away anything but that made me smile:)

1. Oh man, this is a tough choice as I greatly enjoyed all three routes and it's not all that often I play a game and enjoy all guys as well as their stories. But for me Reksa won out followed closely by Mitra. Reksa was first of all an interesting change since we got to see the differences beteen the komodos and the avians more but his character growth and interactions with Tamara won me over. Tamara's past isn't really mentioned in his route though which is one  downside since I really liked the handling of it in Mitra's. And we also got to see more of Purba in his route which is great because I enjoyed his character a lot:)

2. I do play quite a lot of visual novels, no matter the genre, maybe because I love reading so much:) I do mostly enjoy vn's with a plot that would keep me interested even without the romance and rarely play just fluff otome games, although I have a few exceptions. I saw the thumbnail for Nusantara and became interested as it seemed fantasy oriented and when I read about it the cultural and mythological inclusion sold it for me. Any games with historical/mythological themes will catch my attention since those are big interests for me. So I loved the inclusions of that as well as the encyclopedia with real life info, and the animals the guys were based on were also a very nice addition:)

3. If I had to choose then it would be the story, the humor and the characters, the writing was on point and the grammar errors were not very noticable. The dialogue and characters were all very well done, Tamara was strong and fun to play as, I loved that the side characters were so fleshed out and I especially fell for Asih and Yuda, they were just adorable together:) The fact that the plot took place over almost half a year was also a plus, it made the romance feel more real and natural and is a thing that isn't too common in otome games. The darker themes was also a plus and you handled all of them well in my opinion, it's something I'd like in more games.

4.  Keep up the good work, this was an awesome game and I will play Bermuda Triangle for sure after this gem!

Hi Elflady!
Thanks for coming by and dropping me a review! I just woke up and this put a smile on my face the first thing in the morning x'D

I'm really glad you love Tamara! She's my first heroine and  some of her lines aren't planned >< really, my characters tend to 'rebel' my original plot lines and create a new route for themselves :'))

1. Congrats on finishing all the routes! And yes, while Reksa's route has more content, Tamara's past didn't revealed here. I like to think Reksa occupied Tamara's mind so much, she didn't have time to think about her past x'D

2. High five! Reading is as natural as breathing for me x'D there's not a day I spent without reading light novel/fanfiction, so we're on the same boat! I also really like Fantasy, which is probably because Inuyasha and HunterxHunter were my childhood favorite TV shows :'3 --actually, still are and followed by Narnia, Harry Potter, and Game of Thrones.

So... yup, a lot of fantasy content in my games x'D 

3. Thank you! I still have a lot to learn in the writing department though >< 
The grammar errors are much worse before. It's only thanks to my proofreaders that Winged Ones reached this state QuQ
And lol, glad to hear our sense of humor is the same! I always strive to make fun and interesting scenes, especially for the fillers since I don't want you to get bored halfway >< it's a big concern for me so I always polished and polished until I'm satisfied with them--I usually don't stop polishing until I get into programming and see if they're good when applied or not.

4. I will! I'll do my best and continue improving so I can make more VNs--preferably all my life ^///^ 

Bermuda still has quite a way to go, but I hope you're willing to wait and walk with me while reading the weekly updates ><;

Thanks again for the support!


1. That must be it, Reksa was very good at being distracting xD  But it was a nice variation as well, in a way she dealt with it on her own/with a distraction.

2. That brings back memories, Inu Yasha was the series that got me in to manga/anime and is still a favourite of mine as well :D Fantasy is something you can't get in real life which is why I prefer it to strictly real life settings, why limit yourself to logic when magic is way more interesting:)

3. I can understand that, whenever I write something I go over it so many times until I'm happy with it and then a few more times:) I was a bit curious when it came to the names of the characters though, were they chosen on random or do they have any meanings? It's always something I'm interested in along with cultural stuff.

Don't worry, take the time it needs with Bermuda Triangle, no matter if the game is from an indie developer or a large company I'd rather it takes a bit longer to finish so the game can be as good as it can be instead of being rushed out. I just finished the demo and it was very good, I'll probably get together a review on that as well later when I've explored more of the options, but I really liked Maya and all the guys so far as well as all the references:) 

Purba really intrigues me! Wish there was a way to explore his character more. I wanted to learn more about him, his past and his character and what ultimately led him to his power hunger and genocide.

Hi maason!
Thanks for playing and glad to see you like Purba! x'D

His past is briefly explained in Reksa's route, but yeah, I didn't explain them in great detail ><

I really, really enjoy this! I haven't finished yet (I'm doing Reksa's route currently) but I am very sad about it ending. It's hard to come by a really good VN such as this one! Though I'm definitely going to be here for your future work! Do you think you will make anything else about these particular characters? 

1. Reksa; He's not a big, muscly man and kind of resembles the kind of person that I would like to be (minus the extra aggression lol). Also, his character design is just cool!

2. I usually don't read otome, I'm a otoge guy myself (obviously lol). I originally chose Nusantara because... well, bird boys..? Who doesn't love some Avian and Lizard cuties? 

3. I think the writing is absolutely amazing. How you managed to create this story with the many different routes and outcomes is beyond me. The amoung of effort put into this is visible just from the minute I first started playing. One thing I did find a little off was the stars in the moon. When the moon is in crescent, there are no stars before it or behind it that are visible lol. Though that's a very minor detail. 

4. :D so happy you're creating this kind of stuff! I'll be here to support you! ^W^

Hi, Hobi <3!
Thanks for stopping by and dropping me a review! 

It's rare for a guy to read my VN, so I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed reading Winged Ones! I'm still busy with my second project, Bermuda, so I'll consider making an additional epilogue/short after-story after I'm done with it ^.^

1. Aww thanks! Reksa is one of the early reasons why I decided to try my luck in making VNs, so seeing him getting loved by so many people makes me happy ^///^

2. Lol, I guess we both agree that we need more novels with bird boys/girls? x'D 

3. Thank you so much! It's only through so much polishing and my proofreaders, that I'm able to create this story Q_Q my proofreaders played a big part as I'm having trouble with grammar and unseen plotholes! They're amazing and I doubt Winged Ones will be this good without them >< 

4. Aww thank you for the warm support! *hugs

I still have much to learn but I'll do my best to make more interesting stories for you to read! >:3 
Stay tuned with my weekly updates!


loved it wish there was more ,after if that makes sense

Thanks, otakunoodle! Glad to hear you enjoy it! ^.^-

The title make it sound like an Indonesian game, haven't downloaded it yet, and the characters' name sound so Indonesian

//Peace from Indonesia


Yup, I'm proud to share our culture and other elements  with others ^.^

Hi! I just finished this game today and I absolutely loved it-- that I had to make an account here just so I can share my thoughts. This game has been sitting on my pc files for a while now but didn't have the chance to play. I kind of regret not playing this sooner!! I didn't have internet yesterday so I thought 'eh, why not' and gave it a shot. I chose Rama first since I wasn't aware of the suggested route order (although after I was done with Rama's good end, I realized that I should've played Mitra first based on how things were going so I played him second, and Reksa last)

Anyway, I thought I wouldn't like Mitra at first (or his route in general) since he seemed like the 'perfect guy type' (and well he was-) but I absolutely loved his route, it was so much fun and sweet. I didn't expect that I will enjoy and love it as much as I did in the other routes. I laughed a lot! <3 It was an amazing ride.

Rama, I loved him the moment Tamara met him!! So I had to go through his route first, I thought. I read in one of your responses here that if you were to choose a 'true route', you'd choose Rama, and I'm glad you think so. He's definitely the one that needs "someone" the most. I love that boy so much-- I got shocked and sad when I found out what happens to him if you weren't going for his route :'c As I was playing Mitra and Reksa's route, I had the urge to finish their routes already so I can replay Rama's! lolol but after Reksa's route.. oh man. Reksa got me SHOOKT, his route was so good!! It's like, if I were to have a bias here, it'd be Rama and Reksa would be my bias wrecker!! HAHAHA The ending was so good. It's IMPOSSIBLE not to love Reksa, imo.

1) tl;dr I love Rama, his character in general makes me feel that I just want to give all the love and support to protect this precious boi (or more like he'll protect me instead--)

2) Yes, I do. I'm a student so I try my best to find free visual novels here and there (but I still buy games when I can)

3) I think the best would be the story and overall theme. It's really interesting as I don't know much about different cultures, I like how they were based from actual animals and actual traditions. I liked that I recognized the fruits too (as we have it in the PH as well). The art, sprites, and colors fit the game's atmosphere for me. I don't know much about art but I'm sure you will improve even more in the future! I really love their expressions btw!

4) Will this ever have a sequel/special/story that talks about what happens after the game? (probably not) And will Bermuda Triangle be a free game?

Thanks for the fun adventure! <3 I haven't played the bad endings yet as I'm scared how it'll turn out but I hope I get the courage when I decide to play it again!

Hi stardust! Congrats on getting all the happy endings and thank you for loving all my boys >\\\< also, thank you for giving my VN a chance and I'm really glad to hear you love it! 

It's night over here and your comment just made my day brighter^///^ it's been a long time since Winged Ones is released so to see people still love my boys today means so much to me.

1. Thanks! I still have a lot to learn in grammar department, but I'll always do my best to improve and make good story!

2. Me too--honestly, we need more otome games/translated ones :'3

3.  Yup, I agree! I still have lots of rooms for improvement >< Winged Ones had gone through 3 layers of proofreaders before it reached oday's level and if not for them, I'm sure people will comment about my grammar everywhere x'D as for art well, I'll do my best to reach the level of those big guns! >:D 

The indonesian tradition was a gamble but I'm very happy to see you like it!

4. Hmm I'm afraid there won't be a sequel, but you can find fanfics in wattpad ^.^- one in particular is created by one of my proofreaders: "Nusantara: Taming a Dragon ( ReksaxOC)" or more mature ones like "Anak Manusiaku yang Manis (RamaxTamara)" >< the last one is created by a fan~

As for Bermuda, since the story length is almost triple Winged Ones, it will be commercial :'3 the normal price is $15 but you can still get an early bird package which is $10 if you click that big yellow paypal button on the game page~

Lastly, I also personally don't like to read bad ends, but I've been hearing good things about Winged Ones bad end~ one of them is also one of the best scenes I've ever written!

Thank you for visiting and dropping me this lovwly comment, Stardust! ^.^- I hope to see you around!



Thank you for the fanfic recommendations! <3 I did see some comments expressing their thoughts about grammar, I honestly didn't notice much grammar errors in the game so I didn't mention anything about it (or maybe I was reading too fast to notice). I have the urge to replay the game but I must resist-- the longer I miss it, the more I'll love it even more, haha~ Good luck with Bermuda Triangle! Fighting!

Again, thanks for the adventure~

hello! I've played this game years ago when it was a still a bit new and now I'm replaying it and I'm really still awed at how good this game is! It's been years and yet I'm still ABSOLUTELY in love with Rama. Honestly, I just made an account in here to tell you this because you really did a good job with the story and the characters and even the interactions are all amusing! I really like this game aaaaaAAAAAA it's the right amount of funny and yet tragic at the same time. It makes me FEEL things and gah!! It's so good.

Anyways, I'm really just here to tell you how wonderful Rama is. He's such a sad boy but I'm really glad he's found his own sunshine. Thank you for making him ans bringing him into my world. I really love him. I think about him A LOT and he's one of the main reasons why I'm replaying this game. I already know all the things that are going to happen but somehow it's still really fun to look back! 

Great job!! Looking forward to your new work!! And I'll give you my support once I have the money!! 💖


Thank you so much Claradeso! It's morning and I saw your comment first thing in the morning >\\\< it made my day~

Thank you for loving Rama and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself thoroughly! Lord knows Rama needs more love and I'm always happy to have more people love him <3

I still have rooms for improvement so I'll definitely work hard in my 2nd project! Hopefully, I'll see you again then ^///^

Thanks again for coming by and see you around!



I really love this storyline. But I also love the soundtrack. I would pay decently for the soundtrack to this. Its really well done. I am looking forward to your second game. When I can I will absolutely donate.

Thanks for dropping by and telling me your thoughts, Risalseri! 

I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed Winged Ones and looking forward to Bermuda!

And yes, I'm very lucky to have met amazing composers ^.^- I'll consider distributing the soundtrack as a DLC pack after I ask their permission~



Hello! I wanted to say that I really enjoyed this game! I'm so picky when it comes to VN and usually, I end up being frustrated by the main character but Tamara was definitely one of the best aspect of the game. More than once I ended up laughing at her antics and reactions. I also loved that you choose an universe that wasn't set in England/European-like country. It was such a nice change! 

Concerning the routes, I loved each one of them but I have to say that Reksa was definitely something! 

Thank you for bringing us such a nice, clever, funny - and much more - game!

Hi frogscollector!
Thanks for coming by and sending me this warm support! >///<
I'm very happy to hear you like Tamara and the Indonesian culture I've applied here! I see that Reksa is still the most popular bachelor out here x'D

Thanks again for dropping by and hope to see you again at Bermuda, my second game!


This was amazing!! You did a really good job with this game,definitely one of my favourite otome games^.^ I gotta say that every route was amazing and each one of them had different aspects that I enjoyed but the truth is that Reksa has won my heart >.< I really liked the way the relationship between him and the MC escalated,I just loved it in general. I can't wait to try your new game as well^_^ <3

(1 edit)

Thamks for coming by and drop me this lovely comment, jimin_trash_here! ^.^-

Congrats on finishing the game and I'm really glad to hear you love all three routes! I see that Reksa is still the crowd's favorite x'D 

My second game is still in progress, but I hope you'd be patient with me as I progress slowly but surely! Thank you for your support and see you around!



Absolutely love this game!! One of my all time favorites next to Cinderella Phenomenon!! The story was amazing, and much much deeper than I had originally anticipated. My favorite was definitely Reksa, but I absolutely adored Rama's ending! I'm so happy that he was able to overcome his dark past and find happiness with the MC! Although in the other routes besides his own, he ended up dying, and I was so sad...Reksa's route was definitely my favorite though! Their relationship development was amazing, and it did not feel rushed at all. I love how protective and caring he was, despite having trust issues at first! This was such an AMAZING quality game! Amazing job:)

(1 edit)

Hi, coconutcreampie!
Congrats on finishing the game and thank you for playing! >///<
I'm really happy to see you love my game! Even more so after I hear you like Rama's ending! 
After all, not many people have the patience to stand Rama's 'unique' behavior ><

I still have rooms for improvement though. For one, I'm very slow at writing scripts and if not for your reviews/enthusiasm, Winged Ones won't be as good as today! 

That's why my team and I would like to thank you for your support!
I hope you'll come again to try our second project after it's finished! ^.^)/



Deleted 6 years ago

That's strange o.o
Have you followed the exact choices? The crucial part is you have to save Reksa, but then Be Honest. << This is a part of requirements to unlock the choice to give him other item besides the explosives.

You also cannot raise the affection of other bachelors ><

Really?  I did that, but still didn't get the choice to give Rama anything else besides the explosives (since I'm guessing that's what you're talking about).  Are you sure you don't have to do anything else? I know there's an ending for Reksa, but I don't know how to get there.

Really! o.o;
There should be no problem with the programming since a lot of people get Rama's good end. 
As for Reksa's route, you need to save him and then lie to him. That way, you'll lead Reksa to a cave. To get into his route, you'll simply have to visit Reksa whenever there's a choice to do that.

Oh, have you taken a look at my old walkthrough? OuO

It's old, but the important points are there~

oh, thanks

Thank you for such a wonderful game! I spend about 2-3 days on it, I didn't really think I'd get too much into it because I'm a modern gal, but GODDESS did I love it! Not only was it extremely lengthy, detailed, and fun; I had fun with every ending!! And that says something because I usually avoid bad endings when it comes to visual novels, but not only did I enjoy the bad endings, even the normal ending was fulfilling! 

I can't wait for your next project, you've got +1 supporter!

Not gonna lie, I'm really gonna miss these boys now that I completed the novel...

Hi Fruity! Congrats on finishing all the routes and thank you for playing! 

I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed yourself thoroughly and spent 2-3 days on my game ^///^ that's quite fast--and yes! Thank you for the support! Nothing makes me happier to see someone love my boys as much if not more than I do!

My 2nd project still has quite some ways to go but I hope you'll walk beside me as we walk step by step to completion!

Stay tuned with the weekly updates and see you around!



Hey SweetChiel, 

I have played and loved your game and I am eager for the new release coming soon, im hoping to either get into animation or 3D animation soon and I was wondering if I could try animating come of your characters or even some scenes from the game, the art style is gorgeous but I would love to see it in a new format,

Seeing this is your baby (which u did a great job on btw) I thought it would be best to ask permission before trying anything, Good luck with any new projects oh and Happy new year btw =)

Reoku <3

Oh btw I forgot to ask which of the guy's route would you consider to be the true canon route thanks again ^_^


Hi Reoku Maurer! Thank you for playing and glad to hear you enjoyed yourself thoroughly!

And yes! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! *blows a horn

Wow, I would be so happy if you decide to animate one of the bachelors or one of the scenes! Thank you for asking for my permission first--and yes you can! Please give me the link to it later so I can boast about my boys in one of my weekly updates >\\\<

As for who I consider the true canon route... hmm, this is a difficult question. Each bachelor is unique and have their own strengths. They are all my babies, but if I have to choose... it would be Rama. He needs Tamara the most ><

You are very welcome, I feel like its always best to ask the original creator when making something new of there work, just a policy of mine =)

As I said tho i'm only just starting to learn so it may take a while, but I hope you look forward to it <3


Hey I'm back and sorry I didn't follow your advice and play yet another 4 hours on this game. I did what you said: Play Reksa route for the last.


I love him and his possessiveness and I love love the 'Chase' at the end. I really love that kind of thing where they do the 'predator and prey' thing. I love it. I love him. I love you and I love this game!


Hi Eddie!
Congratulations on finishing all the routes!

Now you can rest your mind and body in peace lol x'D
Oh and Winged Ones has launched on Steam! We need players and reviews to unlock the Achievement and Trading Cards system so if you don't mind, come by and visit me there :'3

But in any case, thank you for playing and I hope you have a great week!



Absolutely love this game. One of my all time favourites.  A Very detailed and enjoyable world and people.

Is it possible to get a steam key for this? my email is

Hi athenasarah4!
You're lucky 'cause I still have a few steam keys to giveaway!
I've sent it so check your inbox or spam folder!

You are awesome! Thank you very much


this was,,,bRILLIANT!!
+i rlly love the names,,that small touch of making them seem indian,,<3
((also did u mean 'raksa' instead of 'reksa' bc raksha means protection,,or am i just pronouncing it wrong?? idk but Rama is Best Boi

there was a quirky storyline and it was nice to see it not fall into any stereotypical dating sim tropes and just wOW on the character sprites and backgrounds!! (i could never have that much patience to draw anything lolmao)

also -- it's rlly rare to see dark-skinned love interests (in my experience) and i loved that! and though i love the design of the protag,, i think not having a set design for them would be best bc it gives the player an opportunity to imagine themselves there -- but still amazing anyway!! great plotline, cute characters, coolio music, and overall just brilliant to play and replay!! keep up the good work!!

((also,,may I please have a steam key?? my email is

i can't wait to see more of ur work!! 

Thanks kryouma!
In Javanese, Reksa means 'keep' so yeah, I think it's similar to 'protection' or 'guardian' ^.^- and yes! We need more games with dark skinned men! x'D *or maybe it's just my fetish *cough

Patience and effort are the key here, but I'm mainly grateful to my supporters because they have a seemingly endless patience, waiting for my game to complete! >///< I'm honestly a slow writer, so really, thank you for being awesome and waited for me! 

and of course, thank you for suggestion! I also feel it would be great to have a customize-able protagonist, but in terms of work, it's a bit too much since I'll also have to customize the CGs @@ if there's 3 eyes, 3 hair color, 3 hair style, 2 skin, there would be... 18 variations just for 1 CG? *cough* so... for the sake of my sanity, I would put down that idea for now :'))

Lastly, I sent the steam key to your email just now!
Please check your inbox or spam folder! 





just to clarify,,i meant a protag that's NOT SEEN on the screen so the CGs would just be of the romance-able character! i think it also gives you the feeling of actually being there bc it's like a 'complete the scene' kinda thing,,yanno? also,,in terms of work that might be harder bc you'd like to put a lot more detail into just that one character -- but i think its better than two fullbodies (bc those kill me)! just a suggestion -- making it a little more LGBT+ suportive (like choosing pronouns, female/non-bianary/genderfluid love interests as well) would help the game reach larger audiences! also can't wait for the next game -- lmao wish i had enough money rn to support,,but def ask me if ya need any help with beta-ing, ideas for CGs or story-line revision! as always,,love ur work,,and thanks for giving ppl like me a chance to feel loved!! 

(2 edits)

Time to drop my mini-testament here~:

Like, this ones is ones ofe my favorite stories ever, I love it and enjoy it lots! 

Mi first route was Mitra, had to agree it was such a fluffy route mostly but that it's the charm on his route I gotta say. I can recall how many time I was like "Oh my lighhht~ my heart!" and those were many xD. He kind of remind me to a character I know by far but gezz Mitra sure is a sweet.

The it came Reska, I will admit I feel bad lying but I was really wantes to help him, and see what it was like his route. I have sucha a hard time completing otomes since I normaly stick to one route and leave it there once I get over with the one i choose but the story in general was so catching that I need to know! I have such a hard time since I feel bad for Mitra but will sa it: WORTH IT! I end really amaze by Reska's route > <, love the boy I am touched on my tiny heart, [to this day I debate a bit but suprisingly I end loving Reska's route a bit more than Mitra's]

Then Rama came, I have already got 2 routes and I really was curious what was his story, need to know. They may say curiosity kill the cat but they forget how satisfaction brought it back! I was a bit conflicted with his route, I wanted to help him but sure he is a hard one to deal with [Bless guide bc I was kind of lost many times] Was worth it though, I am glad I play his route to end, That answer many of my little questions that I was really curious for a while. It was great know how he get there and why all was as it was for him on his case, really something!

Th characters side the boys were really amazing love how you develop them and chain all, it was really amazing! 

I may talk on how I get some bad endings but I guess I still got some to try and really I guess there is still a bit left for me around [Let's go and hurt my heart~ (will be fine I have to live for more stories) xD]

In resume love the work you did here, is really wonderful thank you for all so far! The art, the story and all is amazing so thank you for you great work!

It may be random but may I get a steam key too? My email is ******* > < [edited just in case but thank you so much! security reasons]

Thanks again and looking forward to any other story you have there for us! 

Take care and see ya!

Hi RomyAkari/Romy350!

Thank you for giving all 3 bachelors a chance and glad to hear you enjoyed all the routes! ^///^ thank you for loving all my boys *hugs*

Nothing makes me happier than hearing people enjoying and completed all 3 routes <3

And yes! Aside from Mitra's route, the other 2 are quite tricky especially Rama's >< Good to hear the walkthrough helped you to get all the good endings though! 

oh and no problem about the steam key! I'm giving away steam keys until Winged Ones is officially released on Steam ^.^- 

I'll send you one now so keep an eye on your inbox/spam folder!




Okay can I just write some things?

1. I freaking love you, your game, your art, your creativity ! I came here from Queen's Crown and I do not regret it!

2. I played a total of 4 hours and got 3 endings, the normal end, Mitra's good end and Rama's Bad End(Why why whyyyy??!)

3. Favourite guy? It's Mitra. And also the first guy I got when I first played. I don't know how to get Rama's good end nor the Komodo Guy. Looking in the comments, I now know his name is Reksa :')

4. You're adding this to Steam!! May I have a steam key please? Here's my email

5. Read no. 1

6. Rama's story is really sad. 

7. Best birb? Sari


Hi, EddieQue!
Thank you for dropping by and write to me!

1. Aww thank you! I'm very glad to hear you like my art and game >///< gosh, I'm nervous about Queen's Crown since it's my first time doing CGs commission, but you'll surely enjoy Agashi's writing! She's an awesome writer! OuO)b

2. Whoa there, it's alright to slow down, you know? x'D Don't forget to take some rest and eat in between!
Oh, and if you're having some trouble with the routes, here's the link for the walkthrough: 

Just click and drag your mouse over the white space ^.^- I hope it helps!

3. Bwahahah! Reksa's name is unusual so it's normal for you to forget x'D people also sometimes mistype his name into Reska, but I can feel their love for him just fine! Thank you for loving my boys and I hope you'll be able to get all the endings!

4. Sure! I've sent the steam key just now so please check your inbox or spam folder!

5. Oh lol x'D thanks!

6. Yes, his psychology is the most complex of all :'D It's to balance Mitra's fluffy route and Reksa is the 'medium' difficulty with some spices here and there. Oh and I recommend you do Reksa's route for last.

7. Lol, thank you! 

Thanks for coming and I hope you'll be with me on Steam later! x'D


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